Turning Back

A husband read an article to his wife about how women use 30,000 words a day to a man’s 15,000. The wife replied, “That’s because we have to repeat everything to men.” The husband turned to his wife and said, “What?”  Source Unknown

What was Naomi and her sons listening to that kept them in Moab for 10 years?!  Perhaps the better question would be, “What should they have been listening to?”

It is vital for the believer to have the right focus when looking to choose the right direction.


  • They are living in enemy country

  • They are surrounded by worshippers of false gods

  • 60 miles away from home (long way when traveled by camel)

  • ALL these things will affect choices…yet somehow, Naomi heard something of home!  (v. 6)

Naomi has experienced some significant pressure in her life over the last 10 years.  Pressure is hard…but pressure can be used for our own good.

Pressure Points (Ruth 1:1-5)

  • Husband Died

  • Two Sons Died (after 10 years)

  • Ties to Moab removed

Diamonds are formed under great pressure and heat. If these conditions do not exist, they are simply not formed. It is not that they will be low quality, or smaller in size, but they will not form. God brings His refining fire into our lives to create in us what He sees fit. When He sees our lack of character, He will bring into our lives what we need. So next time a fiery trial comes, thank God. He is producing exactly what He knows we need in our lives. The only difference between a diamond and a piece of coal is PRESSURE. (Source: the homiletics class of West Coast Baptist College)

God brings pressure points into our lives to bring about something beautiful.  The Lord is stirring in Naomi a work that will affect her, that will affect Ruth, and that will affect the family line of David.

A Fresh Look

These pressure points have been preparing Naomi’s heart for this news – “…for she had heard in the country of Moab how that the LORD had visited his people in giving them bread.”

Naomi was ready to hear this news.  She was ready to turn back to Bethlehem.  She was ready to leave Moab.  Naomi would still have much to work through in her heart and her relationship with God; however, God new she was ready for this first step.

Gold is one of the most valuable materials on earth. It has been used for centuries as money, but it also has many uses in industry, manufacturing, and even space flight. One of the traits that makes gold so useful is that it can be shaped and formed so easily. In fact, a single ounce of gold can be flattened out to cover three hundred square feet.

But gold ore dug out of the ground contains many other elements that must be removed prior to the gold being useful. The refining process for gold involves intense heat. Gold melts at a temperature of almost two thousand degrees Fahrenheit. That incredibly high temperature is required for gold to be ready to be used.

The Christian life involves much the same process. Sometimes we are surprised when “bad things happen to good people.” But the Scripture tells us that fiery trials are part of God’s refining process for our lives. Rather than griping or complaining when trials come, we should rejoice as we think of the end result, they will produce (James 1:1-5).

Naomi is not settled spiritually yet.  She is still be struggling (seen especially when she changes her name to Mara… “Bitter”)…but God is ready to use Naomi and turn her back to Him.  Movement to Christ is now taking place!

Where are you on your journey with the Lord? 

  • Are you ready for fellowship with Him? 

  • Are you wandering from Him?

  • Are you being refined as a beautiful vessel?

How encouraging it is to see God take wrong choices made by Elimelech and turn them about to pour blessings on Naomi and Ruth! 

God is not finished with you yet!!  Sure, you may have made bad choices, sinful choices – but don’t stop there!  Confess and repent.  Run back to Christ.  Yield to His way.  Enjoy the blessing of victorious Christian living. 

  • Do you see the Lord blessing His people again? 

  • Do you see their peace in the midst of a storm?

  • Do you see their genuine love for one another?

  • Do you long for all that and more -- once again?

Come to the cross right now…accept His gift of forgiveness of sin and a home in heaven.

Come to His throne right now…ask for forgiveness, repent of sin, and restore your relationship with Jesus.

3 Places "MY WAY" Will Take Me

The other day my daughter and I needed to go to Plover.  When we arrived, we discovered that the road we needed was blocked off for repairs.  So, we were forced to go into the parking lot of a long line of stores.  In front of me -- was a pick-up truck.  It was traveling super slow.  We went past the first store and we still had to pass about 4 or 5 more stores following this truck.  I got this great idea that I would turn down the next isle of cars in the parking lot and go around the truck – or better yet, find another way out of the parking lot.  Do you know what I discovered?  There wasn’t another way!  I turned down that isle and drove the wide circle around the parking lot…while the truck drove in a terribly slow straight line.  Eventually, I was forced to return to the same path I left to get around the truck.  When I got back on that path, the same truck was still in front of me!  When I pulled up to the store for curbside service – you guessed it…the same truck was right in front of me!!

Elimelech tried to go around God’s way and follow his own way.  But it didn’t work out so well for him and his family. 

Are we trying to take the short cuts and faster lanes in our relationship with the Lord Jesus – but the Lord is saying, “NO.  I want you to follow me.” 

 It is so important that we yield to God’s way, instead of yielding to our own way. 

Determined Pursuits (1:2, 4)

Heathen Wives – not to take heathen wives (Deuteronomy 7:3; II Cor. 6:14-18)

Take a look at the 10 year picture…

  • Elimelech dies close to his family’s arrival in Moab.

  • Elimelech’s two sons die 10 years later.

  • Elimelech’s wife, Naomi, has been in a foreign and forbidden country for 10 years without her husband!  She is left with two daughters-in-law and no other family…in a foreign, forbidden land! Keep in mind, the husband, and the oldest son after the husband’s death, would have led the home. Naomi would have followed their leadership.

Devastating Results (1:3, 5) – Death

His life…his sons’ lives…and his testimony all suffered destruction.

This. is. Heavy. News.  We often want to choose our way over God’s way…thinking it will be more satisfying and fulfilling.  So, where does Elimelech’s way take him AND his family?  Consider the 3 places “my way” will take me:

1.     My way takes me away from God’s people. 

Elimelech took his family away from the Israelites.  There is nothing to compare to “like-minded fellowship.”  In Moab, they would have found kind people.  However, there would have been a shortage of:

a.      God fearing people.

b.     People who would pray to God with them and for them.

c.      A church family. 

Some may say, “Elimelech was taking his onto the mission field.” This was not a missionary endeavor.  God doesn’t call you on a missionary endeavor that requires you to disobey Him!  Elimelech reasoned that the command of God to not marry the unsaved could be broken.  You don’t win people to Christ by disobeying the One you are pointing others to follow.

