The Importance of Others in My Life

Years ago, when my children were all still living at home and much younger, I was sitting in my chair in the living room early in the morning.  I was working on some email communication, the annual church calendar, and the church music schedule – in complete quiet.  No one was awake when I started; however, one by one my kiddos made their way down stairs.  I got up to get a drink of water in the kitchen…and inches behind me are all my little people.  I go sit back down…and then my children sit next to me or kneel beside my chair reading every item on the calendar. Eventually, someone sits at the piano and starts playing, another kiddo starts singing a song they were listening to while getting ready for the day, and then two others of my little people wanted to tell me something…at the same time.

I listened to the stories and had a brief conversation with the little ones still at my chair.  Then I stood up from my chair, packed up my things, and said, “I’ve got to go to the office and get my work done!”  I LOVE my family and enjoy my time with them – but there is “a season for everything under the sun.”  And at that time, “my season” was to work.  HOWEVER, I could spend my life, day and night, in that season with no time for others!  I could spend my life saying, “You people are so selfish!  When are you going to start thinking about me for a change!!”

 We laugh…but is that what we are doing?  The Bible spends much time repeating the phrase “one another and attaching it to various admonishments.  We must choose to give the “one another” commands the same weight our loving Savior has given them!


John 13:34; 15:12; Romans 13:8; I Thess. 4:9

He loves me…he loves me not.   Remember taking a flower, pulling off the pedals and saying that phrase – He loves me…he loves me not?  Love could be very fickle back then.  Some little girl says, “I love you,” today – but by tomorrow she found someone who has a swimming pool in their back yard or free ice cream every day and she loves him now!

God does not call us to love so conditionally!  In fact, our pursuit of loving one another must be based on the love we have received from God – not our feelings, circumstances, or perceived treatment by others!


John 13:34; John 15:12. It is choice because it is a command.  It is unconditional because God’s love for me was initiated seeing me at my worst…seeing me in full rebellion against Him…and He then sent His only Son to be punished in my place.  He sent His only Son to be punished, instead of me!  God cannot love me more than He does right now! Jer. 31:3.


I Thess. 4:9

God’s love is seen in every day small choices…everyday actions.

·       Jesus met physical needs (healing people, providing food)

·       Jesus showed sympathy and empathy (Jesus wept when Lazarus died)

·       Jesus showed mercy (Peter coming to walk on water and sinking)

·       Jesus showed selflessness (constant crowds about Him)



John 13:34 – “as I have loved you.”

Jesus had no fanfare and no fans, like famous people of today.        

·       He loved me first

·       He loved me “to the death”

·       He loved me most. He knows me perfectly and still promises His love for me!



Romans 13:8-10.  Jesus loved/loves willingly.

The bank holds possession of my home until it is paid for in full.  If you or I were to miss monthly payments, we would be in danger of foreclosure.  However, when we pay the mortgage off in full, the bank no longer holds possession.  The debt is paid in full and the bank’s ledger states a $0 balance.

Romans 13:8 reminds us to pay all our debts, but the debt of love for one another we should never stop paying!  Love is not about me…love is truly about God first – and then others.

Love is INVISIBLE at first

Genuine, Biblical love begins with my will.  When I surrender my will to God’s will…depend on God’s Spirit to enable my spirit…my mind begins rehearsing the one true reality, “God.”  Remember, all actions begin in the mind.

Broken and surrendered to God’s way brings a closeness to relationship with God (Ps. 34:18; 51:17)

Excuses for lack of genuine love seem lifeless, knowing God’s clear pathway is revealed (Rom. 13:8; Jn. 13:34-35)


Romans 14:13; Heb. 10:24; Jude 22

Getting the car stuck in the snow in Colorado at the end of my driveway...more snow than I realized…and couldn’t even get out of the driveway.  My neighbors came out and for about 40 minutes had compassion on me and helped me get free to go right back up to the garage and park the car.

Compassion to help VICTORY

Romans 14:13 – Every believer needs victory in their life.  What is your area?  Is it:

  • accountability with electronics

  • godly conversation instead of gossip

  • gratitude instead of complaint

  • love for parents instead of disgust

  • loving spouse/children instead of tolerating them

  • resting in God’s way instead of anxiety

  • embracing addictive behavior to find comfort

The list is endless.  Isn’t it?  We all have need of victory!  So, instead of shaking our head in disapproval at how someone sins differently than we do…show compassion to pray for them, come alongside them, and help them towards victory.  You know … just like someone needs to do (or has done) for you.

Compassion to help MOVE ON

Hebrews 10:24 – “consider” – fix one’s eyes on; looking for the opportunity…Your burden or problem is often helped when showing compassion to another

  • Stir up others with going to them first          

  • Stir up others with meals & cards when sick

  • Stir up others with prayer (public and private)

  • Stir up others with listening (Prov. 18:13)

  • Stir up others with testifying of God’s work

  • Stir up others with witnessing & discipling

  • Stir up others with thoughtful conversation

What are you stirring up others to do?

         Compassion to MAKE A DIFFERENCE

Jude 22 – “compassion.”  We sometimes think, “He does not deserve compassion.”  Well, here is the ugly truth – NONE OF US DESERVE COMPASSION!  I believe Luke 6:36 sums up our struggle with showing some compassion with the reminder of how much compassion we have truly received ourselves!  So, my friend, make a difference and show those about you some undeserved mercy. Lk. 6:36; Rom. 9:16.