
5 Must Haves for Growing Your Relationship with Jesus

5 Must Haves for Growing Your Relationship with Jesus

What does hardship or suffering drive you to? Self-pity? Bitterness? Anger? Retreat? Suffering only reveals the depth of relationship we have already nurtured with the Lord. We must pursue greater relationship with Jesus in good times to be sustained during hard times. What are the non-negotiables for this deeper sustaining relationship?

7 Truths to Help Us Stand for God

7 Truths to Help Us Stand for God

An angry mob singles you out because you are wearing a faith-based t-shirt and carrying a Bible. They aggressively begin yelling profanities and making false accusations against your character.  As you consider what to do, the first punch is thrown and lands on your jaw.  You are knocked to the ground and the crowd begins beating on you! This is what happened to Paul in Acts 21.

7 Purposeful Gospel Actions

7 Purposeful Gospel Actions

People do still get saved today! Some will say no to the gospel, and some will say yes to the gospel. Matthew 9:37 says the “harvest is plenteous.”  However, we must work in the field to bring in the harvest! The problem is not that “no one wants to get saved these days.” The problem is that very few are sharing the true message of God’s saving grace these days.

4 Gospel Truths for Genuine Hope

4 Gospel Truths for Genuine Hope

It is the gospel that gives genuine hope in breaking the chains of sin and clearing away the confusion. It is the gospel that gives hope in providing peace that passes understanding. It is the gospel that gives hope in real forgiveness.