Bible doctrine

No Looking Back: 6 Outcomes of Walking Away from God

No Looking Back: 6 Outcomes of Walking Away from God

We often struggle with our past as well.  Consider this list of possibilities that the Philippian believers needed to leave in the past: relationship hurts (2:2-3), selfishness (2:3), pride (2:7-8), complaining (2:14), arguing (2:14), and belief in false teaching (3:2-3).  Are you leaving your past in the past?

4 Outcomes of Rejecting My Own righteousness as Good Enough & Choosing to Follow God

4 Outcomes of Rejecting My Own righteousness as Good Enough & Choosing to Follow God

So, we ask, “what is the point?”  How does heeding repeated warnings against false teachers, embracing God’s righteousness for justification, and rejecting my own righteousness as sufficient impact me today?  This is an important question!  Here are 4 outcomes of rejecting my own righteousness as good enough and choosing to follow God: