the best comfort in trials

5 Must Haves for Growing Your Relationship with Jesus

5 Must Haves for Growing Your Relationship with Jesus

What does hardship or suffering drive you to? Self-pity? Bitterness? Anger? Retreat? Suffering only reveals the depth of relationship we have already nurtured with the Lord. We must pursue greater relationship with Jesus in good times to be sustained during hard times. What are the non-negotiables for this deeper sustaining relationship?

COMFORT: 5 Places We Can Find Comfort

COMFORT: 5 Places We Can Find Comfort

Do we see how much Jesus loves us? He initiated a love relationship with us (I John 3:16; 4:10, 19). He is ready to forgive us. He is plenteous in mercy and full of compassion to us (Psalm 86:5). He is faithful to us (Lamentations 3:22-23). The Good Shepherd is the One who consistently strengthens my relationship with Him. The Good Shepherd is the One who is always good…no matter what.