4 Target for a Vibrant Prayer Life

What are you willing to do for a more vibrant prayer life? 

  • Get up at 5 AM every morning to pray?

  • Make an extensive prayer journal?

  • Read the Bible more often?

  • Schedule times to pray with others?

  • Study various prayers in the Bible?

  • Fasting twice a week with prayer?

  • Read other books on prayer, E.M. Bounds or Andrew Murray?

None of these options are necessarily bad choices.  Good cases could be made for each of them.  However, I would like us to consider what we often do not consider when it comes to our prayer life. We must pursue genuine, thriving relationship with God to experience a  vibrant prayer life!

There is a stirring story told by our Lord in this passage. Take a moment and read Luke 11:5-8.

What is the key to the illustration that the Lord gives here in Luke 11?  It is in one word – importunity.  This word means PERSISTENT and EXPECTANT.  Some commentators point out that the word could also mean “shamelessness.”  Therefore, some would say this passage means that the man will give his neighbor some bread, so he is not perceived as inhospitable. Regardless, the importunity of the man asking for bread is the key.

How can I come to the Lord to ask for such things when I have already received more than I ever deserved?  Such importunity in the believer is based on the finished work of Jesus Christ  -- it’s not because of me that I can come to the Lord, but it is because of the Lord I can come to the Lord!  It is because of the relationship that God initiated with me

  • All the way back in Genesis 3, God pointed to His redemptive plan. 

  • The prophet Isaiah prophesied in chapter 53 of God’s coming sacrifice for our redemption.

  • In Matthew 1 and Luke 2, we are told the prophesies were fulfilled in Jesus.

  • In John 1, John the Baptist calls Jesus the “Lamb of God!” A lamb was well known as the required sacrifice one’s own sin.

  • The gospels record for us God’s immense love for each of us -- before, during, and after His crucifixion.

  • II Corinthians 5:21 tells us Jesus was made sin for US, that we might be made the righteousness of God.

It is clear!  God loves YOU!  He sought YOU out before we ever desired a relationship with Him (I John 4:10, 19). He went to great extremes for YOU.  He made it possible for you and me to appear righteous before God the Father – and approach the holy God in prayer!

So, if a neighbor who doesn’t want to get up – “gets up” – how much more will God – who wants to “get up” – meet the need of the importunate one!  (v. 13)

How do we know this for sure?  The scriptures tell us so in the next few verses! (Luke 11: 9-10)

Keep on asking…

Keep on seeking…

Keep on knocking…

 With these truths from Luke 11 in mind, consider with me …

4 Targets for a Vibrant Prayer Life

1.     Focus on the primary goal. 

Prayer is about relationship with God.  The target is not my physical need.  The target I must aim to hit is “closer relationship with Jesus” (James 4:8; I John 4:19) …to know Him more…to glorify the One true God.  (“Hallowed be thy name”)  (I Corinthians 10:31; Colossians 3:17, 23

Relationship also needs to be in good standing.  Refusing to confess and forsake my own sin will devastatingly hinder my prayers (Psalm 66:18; Proverbs 28:13; I John 1:9)!

2.     Release control and depend heavily on God. 

I cannot be my own God – that would be disastrous!  I need daily dependence on Him (“give us this day our daily bread”).  Waiting is  hard for everyone, but remember, God is good.  I have trusted Him for eternal life as a Christian.  Can I not trust Him for daily life?  (Proverbs 3:5; Isaiah 26:3-4; Romans 6:13)

3.     Assess your debt ledger.

Is everything “paid in full?” Are you still holding over someone their transgression against you – but they have already asked for forgiveness?  Are you struggling with forgiveness?  Okay.  Stop for a moment and write down the sin or sins that come to mind that you can’t seem to forgive.  Now, in a column next to that list, write down the sins God has forgiven you…write the times God has shown you great mercy…write down the sins you haven’t even spoken out loud to another, except God Himself.  Every one of us has received God’s great mercy – even more than we can enumerate.  What keeps you from showing such mercy to one who asks for your forgiveness?  (Luke 6:36; Ephesians 4:32)

4.     Dig in and stay at His throne with faith, believing.

Luke 11:9-10. Keep on praying -- even after it feels too long, too hard, and too much (Matt. 7:7-8). “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.”  -- Isaiah 55:8.  So, your prayers may not be answered in the exact way you have imagined…but they will be answered in ways that are best for you to become more like Christ (Romans 8:28-29).