2.     My way takes me away from God’s will

God’s will was to stay away from Moab. God declares Moab to be His wash pot (Psalm 108:9).  Moab is called Israel’s enemy in Numbers 22; 25; Deuteronomy 23:3-6; Judges 3:12-14.

God’s will also clearly stated a command against marrying the unsaved.  Elimelech’s sons were of an age to marry.  They ended up marrying Moabite women.

In Words We Live By, Brian Burrell tells of an armed robber named Dennis Lee Curtis who was arrested in 1992 in Rapid City, South Dakota. Curtis apparently had scruples about his thievery. In his wallet the police found a sheet of paper on which was written the following code, sort of a robber's rules:

1. I will not kill anyone unless I have to.
2. I will take cash and food stamps—no checks.
3. I will rob only at night.
4. I will not wear a mask.
5. I will not rob mini-marts or 7-Eleven stores.
6. If I get chased by cops on foot, I will get away. If chased by a vehicle, I will not put the lives of innocent civilians on the line.
7. I will rob only seven months out of the year.
8. I will enjoy robbing from the rich to give to the poor.

This thief had a sense of morality, but it was flawed. When he stood before the court, he was not judged by the standards he had set for himself but by the higher law of the state.  Likewise, when we stand before God, we will not be judged by the code of morality we have written for ourselves but by God's perfect law.  (Source: Choice Contemporary Stories & Illustrations For Preachers, Teachers, & Writers, Craig Brian Larson)

Romans 8:31 reminds us, “If God be for us, who can be against us.”  God & I make a majority.  Why would the believer want to “switch teams” in the middle of battle (famine, desperate times, only God can provide the miracle that is needed)?  It is at this time that we need to run closer to God…not further away from Him.

3.      My way takes me away from God’s blessing.  

Elimelech took his family away from Judah because there was a famine.  He reasoned that His way (even though it required disobedience) would make things better.  Did things get better when Elimelech rejected God’s way?  No.  Elimelech died, his sons died, and Naomi is left with two unsaved daughters-in-law.  She had no followers of the One true God to comfort her, pray with her, and help her as a new widow. 

When Adam & Eve ate of the tree that God declared off limits, they were removed from the garden and hardships in life were introduced.  Genesis 3:13-19, 22-23.

When Moses chose unbelief and stroke the rock, he was not permitted to enter the promised land.  Numbers 20:10-12.

When Jacob chose to deceive, he ran away as his brother promised to kill him…but Jacob never again saw his mother (Rachel) alive.  Genesis 27:41-30:24.

When Ananias and Sapphira lied about the sale of their land, they died.  Acts 5.

Insisting on “MY WAY” over God’s Way proves to be challenging at best…and often destructive!

“There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” Proverbs 14:12

An inner-city church had an annual student recognition day. Normally, students would share about their educational experiences and then the pastor would get up and offer a few closing words. One year, the pastor’s words were a bit alarming. He stood up in front of all the young graduates and proud parents and said, "Children, you’re going to die! You may not think you’re going to die, but you’re going to die! One of these days they’re going to take you out to the cemetery, drop you in a hole, throw some dirt on your face, and go back to the church to eat potato salad.

When you were born, you alone were crying, and everybody else was happy. The important question I want to ask is this: When you die are you alone going to be happy, leaving everybody else crying? The answer depends on whether you live to get titles or testimonies. Will they list your degrees and awards, or will they tell about what you meant to their lives? Will you leave behind a newspaper column telling people how important you were, or will you leave behind crying people who give their testimonies about how they’ve lost the best friend they ever had? Will they talk about all the boards you sat on and things you owned, or will they talk about all the money you gave away that made a difference in this world?

"There’s nothing wrong with titles. Titles are good things to have. But if it ever comes down to a choice between a title or a testimony, go for the testimony …"

  • Pharaoh may have had the title, but Moses had the testimony!

  • Nebuchadnezzar may have had the title, but Daniel had the testimony

  • Queen Jezebel may have had the title, but Elijah had the testimony

  • Pilate may have had the title, but my Jesus had the testimony!

And then he asked a single question: "What will it be for your life?  Title or testimony?"  (Source: James Emery White, You Can Experience a Purposeful Life, 86-88)

Choose God’s way every time…even when life is hard. It is there you find peace, rest, and contentment.

3 Choices We Make in the Present That Will Impact the Future

When we look over history, we find that there are numerous periods of “dark times” through which our nation has walked.  The Spanish Flu…the great depression… attack on Pearl Harbor…the Vietnam war…9/11… and most recently COVID-19.  Isn’t it interesting that our perspective tends to change during desperate times? 

Consider this question: what did we do before desperate times that helps us during desperate times?   For example, planting gardens and canning a lot of the harvest prepares a family for leaner times with food in the pantry.  This is a physical preparation, but what about spiritual preparations?

The book of Ruth opens during the time of Judges…a very dark and confusing time.  It is very much a desperate time.  Israel spends much time running from God and experiencing God’s loving chastening. We might think…how bad could it have been?  Look at Judges 21:25!  This passage is a vivid picture of the time of Ruth, and yet a growing picture of our own modern-day society.  It is critical that we examine the choices we make today to see how they impact our choices of future “desperate times.”


Many a pastor has found himself in a similar situations to the following account.  He knows he is an ill-equipped, under-educated, time-strapped preacher.  And sometimes, the  church has no money to pay him regularly, the church building is worn and in need of repair….and to top it all off there is barely enough attendance to bother with weekly meetings.

Desperate times.  Many a pastor can give testimony to God’s powerful working – turning desperate times around for the glory of God.  How?  How does that “turning around” happen?  What are the decisions -- in moments of desperation – that become game changers?   Many pastors will point to the church coming together to pray as the game changer.

To whom or to what do you turn to in times of desperation?

Elimelech took desperate measures during these desperate times that were outside the will of God! What were these desperate measures? He moved his family — to Moab. Moab is a pagan country 60 miles east of Judah and the Dead Sea. Look at the description of Moab in the scriptures:

              Psalm 108:9 – “Moab is my washpot”

The Moabites descended from Lot through his incestuous relationship with one of his daughters (Genesis 19:36, 37). 

Moab was an enemy of Israel (Numbers 22; 25; Deuteronomy 23:3-6; Judges 3:12-14).

…and Elimelech was a Hebrew of the tribe of Judah.

