4 Faulty Arguments Against Preserving Life

4 Faulty Arguments Against Preserving Life

In one of his interviews, the actor Jack Nicholson revealed that he was against abortion. The reporter asked why. Jack revealed that his own mother was faced with that choice, and she ultimately decided against it.

“My only emotion is gratitude, literally, for my life. [If my mother and grandmother had been] of less character, I never would have gotten to live. These women gave me the gift of life,” he said.

5 Keys to Handling Relational Division

5 Keys to Handling Relational Division

So, instead of making sure everyone knows your side of the story first, choose to follow how God wants you to handle the division.  Division is a spiritual need!  Spiritual needs cannot be fulfilled with fleshly means.   So, anger, yelling, gossip, bitterness, and slander are not the pathway to resolve spiritual needs.  These things only complicate the issue further!

4 Ways to Encourage Your Church

4 Ways to Encourage Your Church

“Encouragement is like peanut butter -- the more you spread it around, the better things stick together.” —Unknown

4 Gospel Truths for Genuine Hope

4 Gospel Truths for Genuine Hope

It is the gospel that gives genuine hope in breaking the chains of sin and clearing away the confusion. It is the gospel that gives hope in providing peace that passes understanding. It is the gospel that gives hope in real forgiveness.

The Gospel: Redirection to God

The Gospel: Redirection to God

We must stay clear on who God is. In our study of Acts 13-14 we have seen that God is sovereign, love, longsuffering, merciful, all-powerful, and all-knowing. No matter what your circumstances seem to tell you, you know from God’s own word that He is these things. You know that sometimes your circumstances do not tell you the whole story about God, but that you must choose to trust God!

Persistence in Gospel Living

Persistence in Gospel Living

This is the need of our nation and world more than any other solution a politician could ever offer. The gospel affects your marriage, your parenting, your attitude, your work ethic, your peace of mind, and your view of human life more than any other solution one could propose! Learn the gospel, live the gospel, and share the gospel as the solution to the struggles all humanity faces!

The Gospel: Consistency & Conflict

The Gospel: Consistency & Conflict

When people become enraged, they speak with little forethought and even less consideration for how God would view their spoken thoughts. In Acts 13:48-49, the Jews’ anger was fueled by envy. Envy hurts your testimony, hurts those around you, and hurts the work of the gospel. However, envy does the most damage to the one who embraces it and reveals the most of that person.

3 More Elements to Sharing the Gospel

3 More Elements to Sharing the Gospel

You and I can never do enough to satisfy God’s judgment for our own sin. God has already done that. We focus on DOING to earn God’s favor, but God wants us to focus on what He has already DONE. Your sin has already been judged through punishment laid on Jesus Christ at the cross. He took your judgment, in your place, and willingly gave Himself for you. Jesus paid an unimaginable cost for you!