Do not grow weary because of the delay in the answer to your petitions to the almighty God. 

Delay doesn’t mean disinterest or desertion of your God! 

His way is perfect – Isaiah 26:3-4 – trust ye in the Lord forever!

5 Things to Bring to God

In June of 2013, news broadcasts across the country featured a little boy named Grayson Clamp doing something he had never done before. The three-year-old was born without the auditory nerves that carry sound to the brain. Attempts to restore his hearing with a cochlear implant were unsuccessful, so doctors at the University of North Carolina tried an experimental procedure to implant an auditory nerve directly into Grayson’s brain. This procedure proved successful, and millions of people enjoyed seeing the look of wonder and joy on the little boy’s face when he heard his father’s voice for the first time. (Source: CNN.com, June 21,2013)

Today, with the technology available, communication is instant—but even then, it is a delight to hear from a friend or family member who is far away. Just as we respond to those familiar voices with pleasure, God delights in hearing from His children.

Why do we pray? Certainly, it is not to inform God of what we need. He already knows everything about our situation, and, far better than we could devise, He knows the answer that will be best for us. Prayer is meant in part to remind us of how dependent we truly are on God. But prayer is not just for our benefit. God enjoys hearing us pray! When we come to Him in faith and make our petitions before His throne of grace, His heart rejoices. He likes hearing our voices. Let us never go long without going to Him in prayer. 

D.L. Moody said, “I would rather be able to pray than to be a great preacher; Jesus Christ never taught His disciples how to preach, but only how to pray.”


Hudson Taylor, pioneer missionary to China, said, “The prayer power has never been tried to its full capacity. If we want to see mighty wonders of divine power and grace wrought in the place of weakness, failure and disappointment, let us answer God’s standing challenge, ‘Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not!'

Do we have struggles FINDING POWER WITH GOD?  The significance of prayer cannot be overstated. How well do we understand the importance of prayer?  How well do we practice the command of prayer?

The Authorized Items

In John 14:14 it says, “If ye shall ask anything in my name I will do it.”  What does it mean when Jesus says, “in my name?”

Years ago, my wife and I visited Washington, DC as a young married couple.  We walked around the city and saw many well-known places.  Imagine with me if we had entered the White House without a tour guide.  Somehow, some way, we just simply walked in and began looking around.  In very short order, the secret service would have surrounded us and ask us all sorts of questions – and most likely detained us for a time.  Now if we entered the White House of our own accord, we would most likely be in trouble.  However, if we had entered the White House with a top level secret service agent who gave us the authority to be there (because he had the authority to give such permission), all we would have had to say is – “we’re with him!”

  • He is our authority for coming to the Father. I have been given permission/allowance to come directly to God saying, “Jesus told me to come.” 

  • He is also our limitation for coming to the Father. Since I am coming in the name of Jesus, I can only ask for those things He has authorized for me to ask.

In Luke 11, we see some things the Lord has authorized our bringing to God the Father:

1.     Bring your praise for God (v. 2). 

Do your prayers include your praising the one true God?  Sometimes, all we choose to see in life is our struggles – and we end up missing God’s great blessings. We need to be careful that our focus sharpens on what we already have while we are standing in positions of betrayal, struggles, and heartache.

 2.     Bring your yielded will to God (v. 2).  

Jesus Himself modeled a prayer life that asked for what He wanted (“let this cup pass”) but He also clearly declared His willing heart to follow God no matter what (“not my will, but thine  be done”). Matthew 26:39.

3.     Bring your daily needs (v. 3). 

God knows what your needs are – after all, He is all-knowing! However, God delights in our choosing Him above any other option.  God delights in our dependence upon Him and giving Him the glory.  God delights in hearing from us in prayer!

4.     Bring your humble spirit (v. 4). 

Sometimes, forgiveness is much easier to receive than to grant to one who is asking.

  • Forgiveness is the cancellation of debt.  My sin debt to God is far greater than any wrong done me by another on this earth.  (Lamentations 3:22; Luke 6:36)

  • Forgiveness must be granted to others on earth as we look for such forgiveness from God in heaven.

5.     Bring your need for guidance (v. 4b).  

God sees the end from the beginning.  I can’t see the next 10 seconds of my future.  If I had full access to anyone on earth, what would keep me from going to Lebron James for help on the basketball court? If I had full access to anyone on earth, what would keep from going to a billionaire for counsel on investing or asking for help with bills? If I had full access to anyone on earth, what would keep me from going to the number one surgeon in the world for needed surgery?

