The threat of harm doesn’t change Paul’s mind. Why? Well, Acts 20:24 reveals that Paul’s focus is sharpened on what he has received from the Lord. Paul has not forgotten what happened on the road to Damascus (Acts 9). It has been years since, but Paul still recalls God’s gift of salvation like it was yesterday and because of this, God's will was more important than his own life.
5 Ways to Comfort the Wounded
If there is one thing I have learned about comforting others (after almost dying a couple times), it is to prayerfully look for a need and then just meet the need. We must ask God to help us see the need to comfort others. Paul gives us some clues regarding comfort through his dealings with the Ephesian believers.
The Evolution of a Riot: Dealing with Opposing Views
Your Amazing God-Given Role
Look at the hurt and heavy baggage we carry when we insist to pursue a way God never intended for us to carry! Now look at the loving embrace and grace of our heavenly Father ready to receive us in a loving relationship with Him when we return (Ps. 86:5, 15; Lam. 3:22-23; I Jn. 1:9). Oh believer, embrace the amazing role GOD gave you!
FACING FEAR: 3 Reminders When Battling Fear
4 Things Resisting God Will Bring
7 Purposeful Gospel Actions
People do still get saved today! Some will say no to the gospel, and some will say yes to the gospel. Matthew 9:37 says the “harvest is plenteous.” However, we must work in the field to bring in the harvest! The problem is not that “no one wants to get saved these days.” The problem is that very few are sharing the true message of God’s saving grace these days.
4 Relational Responses to the Resurrection
Romans 14 concludes that we the church are not to be so focused on the nonessentials in the lives of other believers that we become distracted from what God calls important and that we believe it is our job to pass judgment on the disputable matters seen in others. The reality is, God places great emphasis on harmonious relationships in the church!
7 Things to Learn from Paul's First Official Arrest
Paul and Silas are arrested, they were accused of teaching customs that were not illegal for Romans, they were beaten, they were thrown into the inner prison, and their feet were fastened into stocks. They followed all of that with praying and singing hymns at a volume that the prisoners could hear what they were saying and singing – and it was midnight!