baptist church

4 Gospel Truths for Genuine Hope

4 Gospel Truths for Genuine Hope

It is the gospel that gives genuine hope in breaking the chains of sin and clearing away the confusion. It is the gospel that gives hope in providing peace that passes understanding. It is the gospel that gives hope in real forgiveness.

The Gospel: Redirection to God

The Gospel: Redirection to God

We must stay clear on who God is. In our study of Acts 13-14 we have seen that God is sovereign, love, longsuffering, merciful, all-powerful, and all-knowing. No matter what your circumstances seem to tell you, you know from God’s own word that He is these things. You know that sometimes your circumstances do not tell you the whole story about God, but that you must choose to trust God!

Finding Thankfulness in My Past, Present, and Future

Finding Thankfulness in My Past, Present, and Future

You are not the only one who struggles with a specific temptation. You cannot find victory on your own. God will enable you to be victorious, as you call on Him for strength, and make the hard decisions to obey God in the small choices of life. You can choose to be thankful that God is working IN you and FOR you even during times of temptation.

What Everyone Needs Most: 3 Stages to Pursuing God

What Everyone Needs Most: 3 Stages to Pursuing God

What matters more to you and I than our relationship with Jesus is what will lead us away from Jesus. If we are not careful, we can embrace the same mindset as the Pharisees and think that others are the ones that sin and that are somehow we have earned/deserved God’s favor and blessing. Even the church still needs to come to and follow Jesus!