I do have access to the throne room of heaven — what keeps me from going to God in prayer?! God knows all my strengths and weaknesses…when I will often delay in understanding how strong my weaknesses truly are.

God has no limitation to how He can help.   He is all-powerful!  My strength and abilities are completely limited.  I can only lift so much weight.  I can only make some things happen.  I cannot create anything (Gen. 1:1; Heb. 11:3).

God can be everywhere and promises to never forsake us (Prov. 15:3; Heb. 13:8).  I can only be in one place, at one time.  I need God’s guidance that He has promised!

What keeps me from going to God in prayer? When I was about the age of a 4th or 5th grader, I remember taking a fall off my bike.  It was summer.  The air was warm, but not too humid that day.  It was perfect weather for bike riding in the neighborhood! I was wearing shorts and a t-shirt, having a great time outside.  Within a matter of mere seconds, everything changed. I lost control of my bike and my body slid across the gravel and asphalt, like I was sliding into home base during a baseball game.  Unfortunately, shorts and a t-shirt do not provide much (if any) protection from cuts and bruises.  When I finally came to a stop, I knew right away I was pretty banged up.  It wasn’t the sight of my bloody leg or arm.  It was the pain from these injuries that cued my brain for “urgent help needed.”  I came into the house and my mom saw my leg and arms and rushed me into the bathroom.  The injuries weren’t that serious, but dripping blood on the carpet is hard to clean up…so, we rushed into the bathroom.  My mamma sat me on the edge of the bathtub, helped me get my shoes & socks off, and then asked me to put my legs in the bathtub.  As she began cleaning up the wounds, she didn’t ask me “what were you thinking?”  She simply cleaned me up and comforted me.  The conversation about how to avoid repeat performances came later.  I wasn’t so much running from my bike (the instrument of my demise).  I was running to the one I knew would help me.

I received some good counsel years ago that has stayed with me ever since … and I have shared with many others since that day.  Here it is, “When making a big decision in life, always choose to run TO something – not away from something.” 

God cares for His own with the tender comfort of a parent (II Corinthians 1:2-4).  God rejoices with His own or encourages His child as a very best friend (Proverbs 18:24).   God knows our struggles with sin better than any (Hebrews 4:14-16) – AND He is compassionate, merciful, and always ready to forgive (Psalm 86:5, 15)!  Run to Christ (Matthew 11:28; I Corinthians 9:24-27; Hebrews 12:1-2)!  Run like the wind!  Run like you know there is none greater for comfort, none greater for encouragement, none greater for for victory celebrations, and none greater for help — than Jesus!

Help Wanted: 10 Labor Tips

According to a March 2018 Forbes article, “American workers forfeited nearly 50 percent of their paid vacation in 2017. And, nearly 10 percent take no vacation days at all. According to a study by Glassdoor, the fear of falling behind is the number one reason people aren’t using their vacation time.”  You can find the entire article here.

We know how to work long hours.  We know how to work hard. But we need to ask ourselves a question: what is my primary goal in life?  Is it to make money or is it to save for a great retirement plan? Or is it to be well liked by our peers, or to have positions of great power?  Is it to love and to be loved?

Let me ask a different question.  What is my primary goal as a believer?  Ahhh!  Now that changes the thought process, doesn’t it?  We can be very busy doing “good stuff,” but are we doing the “stuff” that matters most?  How hard working are we in God’s fields?  Every believer must labor in God’s fields! Take a look at the Lord’s interactions and instructions with His disciples in Luke 10.

The Hiring (Luke 10:1)

The gospel of Luke is the only gospel to record this mission. The Lord must have had a large following at this time to send 70 people out to call upon people to follow Him. Finally, notice also that they go out in pairs – “two and two.” Then in verse 17, it is recorded they went out and then came back speaking of the great power of God. They went out (faith & obedience).  They came back talking about God’s power (grace enabled by faith- Romans 5:2).

Why are they going out as ambassadors in such large numbers?  Perhaps it is because their lives were changed when they met Jesus…they are completely convinced Jesus is the only way, that He is the Christ, the son of the living God! What would your reaction be if you knew a demon possessed man that was delivered or you were among 5,000 people who were fed from one little boy’s lunch? The work of God has a powerful impact on men and women of God.

When we surrender to the word of God and depend upon the Spirit of God to do the will of God – we will see the great power of God!

