7 Truths to Help Us Stand for God

Hostility against churches is on the rise! Check the facts. We must ask God for grace to stand when we are beaten down with fists, false words, and fuming people…for a sharper view of His love for us (and for all of mankind) …and thank God for His second chances to choose Him!

Beaten mercilessly, but not broken.

Acts 21:37.

In Acts 21:32 we are told they were beating on Paul! The temple should have been a place of safety, but instead, false accusations are laid at Paul’s feet. They spew accusations Paul would have never thought to have inferred or taught – and then cruelly beat him. 

Picture this scene with me if you will.  You are walking down the road after a particularly satisfying worship service when suddenly a crowd of people surround you.  They start accusing you of racism and terrorism (two things you completely abhor).  They aggressively begin yelling profanities and making false accusations against your character.  You are confused.  Where did all this come from so suddenly?  As you consider what to do, the first punch is thrown and lands on your jaw.  You are knocked to the ground and the crowd begins beating on you!

This is what happened to Paul.  Human logic in this situation screams things like: “Get me outta here!” or “I need to start punching the closest one to me” as your basic survival instincts kick in.  However, Paul had a different response.  Paul wanted to speak to the people…for the purpose of making his defense and pointing them to Christ.  Paul wanted to use the scriptures to reason with an unruly mob!

When Paul says in II Corinthians 5:14, “The love of Christ constraineth us,” it was in the context of coming judgment.  Paul  meant more than “God’s love is comforting.”  What do we know about God’s love that it would constrain us, urge us, or to press us  on?  This list is not exhaustive, but it will help us begin moving in the right direction. Here are 7 truths to help us stand for God:

  1. God is love. It’s who He is. (I Jn. 4:8)

  2. God’s love is sacrificial (Lk. 22:42)

  3. God’s love gives lavishly (Jn. 3:16)

  4. God’s love serves others (Jn. 13:1-17; Phil. 2:7)

  5. God’s love is obedient (Phil. 2:8)

  6. God’s love never fails (I Cor. 13:8)

  7. God’s love is personal (Rom. 5:8)

To stand amid Biblical opposition assumes genuine relationship with God and the rehearsing of His love for me.

Misunderstood & falsely accused, but not bitter.

Acts 21:38-39.

The soldier thinks Paul to be nothing more than a leader of murderers!  Paul sets the record straight so that he might speak to the people.

Have you ever assumed something incorrectly?  For example, sometimes we assume a person is mad at us, when they simply have an upset stomach!


  • The soldier jumped to an assumption based on the actions of others…and he was wrong!  We can learn from that.

  • The soldier jumped to the worse possible outcome…and he was wrong!  We can learn from that.

  • The soldier heard Paul’s identification and gave him another chance. We can learn from that, too!

You and I receive “another chance” from the Lord often!  Hopefully we do not forget that when another human being wrongs us and asks for “another chance.”

A prisoner like a common thief, but well-educated.

Acts 21:37, 40.

The soldier expected to hear Paul speak Hebrew or Aramaic but heard him speak Greek.  The people expected Paul to speak Greek, but they heard him speak Hebrew!

A man was being asked to leave a sporting event after causing a fight.  As the ushers stood on either side of him to take him out, he said, “do you know who I am?!”  One of the ushers replied, “Yes, sir.  You are the dude being removed from the arena!”

The soldier did not know who Paul was!  Paul wasn’t an uneducated man who got saved and just did his best by the grace of God!  God had equipped Paul with an above average education!

We serve the God of second chances!  God gave Paul another opportunity to choose Him on the road to Damascus and God is giving Paul another opportunity to speak of Him to an angry mob. If God will give an angry mob that was stopped just short of killing a man another chance to choose Him, then God is ready to give you another chance too (Ps. 86:5)!  Repent and choose Jesus!

Today, may we ask God for grace to stand when we are beaten down with fists, false words, and fuming people.  May we ask God for a sharper view of His love for us and for ALL mankind!  May we embrace God’s second chance to choose Him!