These are desperate times indeed…but Elimelech turned to the wrong desperate measure! So.  What should the disciple of Jesus Christ do in desperate times?  How should he do it?  When should he do it?

3 Choices We Are Making Now That Will Determine Our Choices During Desperate Times


Cultivate a growing relationship with the Lord during times of comfort (II Peter 3:18; Psalm 63:1; I Corinthians 3:1-7).  The time to BEGIN a deeper pursuit of the Lord is NOT during trials – although that is when many will begin pursuing the Lord. 

  • Spiritual workouts prior to trials will grow spiritual muscle for times requiring greater spiritual strength. 

  • The hardest trial will require the heaviest lifting – with regular spiritual workouts, you will be ready for something harder.

  • Cold Hard Facts: If you are BEGINNING a deeper pursuit of the Lord after the arrival of hard times…


Walk by faith, not by sight.  No one sees all the answers at the start…or even as they walk forward through the trials (Psalm 119:105).  It is faith in God that pleases God (Hebrews 11:6).


Seek God first (Matthew 6:33)…look for godly counsel (Proverbs 11:14)…the strength of community among a local church family is revealed during crisis.  Does your strength come from relationship with God?

The choices made today will impact your tomorrow.  Live with a stronger eternal view that grows with stronger focus on the Lord every day. 

To watch this sermon, go to my YouTube channel: Reset 2 Reach.

3 Reasons We Must Find Hope in Jesus

As of April 12, 2020, here are the top 20 google searches:

  1. Facebook

  2. YouTube

  3. Amazon

  4. Gmail

  5. Google

  6. Weather

  7. Ebay

  8. Yahoo

  9. Walmart

  10. Yahoo Mail

(You can find the rest of the list here: Top 20 Online Google Searches)

What are you searching for?  Did you know that the average internet user spends more than a quarter of their life online? This translate to about 6 hours and 40 minutes… per day.  (Source: Time Spent Online )

Seek the hope that is found only in Jesus!  But the simple question that comes from some is — Why?  Why should I seek hope in Jesus?  Consider these 3 Reasons to seek hope in Jesus:

1.   A Treasured Hope (v. 4)

The believer is considered the adopted child of God.  Acts 20:32; Ephesians 1:11, Ephesians 1:14, Ephesians 1:18; Colossians 1:12. Heaven is spoken of as the believer’s inheritance – proof of God’s love is seen in such an inheritance as this!!

  • It is “incorruptible” – will never fade away; no decay (I Cor. 9:25)

  • It is “undefiled” – will be pure; obtained honestly; won’t corrupt the soul; the eternal enjoyment of this inheritance will in no way defile the heart

  • It “fadeth not away” – remains in its original state of splendor and brightness.

William Randolph Hearst was a very wealthy newspaper publisher who had an incredible collection of art. The Hearst mansion in northern California is a testament to his insatiable desire for artistic treasures. On one occasion he learned of some artwork he was determined to obtain. He sent his agent abroad to search for the treasure. After months of investigating, the agent reported that the treasure had been found. To further sweeten the find, Hearst learned that the relic wouldn’t cost him a dime. He already owned it. The rediscovered piece was in Hearst’s warehouse with many other treasures that had likewise never been uncrated. The desire for acquiring more can sometimes blind us from what we already possess.  (Source: Illustrations for Biblical Preaching, Michael Green)

When we buy a car and drive off the lot, the value has gone down.  When we buy a house, the water heater or furnace or roof will eventually decay and need repair.  HOWEVER, this is a treasure like no other.  It will never decay or rust or lose its shine – and it is available to all who believe in Jesus Christ!

o   The crown of glory, though worn for millions of ages, will not be dimmed

o   The golden streets will lose none of their luster

o   The flowers that bloom on the banks of the river of life will always be as rich in color, and as fragrant, as when we first beheld them.

And don’t miss this last phrase of I Peter 1:4reserved for you.” The One who holds this inheritance for the believer will surely bestow it on the believer!

So, consider those things you do not have that you have longed for (a better car…a better house…a better family…a better wardrobe) and compare them to what you do have because of Jesus Christ!  Rejoice!!  You are rich in Jesus! 

Live with a view of the many joys of your treasured hope in Jesus!

2.   A Guarded Hope (v. 5)

“Kept by His power” – the word kept means to keep, as in a garrison or fortress.  This is a military term. 

The meaning is, that they were weak in themselves, and were surrounded by temptations; and that the only reason why they were preserved was, that God exerted his power to keep them. The only reason which any Christian can have to hope they will ever reach heaven, is the fact that God keeps them by his own power!

3.   A Joyous Hope (v. 6a)

The Greeks had a race in their Olympic games that was unique. The winner was not the runner who finished first. It was the runner who finished with his torch still lit. I want to run all the way with the flame of my torch still lit for Him.  (Source: J. Stowell, Fan The Flame, Moody, 1986, p. 32).

What keeps you going…what keeps you serving the Lord?

This future inheritance was a source of the highest joy; so, amidst all the persecution they suffered…they would keep going.  They knew their current situation would be brief, but what was coming would last forever!

3 Ways to Stay Consistent in Fast Changing Times

1.    Rehearse what you do have! Treasure in Jesus. Isaiah 26:3-4

2.    Stand close to your Guard! Depend on God. Gen. 18:14a; Col. 1:16

3.    Rejoice in what you know!  This is temporary.  What I have with Jesus on earth is better than any pleasure sin can afford me…What is coming in heaven with Jesus is FAR better. Jer. 29:11; Jer. 31:3; Prov. 3:5-8

My Hope is Jesus, the anchor of my soul!

My hope is built on nothing less; Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness

I dare not trust the sweetest frame; But wholly lean on Jesus’ name

On Christ the solid rock I stand; All other ground is sinking sand…

All other ground is sinking sand!

Seek the hope that is found in Jesus Christ!

Living Hope

One night at dinner a man, who had spent many summers in Maine, fascinated his companions by telling of his experiences in a little town named Flagstaff. The town was to be flooded, as part of a large lake for which a dam was being built. In the months before it was to be flooded, all improvements and repairs in the whole town were stopped. What was the use of painting a house if it were to be covered with water in six months? Why repair anything when the whole village was to be wiped out? So, week by week, the whole town became more and more bedraggled, more gone to seed, more woebegone. Then he added by way of explanation: "Where there is no faith in the future, there is no power in the present."  (Source: Halford E. Luccock, Unfinished Business.)