The Harvest (Luke 10:2)

The harvest is abundant!  It is ready for the picking! 

“Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you:” — II Thessalonians 3:1

“Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.” — John 4:35

But … people don’t want to be saved today.  People resist the gospel today.  Yes – they do. However, there were people who didn’t want to be saved and resisted the gospel in the book of Acts too (to the point that they persecuted them and killed the witnesses) – and yet 1,000’s trusted Christ as Savior!

When there is a “no,” keep going…God says there is a “yes” waiting for you to ask them!

When I was growing up, I can remember my mother saying, “Gary, go out to the garden and pick three or four ripe tomatoes.”  I then went out to the garden and saw some green tomatoes not yet ready and then I found some large red juicy tomatoes and harvested them.  That meant I needed to walk around the green veggies but keep on looking until I found the ripe veggies.

Are we looking for the harvest of souls that is ready for the picking?

The Help

Here’s an age-old problem: not enough laborers to work in God’s fields to harvest souls!

A couple of weeks ago, I was talking with one of the business owners with which our church does business.  I called to thank him for the great job they did for the church and he thanked me for letting him. Then he said, “Good help is hard to find!”

The work force competition for employees who work hard and have a teachable spirit has become brutal. The Lord declares, “The need is great.”  The problem is not a lack of need or urgency of the need. The real issue? There are not enough laborers for the demand!!

Did you know?:

1.     There are 8,500 languages needing a translation of the Bible today?

2.     There are over 6 billion people on this earth, and it is estimated that about 4.5 billion are lost?

3.     Did you know that 95% of the unsaved population lives in the 10/40 window?

4.     Did you know that there is only 1 laborer for each 1.6 million people?

The harvest is great…but the laborers are few!  Are you working in God’s fields?

The Prayer

Our must be evermore increasing with – “Lord, send forth laborers into these fields!” Did you know He is already calling you into His fields?  We have been given a great responsibility to reach for Christ our neighbors, our co-workers, and complete strangers right where we live.

We have already seen the powerful hand of God at work in Luke.  We have seen that God is unlimited in every way and it is He alone that will meet the needs of His creation! …and He will meet them as He has promised.  May we be ever mindful of who the Lord is and what He has done and is doing – as we go forth as His laborers into His fields!

10 Labor Tips for God’s fields

1.     Hand out tracts. Be certain the tract you use looks sharp and has a clear gospel presentation. In this high definition and constant stream of graphics age in which we live, the general public in the USA is used to a sharper image. However, more importantly, we value excellence because what we do is for the glory of God. “Junk for Jesus” will not do.

2.     Use outreach cards. An example of this format is available here. The size is small and easy to carry. The presentation is sharp. Outreach cards can be used as a gospel tract AND an invitation to church. Striving Together can personalize your church information on the cards — and it is all done for the affordable price of $60 for 500 cards.

3.     Dinner with the neighbors. Establish genuine interest in those who live close to you. Let them know and see first hand you care about them as a person & neighbor so they know you are interested in their friendship and not just interested in them as another “member for your church.” I read a statistic last year that made the claim that the average person hears the gospel about 40 times before trusting Christ (unfortunately, I cannot find the statistic data for notation here). That’s a lot of gospel witness that requires a lot of gospel connections!

4.     Start a Bible Study in your home with co-workers and/or neighbors. There are Bible studies available for a Christian to lead an unsaved person through.

5.     Hand out John & Romans on doors of your “Jerusalem” (neighborhood). These can be obtained for a small fee — talk about a strong investment with high interest yields!

6.     Personal invitation to church. Statistics show that a personal invite has the highest success rate…by far!

7.     Get involved in church outreach times. When we embrace the mindset that we have already done our turn on these things, or that we would rather take it easy, we are truly robbing ourselves of opportunities that have eternal value!

  • Vacation Bible School or a summer outreach for kiddos. You may not have children that age anymore, but you can have an impact on someone else’s children that age. You can have an impact on children that will last for all eternity…now that’s opportunity that makes a difference!

  • Evangelistic Meetings and Revival meetings. Consider the small investment of time (generally one week of your time during the evenings of a specific week)…consider the powerful, transforming truths preached and taught that week…consider making a difference in your own life as well as in the lives of others.

  • Kids4Truth Bible Club, & Youth Group activities. These young souls are still forming their convictions. These age groups are leaving the church in records numbers by the age of 16 to 18 years old! These young people need adults to invest in their lives and point them to Christ.

8.     Get involved in community events. Embrace the mindset that the church is here for the community (and NOT that the community is here for the church) 

9.     Daily prayer for the souls of men.

10.  Memorize more Bible verses that help you become a more skilled user of the Bible when witnessing or when you are just talking about spiritual things with those who are searching for truth.

Are you working in God’s fields as He asked you to do?

NOT MY WILL: 6 Blessings That Flow from Sacrifice

Luke 9:22-26

We have recently seen the power of God in the gospel of Luke — looking at the miracles of Jesus Christ during His earthly ministry.  We were reminded that since Jesus met such radical needs (feeding 5,000 people with 5 loaves and two fishes) that He can certainly meet our own needs.  We were challenged that just as the woman with the issue of blood reached out to touch the hem of Jesus’ garment – so we ought to reach out and touch the “hem of Jesus’ garment” by faith through prayer.

There is more, however, to this relationship that we have with our Savior as His followers.  This relationship is not just simply our asking God for things when we are in need and the rest of the time, we go on living as we always have in the pastLuke 9 speaks of something even greater…something of greater sacrifice and of greater blessing!  Today, I would like to explore some the reasons as to why we must willingly set aside our will to follow God.

Background to the text: Early in Luke 9 Jesus had just feed the 5,000 with five loaves and two fish.  Then in verse 18 we find the Lord praying and the disciples joining Him.  The Lord asks them who people say He is and they answer.  He asks them who they think He is, and they answer (v. 20b).  It is during this conversation that Jesus eludes to that which is yet to come for Him (v. 22).  So, why ought we to set aside our will and follow the Lord’s will?  Why must our relationship with Jesus be more than simply receiving His blessings as His child?

…because of the Greater Sacrifice He made for us (v. 22)

Jesus speaks of the things He must suffer at the hands of the elders, the chief priests, and the scribes in beatings and mockery.  He also speaks of the things He must suffer in death. When we turn to the end of the gospel of Luke, we find these very sayings fulfilled!

Luke 22:63-65; 23:36-37 – His beating and being mocked

Luke 23:33 – His crucifixion

Consider the car riding your bumper that finally passes you as though you are going 25 MPH in a 65 MPH zone — that can be really frustrating. Especially when you actually have your cruise control set to 5 miles over the speed limit.  You weren’t going slow at all!  But it is the police car waiting around the corner that pulls that speeding car over that gives you a sense of “he deserves that.”  Right?

Or it is the guy at work that laughs at are your mistake – and even makes sure everyone knows about your mistake, that feels like your “thorn in the flesh.”  However, it is when the same co-worker is reprimanded by the boss that you feel like “he had that coming.”

  • Jesus did not deserve such punishment and humiliation…He didn’t “have it coming.”

  • Jesus did not have to endure such punishment and humiliation.

  • …but Jesus took such punishment and humiliation for me — and for you!

What sacrifice is seen in Jesus on the cross!  No other sacrifice comes close in comparison.

 …because of the Greater Blessings He secured for us (v. 22)

Jesus also spoke of the fact He would be raised up the third day!  When Jesus Christ arose from the grave, He solidly conquered sin, death, and hell.  He was victorious.  The chains of sin and death had been broken forever!

Great sacrifice was required to bring about great blessing!

Why ought we to set aside our will for the Lord’s will?  Why must our relationship with Jesus be more than simply receiving His blessings as His child?

…because of HIS sacrifice and HIS blessings, we are called to Greater Sacrifice for HIM (v. 23-26)

Death to self is the theme throughout these next few verses.  Look at the phrases used here:

      “let him deny himself”

      “take up his cross daily” (death or separation from the old life)

      “whosoever will lose his life for my sake”

      “gain the whole world, and lose himself”

The Lord calls those who follow Him to not merely use Him as a wish list Santa or magical genie – but one who they are to follow whole-heartedly. 

  • His will before their will

  • His desires before their desires

  • His objectives before their objectives

  • His loves before their own loves

The Lord calls each of us as His followers…His disciples…to follow Him implicitly without hesitation.

You may think to yourself — But the sacrifice is so great.  I have so many things I want to do.  I have so many goals I want to accomplish.  I have so many possessions I want to acquire.  I have people I want to control.  I have people I want to make do right. I won’t be able to do those things if I follow Christ so closely.  I will have to relinquish that to Jesus!  Look at verse 25 again, my friend.

