The Reality of the Presence of God

— This is the conclusion to our study of Psalm 23 —

The story is told of a young girl who accepted Christ as her Saviour and applied for membership in a local church. “Were you a sinner before you received the Lord Jesus into your life?” inquired an old deacon. “Yes, sir,” she replied.

“Well, are you still a sinner?”

“To tell you the truth, I feel I’m a greater sinner than ever.”

“Then what real change have you experienced?”

“I don’t quite know how to explain it,” she said, “except I used to be a sinner running after sin, but now that I am saved, I’m a sinner running from sin!” (Source: Our Daily Bread)

Honesty.  Transparency.  Isn’t that refreshing?  This little girl did not deny the reality of her sin or act as though she was something that she was not.  Sometimes we will choose what is not real and call it real to avoid what is truly real!  So…what is real? God is real.  My sin is real.  God’s forgiveness and his enabling grace are REAL! Instead of denying the reality of sin in our lives, we need to confess it and live in the reality of God’s presence.  Where I dwell will have a major impact on how I live and what I do!

1.     Dwell…WHERE?

The Word is used to describe “man’s being in the presence of God.” (Vine’s Expository Dictionary).

My dwelling is where I stay or abide.  It is where I will live eternally and where I now live mentally.  I usually will abide or stay where I find the most benefit or comfort to my soul.   We can rejoice that God is preparing a place for us in heaven – and what a dwelling place that will be! Ponder that for a bit. Let that truth sink in for a few minutes…the creator of all I have ever known has been preparing a place for me in heaven for about 2,000 years! He only took 6 days to create this world. I don’t believe we can begin to imagine what the perfect dwelling place will be like in heaven!

Thinking about the our eternal dwelling place does cause us to pause and consider our current dwelling place. For example, where we dwell physically is impacted by where we dwell mentally. For some of us:

  • we realize we dwell in a constant thought process of work

  • for others we will see we will dwell where we consider safe & are thus unwilling to take steps of faith as commanded

  •  for others it may mean a position away from the conscious awareness of the presence of God except on Sundays and Wednesdays.

  • …and yet for others, it may mean dwelling on what brings pleasure and relief from stress.

After a year of COVID, Bubba realized he gained too much weight.  So, he hired a health coach.  He came to realize he was eating for comfort and needed to find a new source of comfort to become healthier, leaner, and stronger.

Our choices will change when we realize there is greater peace and rest that comes from dwelling with the Lord – our choices will suddenly reflect this discovery:

  • We will be brought to steps of faith outside of our comfort zone (missions, baptism, Bible college, sacrificial offerings, ministry in the church, investing in the lives of others to point them to Jesus, investing in opportunities that impact eternity)

  • We will desire more time (not less time) with Jesus. 

    Where do you dwell?

2.     I…WHO?

“I” signifies I must choose with whom I will dwell.  This point is all through the Psalm!  When He is my…(comfort, refresher, Shepherd!) I will dwell with Him!

Our eternal dwelling was settled at the cross, but we choose our daily dwelling moment by moment.  Sometimes it begins when coming forward at the invitation, but it must continue day by day and moment by moment. I choose with whom I will dwell (God or my flesh):

…when confronted with thoughts that are not true or honest

…when confronted with gossip

…when confronted with prejudice

…when confronted with stealing time from my boss

…when confronted with anger, or bitterness, or unjust treatment

…when it’s time to go to church, or read my Bible, or pray

Whom or what do you choose as your counselor, guide, and enabler…your Shepherd…your comfort?  Who or what do you look to as the one who will refresh your soul?  Some choose:

o   …drugs to relieve stress

o   …pornography to relieve stress

o   …alcohol to relieve stress

o   …more work to relieve stress

o   …food to relieve stress

o   …immorality to relieve stress

Others have turned to different religions:

o   Muhammad said, “I don’t know the purpose of life.”

o   Buddha said, “Seek for the truth.”

o   Confucius said, “I am not the way.”

o   Only Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father but by Me.”

If I am choosing anyone or anything other than the Lord – then I am not dwelling with my Savior on a day-to-day basis – and I am missing much of what He intends for me!

3.     Lord…WHOM?

It is with the Lord that I must choose to dwell!

Joe Theismann was an outstanding quarterback for the Washington Redskins for twelve years. He led the team to the Super Bowl twice—winning in 1983 and losing the next year. A leg injury forced him to retire in 1985, but he was known as the Redskins all-time leading passer.

He gave the reason his team lost in 1984: “I got stagnant. I thought the team revolved around me. I should have known it was time to go when I didn’t care whether a pass hit Art Monk in the 8 or the 1 on his uniform. When we went back to the Super Bowl, my approach had changed. I was griping about the weather, my shoes, practice times, everything. Today I wear my two rings—the winner’s ring from Super Bowl XVII and the loser’s ring from Super Bowl XVIII. The difference in those two rings lies in applying oneself and not accepting anything but the best.”  Source: Reader's Digest, January, 1982

For Joe and his football career, the difference was attitude & hard work.  For a Christian, the difference is always, only Jesus! The difference is always choosing Jesus, thinking of Jesus, following Jesus with every word spoken…with every action chosen…and with every thought rehearsed!  My grace enabled efforts through the filter of JESUS makes all the difference!!

Eph. 3:17 – Christ dwell in your hearts by faith…

Col. 3:16 – Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly…

John 14:17 – for He dwelleth in you…

The Lord is my shepherd
That’s relationship!

I shall not want
That’s supply!

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures
That’s rest!

He leadeth me beside the still waters
That’s refreshment!

He restoreth my soul
That’s healing!

He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness
That’s guidance!

For His name’s sake
That’s purpose!

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
That’s challenge!

I will fear no evil
That’s assurance!

For thou art with me
That’s faithfulness!

Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me
That’s shelter!

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies
That’s hope!

Thou anointest my head with oil
That’s consecration!

My cup runneth over
That’s abundance!

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life
That’s blessing!

And I will dwell in the house of the Lord
That’s security!

For ever
That’s eternity!

Choose Jesus as the way for eternal life and dwell on all that will mean for all eternity! As a believer still living life on earth, choose to dwell in the reality of God’s presence…only Jesus can make a genuine difference in your life!