preparing for spiritual battle

5 Must Haves for Growing Your Relationship with Jesus

5 Must Haves for Growing Your Relationship with Jesus

What does hardship or suffering drive you to? Self-pity? Bitterness? Anger? Retreat? Suffering only reveals the depth of relationship we have already nurtured with the Lord. We must pursue greater relationship with Jesus in good times to be sustained during hard times. What are the non-negotiables for this deeper sustaining relationship?

2 Power Moves in Spiritual Battles

2 Power Moves in Spiritual Battles

God gave Paul the tools he needed even (in his family heritage many years prior) for a time such as this! So, church of God, make a distinction between your needs and wants today. We often want relief from our circumstances when God knows we need to give Him our heart!

3 Realities of the Christian's Battle Ground

3 Realities of the Christian's Battle Ground

God knew Paul would experience this horrific physical attack in Jerusalem, but God’s racecourse for Paul still had turns on it that would bring him before kings and queens with a gospel witness! Your hard battles can lead you to amazing opportunities to give God the glory!