Many of us have been in church since we were a child. We have accumulated a lot of Bible knowledge. We have memorized Bible verses. We have sat through 100’s, if not 1000’s, of sermons. Yet, you and I are still not exempt from temptation…and Satan often questions God’s Word to tempt us to sin.
3 Parts to Any Temptation-Part 1
The approach of temptation is rarely bold and brash. It is more often subtle in its approach and accomplished in smaller graduated steps. So, we know the Bible says love your wife, respect your husband, and obey your parents. However, temptation to disobey these commands almost never begins with in-your-face rebellion. The process is more subtle before it becomes bold. It often looks like...
4 Marriage Battles & 4 Needed Choices
Hope for the Hopeless: 4 Keys to Finding Hope
5 Life Lessons from Hardship
5 Important Choices for Betrayal, Suffering, and Abandonment
3 More Choices We Ought to Make When Waiting on God
David was sure of his refuge and safety! He is using strong words like “rock”, “salvation”, “defense” when describing the kind of trust he had placed in his God! Do you realize that for Absalom to have defeated David he would have had to cancel David’s salvation, crush his rock, and conquer his defense?
4 Choices When Learning How to Wait on the Lord
5 Appeals for Christian Living
Our minds are filled with the thoughts of our own choosing. Philippians 4:8 directs us to sharpen our focus on the target of our mind. The Greek words used in this passage shows that this call for right thinking is tied to the peace of God mentioned in the verse 7. We still have a will, and we still must choose moral excellence; however, the peace of God will help fuel right thinking.
4 Truths that Impact How We Approach the Finish Line
We are all running a race on this earth. It is the race of daily living as we navigate our families, marriages, workplaces, friendships, personal struggles, and personal victories. We must finish the race well. To run the race well, we must think beyond what we can see (like a runner in a long-distance race). Let’s take a look at what is at the finish line.