We have all experienced it. Children and adults wanting something they ought not have…
Food right before dinner
No veggies and lots of candy
Unwilling to share with others
No teenage curfew
The “right” to lose my temper w/ no consequences
The “right” to nurture past wrongs or treat others poorly
Driving 20 or more miles per hour above the speed limit
Taking reams of paper from the office for home
But what happens if we would get our way in these things? We would be selfish, proud, hateful, undisciplined, and miserable to be around. We would drive ourselves into isolation because no one would want to be around us. In fact, we would eventually not want to be around us!
In Acts 18, the Jews wanted to continue rejecting Jesus. Many of these were scholars of the Old Testament, however, they would not accept that Jesus was the One spoken of in Isaiah 7:14 (born of a virgin), Micah 5:2 (born in Bethlehem), and Isaiah 53 (suffered for our sins). They were given opportunity after opportunity to accept the truth (Jesus is the Messiah), but they refused. So, God stops Paul’s evangelistic efforts among the Jewish synagogues. In essence, the Jewish leaders get what they wanted. This is horrifying for the unbelieving because the outcomes are the unavoidable eternal judgments of sin in hell! It would also be devastating if God allowed the church to have its own way knowing the judgment seat of Christ is a reality for the church! We must plead with God that he does NOT allow us to have our own way!
Paul’s mission team has had some eventful ministry! Last week we saw that this mission team spent 3 sabbath days in Thessalonica and many Greeks, leading women, and some Jews were gloriously saved! However, a group of Jews and some men of low character stirred up a mob scene and dragged Jason and other Christian men before the authorities. Let’s summarize the remaining portion of Acts 17.
The mission team is described as “these who have turned the world upside down” (17:6)
Jason had to pay some fines (17:9)
Paul and Silas escape the city under the cover of darkness (17:10) and go to the Jewish synagogue. They find teachable Jews (17:11) in Berea!
Thessalonica Jews find out the mission team was preaching in Berea, travels to Berea, and stirs up another mob scene.
Paul leaves Berea via the sea. Silas and Timothy remain (17:14-15).
Paul is taken to Athens and preaches. He is greatly bothered that there were so many false idols worshipped (17:16-34). Some are eventually saved, and Paul moves on to Corinth.
It is in this context that Acts 18 begins. Paul’s mission team has had a consistent cycle of preaching, souls saved, opposition rising, and angry mob scenes.
While checking his bags at the airport, a man became indignant with the employee who handled luggage. For several minutes he belittled the young man and criticized his every move. Surprisingly, the curbside porter didn’t seem troubled by this man’s verbal abuse. After the angry man entered the airport, a woman approached the luggage handler and asked, “How do you put up with such injustice?”
The young man said, “It’s easy. That guy’s going to New York, but I’m sending his bags to Brazil.”
Paul had a most unusual response to the angry mobs! The Bible does not reveal that he embraced bitterness, resentment, or malice. No! Instead, Paul remained resolved to share the gospel. Think of it this way. A toddler will often display a temper tantrum because he is not allowed to put his hand on the pretty glowing light on the stove top or because he cannot play with his ball on the busy road. A parent needs to remain resolved to never allow these things to happen no matter how much they scream! Why? Because they these things would cause immense harm to the child – but the child cannot grasp the depth of hurt that awaits those who do what the child wants to do. Although the Jews cannot yet see the horror of judgment in hell, Paul remains resolved to tell them of God’s salvation.
Recorded Journey
Acts 18:1 - Paul traveled from Thessalonica and went to Corinth.
Refreshing Fellowship
Acts 18:2-3 – Paul finds like-minded fellowship with Aquila and Priscilla. Oh, the joy and peace of like-minded fellowship! This is like a battery charger for this gospel preacher. He has faced immense opposition time and time again. This time with Aquila and Priscilla is like a refreshing stream on a hot summer day!
Regular Pattern
Acts 18:4 – Paul continues his ministry pattern. He reasons with them in the synagogue every sabbath…persuading Jews & Greeks.
Reunited & Refined
Acts 18:5 – The mission team is reunited, and Paul becomes “pressed in the spirit.” Paul followed the leading the Holy Spirit. Paul spoke boldly to the Jews that Jesus was the Christ. We must not forget that Paul has faced intimidating opposition in every city for this same message.
Redirected Focus
Acts 18:6 – Paul changes focus to minister to the Gentiles. On his missionary journeys, Paul endured and continued preaching to the Jews in Iconium, Lystra, Antioch, Thessalonica, Berea, and now Corinth. However, the Jews (as a people group) remained unreceptive, stubborn, unteachable, rebellious, hateful, and envious. So, the Lord leads Paul to a people group that are ready and willing to listen and receive.
Relieved Corinthians
Acts 18:7-8 – Some Corinthians are saved! So, the beginning of the Corinthian church is formed! Please take note of the fact that after the Corinthians were saved, they were baptized!
4 Things Resisting God Will Bring
1. Resisting God will reveal misery. Hatred of God’s message and envy of God’s blessing becomes the resister’s new path.
2. Resisting God will remove gospel intercession (Acts 18:6). Eventually, a gospel witness will no longer be at your doorstep! The back-and-forth truth debate will be removed, but then it will be too late to change your mind. You will have reached the point of no return and entered into eternity. God will not call you to Himself forever. Eventually, you will hear God’s final call.
3. Resisting God as a believer will cause heavy baggage. God and the church forgives; however, the consequences of sin are still a heavy reality for which we will have to answer.
4. Resisting God’s way will bring destruction (Prov. 16:25)
This is the work of the Spirit of God! Because Paul followed the leading of the HS, many were saved. We must plead with God that he does NOT allow us to have our own way!