Paul did not accomplish great things for God because he never sinned or never experienced hardship. Paul accomplished great things for God because he walked in humility, kept on getting back up, sharpened his focus on the prize (Phil. 3:14), and persevered to the end. Take time to sharpen your focus on the target!
No Looking Back: 6 Outcomes of Walking Away from God
We often struggle with our past as well. Consider this list of possibilities that the Philippian believers needed to leave in the past: relationship hurts (2:2-3), selfishness (2:3), pride (2:7-8), complaining (2:14), arguing (2:14), and belief in false teaching (3:2-3). Are you leaving your past in the past?
4 Outcomes of Rejecting My Own righteousness as Good Enough & Choosing to Follow God
So, we ask, “what is the point?” How does heeding repeated warnings against false teachers, embracing God’s righteousness for justification, and rejecting my own righteousness as sufficient impact me today? This is an important question! Here are 4 outcomes of rejecting my own righteousness as good enough and choosing to follow God:
4 Powerful Realities of Serving Jesus Together
The church is called forward as a team! We all have our part to play on the team and function as God intended the church to function. When we insist on stubbornness, selfishness, pride, jealousy, or resentment we will not function the way God intended. We will then have a hard time finding our target because we are too busy worrying about ourselves. We need to aim to serve the Lord together.
7 Considerations for Living the Gospel
Only God does the work of the forgiveness of sin and saving a soul from eternal judgement, for it is only God the Son who paid the price that all of mankind owes for their sin! However, God clearly calls the believer to a work after their salvation (Rom. 6:12-13; II Cor. 6:1). What has God called the church to do?
4 Simple Truths about Relationships
4 Facts about Genuine Love
Why do we often wait to express our love for someone until they are gone? Why do we sometimes insist on nurturing emotional scars and offenses while our loved ones yet live, but declare our love when they are dead? What a difference the church makes when we simply love as God has called us to love one another!
4 Truths Disciples of Jesus Need to Remember
Jesus Christ chose humility. From a human viewpoint, Jesus Christ chose less…not more. In actuality, Jesus chose what we view as less, but His choices brought us far more gain than we could have ever thought possible! Forgiveness of sin, righteousness credited to our account, genuine relationship with God – all ours because of Jesus!
4 Motives for Love & Unity in the Church
What keeps you motivated? Is it peer-to-peer comparison or financial gain? Is it recognition or praise? Is it fear or embarrassment? Our motivations often vary depending on the task at hand. Let me ask a more pointed question: what keeps your walk with Jesus motivated? You will find that the answer to this question is not accidental or happenstance, but it is more so, purposeful.
4 Truths About God That Will Impact Your Eternity Destiny
Belief is understanding, agreeing, AND depending (James 2:19). Many will say they believe the Bible, they believe in heaven and hell, or that they believe in God. However, many are still feverishly attempting to work their way to heaven – even though the Bible (that they say they believe) states clearly that we are “saved by grace through faith…not by works (Eph. 2:8-9).”