Today we have faith in the One who holds the future…the One who knows the end from the beginning…the One who is able to care for our every need and promises to supply our every need. The believer must seek no other hope than the hope found in Jesus Christ!

The Vice-President of a well-known college shared a story at the “Parent’s Weekend” during opening week of the fall semester.  The true  story was of a college student who told her parents she couldn’t eat lunch because of her schedule and could never start her homework until 10 PM each evening because of college requirements demanding her time.  The parents of this college student called the college … and they were upset!  The Vice-President listened to their elevated concerns and assured them he would investigate and get back to them the next day.  What did the Vice-President find out?  He discovered context.  He found out the back story to these accusations.  He discovered this young lady didn’t have class at 11 AM and could have lunch then (if she wanted to).  He discovered she had 4 hours open with no scheduled classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but she had chosen to use that time for socializing.  Although she often had campus requirements during the evenings, she had chosen to give higher priority to socializing than her course work.  Once the Vice-President shared this back story with the parents, they were much calmer understanding the whole picture…and they also assured the Vice-President they would be talking to their daughter and advising her in a different way (now having the whole story).

The background to any specific situation always helps color in the picture with far more detail and understanding.  Consider the background to I Peter  chapter 1.

Background Considerations:

1.      Persecution

This epistle is addressed to those walking through severe times of persecution. Consider these passages: 1 Peter 1:6-7; 1 Peter 3:14; 1 Peter 4:1, 1 Peter 4:12-19.

2.     Edification

They are the elect by God’s foreknowledge (I Peter 1:2)

They have a living hope (I Peter 1:3)

They have an inheritance (I Peter 1:3-6)

3.     Motivation

They can’t lose sight of their hope & the love of their unseen Savior (I Peter 1:6, 8)

They will see their salvation (I Peter 1:9)

It is one of these encouragements the divinely inspired apostle Peter mentions that we will take time to consider today: a lively hope by the resurrection!

A Living Hope (I Peter 1:3)

Archaeologists have dug up first century cemeteries in Greece and Rome and have found many tomb stones that bear the Greek or Latin inscription for “No hope.” Imagine living your entire life with no hope! Imagine going to your death, to that eternal night, with no hope!  (Source: Unknown)

The word “lively” in today’s usage often refers to active, animated, or quick; however, I Peter 1 it means LIVING. 

Consider Peter’s earlier experiences in John 20:1-10 as he writes these inspired words.  He didn’t understand exactly what was going on, but he had the evidence of the resurrection right before him!

John 20:18 – Mary Magdalene tells the disciples she saw the Lord

John 20:19-24 – Jesus appears in a room with a closed door.  The doors were closed because of fear of the Jews. Jesus showed them His hands and side – He’s alive…He is Risen!!  At that moment everything changes from thoughts of fear to victory!!  Peter would soon after receive his commission from the Lord – “Go!”

The hope of salvation – forgiveness of sin and a home in heaven – isn’t dependent upon a dead man.  The hope of salvation is a living hope…this living hope is:

Allowed by God’s abundant mercy…abundant refers to “much” -- no small amount. They had no claim to God’s favor, and the favor they received was great! 

Mankind isn’t saved because of our favor with God

Mankind isn’t saved because it wouldn’t be right for God to withhold such favor (Ephesians 2:4).

Living Hope is secured by Jesus’ resurrection.

The resurrection of the Lord Jesus is the foundation of our hope. It was a confirmation of what he declared as truth when he lived.

It was a proof of the doctrine of the immortality of the soul (I Corinthians 9:24-25)

It was a pledge that all who are united to him will be raised up. See the 2 Timothy 1:10; 1 Thessalonians 4:14.

“If there is anything for which a man should be grateful, it is that God has so loved him as to give him the hope of eternal life; and since he has had an eternal purpose to do this, …our gratitude should be PROPORTIONALLY INCREASED.” (Source: Barnes Notes Commentary)

The believer will be raised up the last day…eternity in heaven’s glory is yet before us…The God of all -- loved you so much that this was His plan from the beginning!!

Oh believer, give your gratitude with your voice of praise

Give your gratitude with your worship as His servant

Give your gratitude with your obedient service! (Hebrews 13:15)

The Right Mindset: 4 Potential Weaknesses in My Relationship with God

Benjamin Spock led the way among child rearing professionals in instructing parents not to discipline their children. He said that doing so would damage children’s ego. Later in his life he realized that he had made a mistake and said:

“We have reared a generation of brats. Parents aren’t firm enough with their children for fear of losing their love or incurring their resentment. This is a cruel deprivation that we professionals have imposed on mothers and fathers. Of course, we did it with the best of intentions. We didn’t realize until it was too late how our know-it-all attitude was undermining the self-assurance of parents.”  Source: Baptist Press, November, 6, 2007…

Dr. Spock acknowledged that his “know-it-all” mindset had a negative impact on society.  What is your mindset as you go through the average day?  

  • Is it one of “who cares!”

  • Is it one of “me first!”

  • Is it one that sees everything through the filter of bitterness?

  • Is it one of “work hard for God”

  • Is it one of love God and others

What kind of impact does your mindset have on society?  You may never know the extent of your impact for Christ this side of glory. So, consider this as well:  Your mindset reflects your view of God.

Luke 18:1 calls us to a mindset of prayer.  It is vital that we live in a position / attitude / mindset of prayer!

A Prayerful Mindset

Luke 18:1 tells us that Jesus was about to tell a story to communicate an important truth.  Here’s the truth: Pray…and be determined to keep praying!  We must be in the mindset of coming to God in prayer for every circumstance.

      ”men ought always to pray” – pray in every circumstance

      “and not to faint” – not to lose heart

We don’t need to pray about what the Bible has already commanded – we don’t have to pray about whether we should:

…go to church

…share the saving grace of Jesus with others

…get Baptized

…read our Bibles

…live for God

But outside such an understanding we are to pray in every circumstance -- “not loosing heart.”  When do we lose heart…when do we faint – when we loose sight of God or don’t know Him as He is…when we stop rehearsing the reality of the person of the One true God!

A Divine Mindset

Your view of God affects your view of everything else!  A proper Divine mindset will cultivate and strengthen a prayerful mindset.  Luke 18:2 tells us the problem. The judge did not fear God — no wonder this judge was described as “unjust!” This unjust judge’s view of God was all wrong!

