I must choose to yield to Christ! But how? I’ve made the decisions. I have walked the isle at the invitation times. I have tried my best! What can I do when faced with temptation, so that I will not deny Christ? WRONG QUESTION! I believe there is a better question to ask....
4 Different Solutions for Handling Sin
Well, many of us insist on proving our way does not work by insisting on pursuing our own way. The outcomes of that pursuit often leave us with baggage much heavier than we ever wanted to carry. The good news is seen in the garden of Eden, in the account of Balaam and his donkey, in Korah’s revolt, and even in the reality of the thief on the cross.
5 Sacrifices to Make Like Wise Men
6 Steps to Follow God like Wise Men
However, we do not have religion with Jesus…we have relationship with Him. In this relationship we not only receive much more than we could ever hold, but we are also called to give (sacrificially) to Him without restraint. Is your relationship with Jesus focused sharply on following Him or do you want Him to follow you and request little in return?
Genuine Purpose: 6 Practical Ways to Serve Others
The Lord’s answer follows in Mark 10:42. He says that in heaven, who is great among you shall be your servant…and the one who is the greatest will be the servant of all! The greatness known in His kingdom will be that of humility and devotedness to the service of others …and then the Lord says this about Himself in verse 45….
3 More Revelations about Genuine Thankfulness
2 Revelations about Genuine Thankfulness
A Derailed Home: 4 Biblical Realities to Rebellion
The family unit cannot survive the breakdown of relationship with God and with others. It must be addressed! Ignoring, denying, rejecting the problem are only temporary solutions with no real fix...and over time the problem just gets bigger while remaining unresolved. Acknowledge where you truly are! In short, respond to God with, “I’m....”
A Ride Along with Sin: 4 Reminders of What is Truth
The longer I stand doubting God’s Word…the sooner I stand rebelling against God’s Word. Guilt will overwhelm you with fear, embarrassment, anger, regrets, even depression! Our common response to that guilt is to cover the sin. There is nothing of our own doing that will enable us to truly cover our sin, but Jesus has shed His own blood to cover our sin for us on our behalf!
4 Things to Remember in Hardship
Andrew comes to Jesus in Jn. 6:8-9 and says that a child has some bread and fish, but what is this small lunch in comparison to all these people?! Jesus says, “have the people sit down.” The disciples have already seen the Lord perform 18 miracles. There are no questions…the disciples simply obey. Jesus had a track record, and the disciples had been sitting on the front row!