battle of the mind

3 Wake-Up Calls in an Unhealthy Home- Part 1

3 Wake-Up Calls in an Unhealthy Home- Part 1

It’s crucial to look into the mirror (the Bible, James 1:22-25) and evaluate yourself!  What do you truly value?  Eli, a priest, was doing the work of the Lord (I Samuel 2).  Unfortunately, his sons had embraced ungodly lifestyles!  Let’s look at 3 wake-up calls of an unhealthy home.

5 Appeals for Christian Living

5 Appeals for Christian Living

Our minds are filled with the thoughts of our own choosing.  Philippians 4:8 directs us to sharpen our focus on the target of our mind.  The Greek words used in this passage shows that this call for right thinking is tied to the peace of God mentioned in the verse 7. We still have a will, and we still must choose moral excellence; however, the peace of God will help fuel right thinking.