Famed and later disgraced cyclist, Lance Armstrong, went through a challenging bout of cancer.  After he was declared in remission and back in cycling competitions, a reporter asked him if he relied on God or friends to help him get through the dark path of cancer.  His answer was something like this, “God had nothing to with it.  I won those medals. I fought cancer and won. I did all the work.”  However, it was later discovered that he cheated to achieve his medals and was publicly disgraced.

How do you view God?  Not sure?  Take a look at your actions and habits…they will tell you and others of your view of God.  The fear of God is only the beginning of wisdom (Prov. 9:10)

A Continual Mindset

Luke 18:3-5. Do you see how the widow continues to come to the unjust judge? A Divine mindset that cultivates a prayerful mindset brings us to a continual mindset. 

This spiritual discipline ought not be a haphazard habit, or a hot and cold relationship with God.  If our prayer life is stirred to greater heights only when hardships enter our lives, then praise God for hardships!

The hardships are temporary.  Relationship with God is eternal.

The Israelites demonstrate this hot and cold relationship with God repeatedly.  The Old Testament book of Judges reviews this struggle in pain staking detail!  The Israelites at walking with God…then they wander and embrace idolatry…then they experience hardship (bondage under their enemies)…then they cry out to God…then God shows His mercy.  This cycle is repeated many times!

Consider these 4 potential weaknesses about our relationship with God from the book of Judges:

  1. We can tend to lean toward choosing our view of God based on our current comfort levels

  2. We can tend to lean towards wandering away from God during good or comfortable times.

  3. We can find our view of God is often blocked by our own selfishness and pride.

  4. We can often delay confessing and repenting of our sin  because we find ourselves too comfortable in our wanderings from God.  

A continual mindset requires right rehearsing.  When you and I start thinking things like: “I know God’s Word says this, but I need this.  God will understand.”  When we start rehearsing these kinds of things, we are actively…purposely … wandering from God.  At that point, our prayer life will not be what God leads us to have, nor will it be what we need!  We need to double check what our minds our rehearsing – “for out of it are the issues of life!” (Prov. 4:23Phil. 4:8)

A Rewarded Mindset

Luke 18:7-8. Our relationship with God is crucial! He is the only One who can. God and God alone is our need! A Divine mindset cultivates the prayerful mindset and then nurtures a continual mindset — this all yields rewarded mindset.

The widow comes to the unjust judge repeatedly.  What does her continual mindset reap with an unjust judge?  Her request is granted. We are called to come to the Lord (the just judge) repeatedly.  Our continual mindset with the Lord is not only commanded by God, but it also pleases God!

A Faithful Mindset

Luke 18:8.

“Even to the end there will still be ground for the same complaint of weakness of faith. – Matthew Henry

So, we return to the same question we started with, “What kind of impact does your daily mindset or attitude have on society?”

My family always called my grandmother - “Gram.” Gram was a prayer warrior! She would often say that the first thing she does in the morning is pray…and she would pray about everything and everyone. If you knew Gram, she was probably praying for you! Gram had 5 children, 18 grandchildren, and more than 40 great-grandchildren. She prayed for them all. She also prayed over the simplest of things. If she couldn’t find her glasses, she would pray for the Lord to help her find her glasses — she says she would then turn around and her glasses would be right there!

A prayerful mindset will infiltrate every area of our lives when a sharper view of God is rehearsed daily. Sharpen your view of God today.

Forgiving Power: 6 Steps to Confront Others Biblically

The scene can be all too familiar.  Another believer says some hurtful words to you or about you to another…they tear down your reputation…they speak as one knowing the situation to others but in truth they know very little information and are missing much of the complete story.  What do you do when others are talking about you behind your back and spreading lies?

You approach the source and in love ask them if these things are true and if at the point, they ask for your forgiveness – you do just that – you forgive them.  It is vital that we forgive as Christ has forgiven us!…but it isn’t always the easy path to walk! See what Jesus says in Luke 17.

Consequences of the Action (Luke 17:1-2)

We will give offense (James 3:1-2). The word “offend” means to cause to stumble or fall into temptation.

We are currently in a worldwide pandemic.  Our President of the US has had to make some tough decisions.  Decisions that are unprecedented. These decisions are unprecedented because this pandemic is like nothing we have seen in our life time (COVID19). There is no surprise that everyone doesn’t agree with his decisions!  If he says, “Yes” – people are going to be offended…if he says, “No,” – people are going to be offended.

We cannot lead our homes, our workplaces, and our church with a mindset of what will please the most people.  That is the wrong target…with the wrong motivation...and it will yields troubling outcomes.  The church must lead with a mindset of what will draw me closer to Jesus.  Such a motivation (what draws me closer to Jesus) will draw me to excellence…it will draw me to holiness…it will draw me to love…it will draw me closer to others who have differing preferences when they draw close to Jesus as well!

We will offend with:

  • Actions

  • Words

  • Attitudes

  • Absence

  • Presence

Some may say or think… “then there is no use in trying if we most certainly will offend… right?” What do you think? Does that sound like wise counsel? Let’s follow that logic for a moment.

My room will just get a mess again…why make it clean?

My body will just get dirty again…why take a shower?

My car will just run out of gas again…why fill it up with gas?

Even though no human is without fault, we cannot forget there are consequences to our actions!  We will suffer punishment. The warning of punishment is issued to the offender.

But more importantly – “giving up”  or “why even try” are not our target!  We are called to a higher purpose…to higher ground.  As believers, we have the Spirit of God dwelling within us.  We are without excuse! So, do not take lightly this warning! Galatians 6:7-8.

The Response of the Action (Luke 17:3-5)

The Confrontation. Don’t let offenses fester in your heart into a big ball of bitterness (Hebrews 12:14-15) – but don’t be so easily offended at every look and comment made as well (Psalm 119:165)! 

However, since we know offenses will cross our path, how do we handle them? What is our game plan?

6 Steps to Confront Others Biblically

1.  Seek the Lord on the matter (prayer and scripture) — Ps. 63:1; Matt. 6:33

2.  Be certain there is no fault of your own left unconfessed — Matt. 7:3-5

3. Be certain you are confronting sin and not personal preference - Luke 17:3

4. Approach Spirit-filled to the best of your knowledge - II Tim. 3:16

6. Plead the need for making right before God - Matt. 18:15-20

It is a lot easier to write out this game plan than it is to implement it. Humanly speaking, this is — no doubt — a difficult response, humanly speaking!  This is a spiritual work needing spiritual enabling. Ephesians 4:32; 5:18. And now look at Luke 17:5. The apostles acknowledge the daunting instruction with verse 5, “Increase our faith!”

