COMFORT: 5 Places We Can Find Comfort

What comforts you?  Some would say a quiet walk on a cool summer evening along the shoreline with the gentle breeze blowing in your face.  Others would say a big bowl of ice cream!  Others would say friends and family speaking words of affirmation.  The Word of God speaks of things in Psalm 23 that comforts us.  The believer will find true comfort from Jesus, the Good Shepherd.

5 Places We Can Find Comfort

1.     God’s Presence

A shepherd would carry with him a rod and a staff.  The rod would be used as a defense. A soldier would carry a gun, especially during times of war.  Colin Powell relays the story of the time his gun fell out of his holster while on a mission during WWII.  He was horrified; however, he knew what he had to do. The Captain on the other end of the phone call was not too pleased but told him to continue his mission.  When Powell returned, the Captain gave him a good scare with a fabricated story about finding the gun with children and then told him to never do that again.  Later, he discovered that his gun actually fell out of holster in his own tent.  He was never so comforted as when he had his gun back in his possession.  (Source: A Cup of Chicken Soup for the Soul, Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Barry Spilchuk)

The slang term “rod” has been applied to handguns such as pistols and revolvers, which were carried by cowboys and other men out west. The connotation is the same as was used in this Psalm.  The owner’s rod (his weapon of power, authority, and defense) is a continuous comfort to him. (Exodus 33:14)

My COMFORT is God’s presence in all places at all times.  He is my defense…my rock and shield!

2.     God’s Actions

The sheep were comforted and consoled in seeing the rod in the shepherd’s skillful hands.

The rod is only as good as the skill of the one who uses it.

Consider the skill of the Good Shepherd. In Daniel 3, Daniel’s friends were in trouble.  They did not bow down to the false god.  The King was enraged and threw them into a fiery furnace.  The strangest thing happened next…the three men they threw into the furnace were now 4 men!  God stood with them and they walked out of the furnace unharmed.  This show of God’s power comforted them.

We are comforted to witness God’s power as well. Just sitting here in my office, my mind goes to many of God’s powerful actions in my life. Here are a few: my opportunity to lead an atheist to the Lord, our family’s safety in a hit-n-run car wreck that totaled our van in CO, the 1,000s and 1,000s of miles we drove on deputation without an accident, the enabling & sustaining grace of God while dealing with large bills or painful ailments, the souls we have been able to lead to God’s saving grace… these all comfort me – but these are not things I did! These are all demonstrations of God’s working in me, around me, and through me!

My COMFORT is that the unlimited one true God acts on my behalf!

3.     God’s Words

The rod is also used in discipline. It is used to keep sheep from getting into trouble.

A safari hunter was startled by the loud screeching of a bird. When he caught sight of the bird, it was darting back and forth around its nest. He was perplexed by all the racket until he noticed a huge snake moving up the tree. The hunter could have easily aided the bird with one shot from his gun, but he was captivated by the drama before him. As the snake slithered up the tree, the bird became silent and flew from the nest. It now seemed as though the snake would dine without resistance. But, before the reptile could reach the nest, the mother bird returned with a leaf in her beak. She carefully placed the leaf over her babies then flew to another tree. The snake raised his head to strike but then hesitated. It froze as if it had met a foe. Slowly it recoiled from the nest and wound its way down the tree. The puzzled hunter related the event to native Africans when he returned to his camp. They laughed with enthusiasm as they explained this unlikely victory of the bird. The leaf that the mother had used to cover her nest was poisonous to the snake. What looked like nothing more than a leaf was in fact a life-saving shield.

Our faith may at times feel as flimsy as a leaf, but God's Word reminds us that it is a shield against the attacks of our enemy (Ephesians 6:16).  (Source: Lord, Is It Warfare?, Kay Arthur)

The leaf served as protection for the birds. God’s words do much the same for each of us! As has been said of the scripture so often, “This book will keep you from sin or sin will keep you from this book!”  Psalm 119:9-11. When the scripture is absent from our hearts and minds, we make up our own way…and that is never a good thing, Romans 10:3.

My COMFORT is that God’s words, the Bible, will protect me!

4.     God’s Eyes & Mind

Have you ever heard someone say, “You can’t pull the wool over my eyes!?”  Well, it is the rod that keeps that from happening! You see, a shepherd will use his rod to count and inspect the sheep.  But where sheep are being shown for competition, a sheep’s wool can be cut in such a way as to make it appear it is the best of sheep.  However, a good judge will use the rod to lift the wool and inspect the condition of the skin and the cleanliness of the animal.  In other words, a good judge will not have the “wool pulled over his eyes!”

Psalm 139:4, 23-24. The Word of God and His Holy Spirit see us as we truly are!  There are no appearances to worry about.  There are no injustices not seen or known of.  What a comfort!

My COMFORT is that God sees me and knows me as I truly am…and still invites me to follow Him. Psalm 23.

5. The Staff is used to Build Relationship.  

In April of 2011, a line of deadly tornadoes ripped across the state of Alabama, leaving some 250 people dead in its wake. Near Wellington, Alabama, the Hardy family realized the storm was coming too late to find a permanent shelter. They considered trying to take shelter in a metal clubhouse, but it had already been turned on its side by the strong winds. So, in desperation, they took shelter in a small stand of trees. They tied a rope around the children and huddled around them in the trees as the storm passed. A family member said that while they had been scratched by flying dirt and debris, none suffered any serious injuries. (Source: Valdosta Daily Times, May 9, 2011)

So, the Good Shepherd will use His staff to…

Draw Closer. A shepherd will use the staff to reach out to individual sheep and draw them close to himself.

Provide Guidance.  Comfort abounds when the staff redirects sheep away from physical danger (i.e.-tainted water or predators).  We (the church) are immeasurably comforted when the Holy Spirit guides us away from foolish decisions, harmful actions, and unwise conversations.

The greatest comfort we will find is standing as close to the Lord as we can possibly get and holding on tight during the storms of life!  It is our relationship with God to which we must give the highest priority…everything else flows from that relationship!

My COMFORT is genuine relationship with Jesus!

Do we see how much Jesus loves us?  He initiated a love relationship with us (I John 3:16; 4:10, 19).  He is ready to forgive us.  He is plenteous in mercy and full of compassion to us (Psalm 86:5).  He is faithful to us (Lamentations 3:22-23).  The Good Shepherd is the One who consistently strengthens my relationship with Him.  The Good Shepherd is the One who is always good…no matter what.

Just as the rod speaks of the Word of God, so the staff speaks of the Spirit of God!  They are symbolic one of the other.  Have you sought comfort in the rod and staff? There is no greater comfort! Try Him and personally experience such comfort this week.