better relationship with Jesus

4 Motives for Love & Unity in the Church

4 Motives for Love & Unity in the Church

What keeps you motivated?  Is it peer-to-peer comparison or financial gain?  Is it recognition or praise?  Is it fear or embarrassment?  Our motivations often vary depending on the task at hand.  Let me ask a more pointed question: what keeps your walk with Jesus motivated? You will find that the answer to this question is not accidental or happenstance, but it is more so, purposeful.

5 Must Haves for Growing Your Relationship with Jesus

5 Must Haves for Growing Your Relationship with Jesus

What does hardship or suffering drive you to? Self-pity? Bitterness? Anger? Retreat? Suffering only reveals the depth of relationship we have already nurtured with the Lord. We must pursue greater relationship with Jesus in good times to be sustained during hard times. What are the non-negotiables for this deeper sustaining relationship?

Your Amazing God-Given Role

Your Amazing God-Given Role

Look at the hurt and heavy baggage we carry when we insist to pursue a way God never intended for us to carry!  Now look at the loving embrace and grace of our heavenly Father ready to receive us in a loving relationship with Him when we return (Ps. 86:5, 15; Lam. 3:22-23; I Jn. 1:9). Oh believer, embrace the amazing role GOD gave you!