The Necessity of the Action (Luke 17:6)

The apostles hit it right on the head, but slipped off and hit their thumb as well!  Yes, faith in the Lord for His enabling grace is of absolute necessity; however, it is not how much (as in quantity) but how long (as in duration) that faith is understood best in the scriptures!

The Hall of Faith in Hebrews rehearses the testimony of faith in God. Take a look at Hebrews 11:

v. 7  -Noah - waited 120 years for God’s announced judgement

v. 11-Sarah - waited until old age before she conceived

v. 13-Not having received the promises but having seen them afar off!

v. 22 –Moses - 40 years in the wilderness with many complainers

v. 32-David - anointed King, but chased by Saul for a long time.

Faith is not “how much.” Faith is “how long.” So, please stop for a moment.  Be still.  Listen to God. Delay the usual swift human response of denial.  Just stop and consider honestly before God:

Are there offenses that still fester in your heart? 

Is there someone you need to ask for forgiveness? 

Is there someone you need to forgive? 

Are we on praying ground having forgiven others as Christ as forgiven us?

 Follow your gracious, merciful God (Luke 6:36) and forgive others.

3 Demonstrations of God's Love

“Pastor, I don’t know what to do.  I am criticized at every turn I take.  Nothing is ever good enough.  In addition to that, I am called hurtful names.  Joy and peace are sucked out of me every time we are together.  I know the greater need is salvation, but there is a refusal to listen to the gospel.  It is a 24/7 battle …and that’s just my mom!”

As a pastor, I have had opportunities to hear of the many relational hurts from other believers, extended families, and marriages.  It often starts with poor communications and assumptions…or unmet / unrealistic expectations… or wrong rehearsing…or sinful choices. By themselves, each one seems to be not that big of a deal.  Then emotional distance in the relationship begins to grow and problems start to show their face to one of the individuals in the relationship. 

Sometimes communication takes place right here, the other person in the relationship listens and heeds to the concerns, and the relationship is back on track.  However, many times no communication takes place or the communication efforts are not taken seriously, and problems intensify overnight.  In short, those in long term relationships (marriage, friendships, co-workers, church family) can often begin to take the relationship for granted.

In our relationship with God, we can do the same things!

  • We can get too busy to spend time with Him daily.

  • We can think it is no big deal because what I am doing is what He commanded.

  • We can even become so focused on other good things that we begin to wander from Him.

What can I do strengthen my relationship with God and with others? We must rehearse the amazing love of God and live with such a love in view! 

3 Demonstrations of God’s Love:

1.     God Seeks the Lost (Luke 15:4, 8, 20)

“We love Him, but He first loved us.” Just stop for a moment and consider this: in my sinful state…God sought me. I wasn’t appealing. I wasn’t “basically good.” I was at enmity with God! (Romans 8:7)

We can tell the story hundreds of ways, but the end is always the same. 

  • Perhaps it is picking teams, but no one wants to pick the guy who can’t hit the ball or catch it in the field…

  • Perhaps it is looking for a friend, but no one wants the guy who smells, or is handicapped, or is not in my class of people…

  • Or perhaps it is grocery shopping, but no one wants to choose the fruit that is too soft or the bread that is moldy…

You may say, “Of course I don’t want moldy bread!”  Now, please don’t stop reading. I am not saying we need to buy moldy bread. But isn’t that what the Lord did with you and me.  Right?  When the Lord found you and me we were covered in the stench of sin, unappealing (“moldy”), and we had a lot of “special needs” – yet He still sought us in our state!

I could not find my way to God, but He sought me! (I John 4:10, 19)  This is the amazing love of God…and He demonstrates this to you and me every day!

2.     God Treasures the Found (Luke 15:5, 9, 20)

Look at each verse in Luke 15:5, 9, 20. Do you see how each item is sought after diligently and greatly treasured!


II Cor. 5:21 – “For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.”

Jer. 31:3 – “The LORD hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore, with loving kindness have I drawn thee….”

Eph. 2:13-22

The story is told of a little girl who deeply treasured her Dollar Store pearl necklace.  She loved it and wore it all the time.  One night this little girl’s father tucked her into bed and asked her, “Sweetheart, do you love me?”  The little girl exclaimed, “YES, Daddy!  I love you!”

The father then surprised her with a question, “Would you be willing to give me your pearl necklace?”  The little girl was stunned at the request.  She offered a favored stuffed animal instead and plead with her Dad not ask for her necklace.  The father told His precious little treasure that it was okay…he then pulled up the covers of her bed and said, “I love you, sweetheart.”

The next week, the same scenario played out in similar fashion as this Daddy was tucking his little treasure into bed.  However, one night the girl had tears in her eyes.  The Daddy asked if something was wrong.  She said, “Nothing is wrong, Daddy…but I want you to have these.”  He asked her if she was sure she wanted to give up her most treasured pearl necklace and she said yes. With tears in his eyes, he reached into his pocket pulled out a real strand of pearls to give to his sweet little girl.

You see, the father couldn’t give his child the very valuable gift until she was willing to surrender the necklace that had little to no value.  This little girl thought she was paying a great cost…until she saw what her father intended for her all along!

What do we hold so closely that we refuse to surrender it to God?  Have we assigned greater value to things of little worth?  Does our view reflect God’s values?

The Lord didn’t half-heartedly provide SALVATION.  The Lord didn’t half-heartedly SEEK YOU OUT…and the Lord doesn’t RESPOND TO US WITH DISDAIN once we come to Him – He treasures us!

3.     God Rejoices in His Treasures (Luke 15:5, 10, 30)

This is God!  He isn’t waiting for you to mess up so He can punish you. His heart grieves over your wanderings and He longs for your return! He has His arms extended with love, ready to receive the repentant.  He is looking for you to come to Him.  He wants to kill the best calf and rejoice in your return!!

God loves you so much He sought you.  God loves you so much He treasures you.  God loves you so much He rejoices in you as His treasure! 

If you are reading this today and have not turned to the Lord for forgiveness of sin and a home in heaven – then I urge you to do so today. Click here to learn more!

