the gospel

The Gospel: Redirection to God

The Gospel: Redirection to God

We must stay clear on who God is. In our study of Acts 13-14 we have seen that God is sovereign, love, longsuffering, merciful, all-powerful, and all-knowing. No matter what your circumstances seem to tell you, you know from God’s own word that He is these things. You know that sometimes your circumstances do not tell you the whole story about God, but that you must choose to trust God!

The Gospel: Consistency & Conflict

The Gospel: Consistency & Conflict

When people become enraged, they speak with little forethought and even less consideration for how God would view their spoken thoughts. In Acts 13:48-49, the Jews’ anger was fueled by envy. Envy hurts your testimony, hurts those around you, and hurts the work of the gospel. However, envy does the most damage to the one who embraces it and reveals the most of that person.