If you are reading this today — and you have accepted God’s gift of salvation — may I ask you…do you keep a clear view of God’s love for YOU in sharp focus?  Do you ignore the Lord, except when you ‘need’ Him?  Oh, my friend, if that is so, then the Lord is good to make us needy.  Our great God loves us, may we love Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength.

3 Indicators of Devotion to Christ

Dramatic results. We have all seen them in some fashion. 

  • Scarlet Benjamin was born prematurely.  When she was 3 months old, she suffered a serious infection.  The antibiotics needed for this infection caused significant hearing loss.  Once Scarlet’s parents realized that their little baby couldn’t hear, they worked with a doctor to improve her hearing.  The doctor decided that hearing aids would be the best option.  The difference was dramatic!  The first words she heard were her older sister saying, “Baby sister.”  11-month old Scarlet responded with continued heart-warming laughter!  https://www.cbsnews.com/news/baby-hears-for-first-time-gets-first-hearing-aids-giggles-uncontrollably-at-sound-of-big-sisters-voice/

These changes are uplifting, healthy, and encouraging. They are the kind of things that put a smile on your face!

The difference God makes in our lives is nothing short of dramatic as well.  The Lord has given us a wonderful opportunity to show others the difference He has made in our lives since our walk with Him began years ago.  Others will SEE words and actions in our lives that draw attention to the Holy Spirit living in us.

You see… believers truly devoted to Christ will exhibit clear evidence of their devotion.   What does devotion to Christ look like?

1.     Devotion to Christ will exhibit humility

Luke 14:7-11

Early in his career, Thomas Edison invented a vote-recording machine for use in legislative chambers. By moving a switch to the right or left, an official could vote for or against a proposal without leaving his desk. The machine would replace the tedious business of marking ballots, counting them, etc. Elated with the prospects, Edison obtained a patent -- his first -- and headed for Washington. 

Eagerly he demonstrated his machine to the Chairman of Congressional Committees. This gentleman, while complimenting Edison on his ingenuity, promptly turned it down. "Filibustering and delay in the tabulation of votes are often the only means we have for defeating bad or improper legislation." he told Edison. 

The young inventor was stunned. The invention was good; he knew it and the chairman knew it. Still, it wasn't wanted. Said Edison later: "There and then I made a vow that I would never again invent anything which was not wanted."  (Edison Story Source: Bits & Pieces, May 28, 1992, pp. 11-12.)

Whether wanted or not, all believers have a desperate need for God. Do you and I still see our need for God?  Do we grasp the weight of that need that can only be met by Jesus? I am clearly in need of God:

  • …at my job

  • …in my family

  • …with my finances

  • …in my marriage

  • …in my ministry

This all requires humility! In Isaiah 57:15, God desires a spirit of humility in His children.

2.     Devotion to Christ will exhibit priority

Luke 14:25-27

Adolph Menzel created a painting titled Frederick the Greats Address to His Generals Before the Battle of Leuthen. This historical piece depicts Frederick’s speech to his generals in December 1757 during the Seven Years’ War before their famous battle in Silesia against the Austrians.

Menzel worked on it from 1859-1861, but never finished it. The monumental painting contains the background and the generals standing in a semi-circle, but the main figure of Frederick the Great was left blank. Menzel’s famous painting is a picture of many lives. The background of career, interests, pursuits and achievement is complete. The faces of significant people like family, friends and colleagues surround. But the central and most important figure is left incomplete—Jesus. Jesus Christ has been given a name that is above all others and rightly deserves to be the focal point of our lives. Likewise, the centrality of Christ in life is the greatest need of every person. May we never foolishly allow Him to be a blank figure in our crowded lives.  (Adolph Story Source: Pulpit Helps, May 2008)

Is the Lord God clearly first in our lives?  Or is everything else filled with vivid color and the Lord is left with fragments of a pencil drawing?  What do we prioritize on the average day? Consider the many options we have demanding our attention: meetings, projects, phone calls, online activities like texting and social media, leisure, food, sleep, showering, exercise, family.  Where does Jesus fit in your list of priorities?

The things we love the most, and to which we give the most time, reveals our list of priorities!  This can be shocking or encouraging.  When was the last time we evaluated our own priorities?

3.     Devotion to Christ will exhibit clarity

Luke 14:34; Matthew 5:13

This week I was walking the track at the YMCA when I passed an older lady who was also walking.  This roughly 5-foot-tall lady was walking pretty fast, but my longer legs and wider stride made it easy to pass her.  She looked at my faster stride and said, “I wish I had your gait so I could keep up with you!”  (It was the second time I had passed her on the track.)

When there is true devotion to Christ, we will not be consumed with what others think about us or what others are doing.  We will be consumed with Jesus.  We will be consumed with the gospel – gospel speaking…gospel living…gospel investing! 

The Lord does not want us to be distraught about whether other believers or other churches or other leaders approve of us or not!  The Lord calls us to impact our path with the burdens and gifts He has given each of us.  We are all called to the same path that leads to Him, but we are NOT all called to the same travel plan!  Some have been burdened to impact the world for Christ through different means than we ourselves are led. This doesn’t mean we don’t participate in all of these needs, however, we are often led to devote more our own strength and time to some more than others, like:

  • …to serve God in the realm of politics

  • …to lead a camp ministry for local churches

  • …to volunteer to help abused women heal

  • …to foster or adopt parent-less children

  • …to invest in young children with Kids4Truth

  • …to impact teens to develop the next generation of leaders

  • …to counsel others using the Word of God

  • …to give yourself to long seasons of prayer

  • …to counsel others using the Word of God

  • …to give yourself to long seasons of prayer

All believers took the same road to get to the path of eternal life and relationship with Jesus. It is only through Jesus Christ that anyone can have forgiveness of sin and a home in heaven! However, when we are truly devoted to Christ, our travel plan on the path of life with Jesus may not look exactly like other believers…but when we are all doing the will of God, the church functions as one healthy body! 

Devotion to Christ takes the focus off personal likes/dislikes and places it squarely on gospel-centered living.

Now, go back to Luke 14:34. Each believer is described as salt. What does salt do?

  1. Salt Preserves

  2. Salt Creates Thirst

  3. Salt Cleanses

Are you “salty?”  Are you still the salt of the earth?  Do you create a thirst for God and His Word in others? Do you allow the Word of God and His Spirit to cleanse your heart and the hearts of others?

Ten days after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, residents of North Platte, Nebraska heard a rumor that soldiers from their town, part of the Nebraska National Guard Company D, would be coming through on a troop train on their way to the West Coast. About five hundred people showed up at the train depot with food, gifts, letters, and love to give the boys.

When the train showed up, it was not the Nebraska National Guard Company D boys on board; it was the soldiers from the Kansas National Guard Company D. The North Platte residents decided to give out their gifts to these soldiers they did not know. It was a spontaneous act of genuine devotion that touched both the soldiers and the people who came to the depot that day.

A few days later, a 26-year-old woman named Rae Wilson wrote a letter to the editor of the local paper recounting the profound experience they’d shared that night. She then suggested the town organize a canteen, so they could do something similar for every troop train that came through. She offered to lead the effort as a volunteer.

For the next four and a half years, the people of North Platte and the surrounding communities met every troop train that came through their town. Every day, they prepared sandwiches, cookies, cold drinks, and hot coffee. They had baskets of magazines and books to give away to the soldiers, and snacks for the train. There were even birthday cakes for anyone having a special day. And they did this, some days, for as many as eight thousand soldiers and sailors.

The statistics are staggering. By the time the last train arrived on April 1, 1946, six million soldiers had been blessed by the North Platte Canteen. Forty-five thousand volunteers had served faithfully until the war was over and most of the troops had been transported home.

If the residents of North Platte were that dedicated to doing whatever they could to help win World War II and serve the soldiers, Christians should be even more committed to serve the Lord any way they can.(WWII Story Source: Once Upon a Town, Bob Greene)

We have a greater cause…do we not?  May we run to the streets, the neighborhoods, and the cities abroad to let them know – “Jesus saves!”

We can model, right in front of all who see us, the dramatic impact Jesus makes on a life!

We can invest in the lives of friends and strangers, build relationships, and show them genuine love…but this all flows from the life devoted to Jesus.

Are we truly devoted to Jesus?

3 Key Assessments for My Faithfulness to God

In June 2017, the body of a Colorado Pastor was discovered in the wilderness.  The pastor died while in the Rocky Mountains hunting for treasure.  This pastor is believed to be the second death connected to this treasure hunt. Evidently, a billionaire had buried a chest of gold coins and then gave clues to the location in a news interview.  Many have reportedly been willing to risk their lives in search of this great treasure. (Source: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/paris-wallace-dies-search-for-forrest-fenn-treasure/)

In Psalm 19, we are told that the law of the Lord, the statues of the Lord, and the testimonies of the Lord are “More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold….”  Many are willing to risk much to search for gold.  What are we willing to risk for the pursuit of Jesus?  What are we willing to risk for greater relationship…greater intimacy with our Savior?

The scriptures go even further than merely seeking Jesus as a great treasure.  The Lord teaches us in Luke 12 that He desires His children to be faithfully watching for His return.  We must reassess our true faithfulness to God.  What does your faithfulness look like to God?

In Luke 12:15, the Lord says, “And he said unto them, Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.”


This is part of the Lord’s response to a man who wanted Jesus to speak to his brother about sharing their inheritance.  God can truly see the heart of the matter with each man – and for this man, it was covetousness that plagued him.  This begins a lengthy discourse on this subject throughout the remaining portion of Luke 12

  • Money is not the principle thing.  Money is needed, but it is not the treasure for which we must sacrifice and pursue diligently.  (Luke 12:16-20)

  • Daily provision is needed, but it is not the great treasure we must overflow with worry for fear of its absence (Luke 12:22-28) – God promises daily provision will not be absent when depending on Him.

  • Covetousness misses the mark.  Greed misses the mark.

  • The great treasure is relationship with Jesus!  Money cannot buy it.  Greed cannot steal it.  Covetousness cannot hoard it.

So, what is the answer to greed, covetousness, and the love of money?  Luke 12:31 gives us a simple, yet comprehensive reply.  Seek the kingdom of God and all these things will be added to unto you.  Hebrews 13:5 reminds us that covetousness is unavoidably addressed with the presence of God.

3 Key Assessments for My Faithfulness (vv. 31-34)

1.     SEEK – this is an active choice.

  • Approval of men or Approval of God

  • Money or Eternal Profit

  • Pleasures of this world or pleasures of this world yet to come

  • Justice for those who have wronged you or mercy for your self from God 

2.     FEAR – this is a response to the unknown or uncontrolled…this is a choice to fear God more than acceptance or personal will.

If I seek Christ…if I turn my eyes solely on Jesus… we sometimes battle with thoughts like:

  • I won’t have any friends or fun or money

  • I will have to do things I don’t want to do

  • Proverbs 1:7; 9:10

 3.     TREASURE -this is the outcome.

Believer, what you seek and what you fear is what reveals your treasure. We have read throughout the gospel of Luke:

  • The unlimited nature of our great God. (Luke 8)

  • The position, power, and reality of prayer  (Luke 11)

Now He simply calls us to treasure Him more than anything or anyone else in our lives.

Such “treasuring” will be seen in our readiness to meet Him when He comes to take His bride, the church, away.

For more than thirty years, archaeologist Howard Carter searched the deserts of Egypt for something that most people thought didn’t exist—the tomb of King Tutankhamen. Most experts believed that everything in the Valley of the Kings had already been discovered, but Carter continued his search. Eventually after five more years without result, Carter’s sponsor, Lord Carnarvon of England, declared that he would stop funding the search.

In November of 1922, during his final season of work, Carter uncovered a hidden staircase near the tomb of Ramses VI. He sent a cable to England which said, “At last have made wonderful discovery in Valley; a magnificent tomb with seals intact.” Carter had indeed located the tomb of King Tut, one of the greatest archaeological treasures every discovered. After months of careful work, the golden treasures of the tomb were cataloged, and the first intact royal mummy ever found was removed from the place where it had rested for more than 3,000 years.

Carter’s search was driven by his firm belief that there was treasure to be found, though he could not be certain that he was correct.  (Source: In the Valley of the Kings, Daniel Meyerson)

Seek the LORD while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near! 

The real treasure is relationship with Jesus Christ. 

He has proven He is worthy through His creation, through His salvation, and through His many fulfilled promises.  He has been, is, and will be  faithful to you.  Have you assessed your relationship with Him?  Do you stand faithful to Him?