Yes, there is great sacrifice…and there is also blessing.  However, and we must not miss this truth, sacrifice comes with blessing!

6 Blessings that flow from Sacrifice:

The sacrifice of obedience to parents brings blessing -- “that is may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.” (Eph. 6:3)

The sacrifice of giving to those in need brings blessing – “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” (Phil. 4:19)

The sacrifice of dependence upon God and not self brings blessing – “and the peace of God, which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:6)

The sacrifice of enduring trials brings blessing – “Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.”  (James 1:12)

The sacrifice of faithful leadership for the Lord, even when your reputation is wrongly soiled on earth, brings blessings – “And when the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away.”  (I Peter 5:4)

The sacrifice of trusting in the ultimate sacrifice, not self, and receiving the persecution that befalls everyone who lives godly in Christ Jesus bring blessings – “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  Wherefore comfort one another with these words.”  (I Thessalonians 4:16-18)

So, you see, the sacrifice isn’t so great when you consider the greater sacrifice the Lord made on our behalf to make possible the greatest blessing of all – forgiveness of sin and eternal life in heaven. 

May we, the church of God, live rejoicing in the great privilege we have to serve the Lord – no matter what the sacrifice!

…and in the midst of the sacrifice…live like you are on the winning the team — because you are!

5 Things About Life to Never Forget

A university student was seen with a large "K" printed on his T- shirt. When someone asked him what the "K" stood for, he said, "Confused." "But," the questioner replied, "you don't spell "confused" with a "K." The student answered, "You don't know how confused I am."  (Source Unknown)

Are believers confused about their lives? 

On January 22, 1973 the US Supreme Court legalized abortion.  On January 22, 1984, President Ronald Reagan designated that day as National Sanctity of Life Day.  According to the “Care Net of Puget Sound: Pregnancy & Family Services” more than 59 million helpless babies have lost their lives  -- since 1973’s Roe vs. Wade ruling – through the legal process of abortion.  Today,

  • more than 1 in 5 pregnancies end in abortion. 

  • 1 in 10 American women will have an abortion by the age of 20

  • 1 in 4 American women will have an abortion by age 30

  •  3 in 10 American women will have an abortion by the age of 45

  •  Nationally, 30% of women obtaining abortions identify as Protestant and 24% identify as Catholic.  These may not know the gospel; however, they do identify with denominations that understand the clarity of “Thou shalt not kill.”

Do we truly understand this life God entrusted to us?  We must return to THE right understanding of our lives before God.  To do that, we need to remind ourselves about the character of God.

LOVING - Ephesians 2:4-7

The story of is told of a girl who regretted breaking her engagement and wrote this letter:

“Dearest Tommy, No words could ever express the great unhappiness I’ve felt since breaking our engagement. Please say you’ll take me back. No one could ever take your place in my heart, so please forgive me. I love you, I love you, I love you! I love you!”  Yours forever,  Marie

PS: And congratulations on winning the state lottery.

In contrast, God’s love is: sacrificial, faithful, and directed at you and me!

o   “rich in mercy” – 2:4 – not stingy.  Generous.  Abundant.  We have a high demand for mercy, but God’s mercy ever flowing.

o   “dead in sins” – 2:5 – there are no secrets with God.  He has seen you and me at our worst, but He still stirred our hearts to be drawn to Him.

o   “raised us up…sit together in heavenly places” -  2:6 – God didn’t leave us where He found us.  We come to Jesus just as we are, but we leave that meeting like we have never been!

o   “ages to come…His kindness toward us through Christ Jesus” – 2:7 this isn’t a Band-Aid or temporary solution for a devastating problem.  God’s plan was to shower all of His creation with such grace “in the ages to come” so all would know the depth of the riches of His grace.  How?  …through His kindness directed to you and me through Jesus.

GIVING – Ephesians 2:8-9

An American Express survey about Christmas gifts found that fruitcake was chosen most often (31%) from a list of “worst” holiday gifts. It even finished ahead of “no gift at all.” When asked how to dispose of a bad gift, 30% of those surveyed said they would hide it in the closet, 21% would return it, and 19% would give it away. (Source: Unknown)

Good news!  God has given the best gift ever!  God wants to save you.  It’s all God’s doing.  You and I had nothing to do with it.

o   Jesus lived on earth without sin…we all have sinned. Eccl. 7:20; Rom. 3:23

o   Jesus willingly yielded to God’s will…we often fight God’s will.  We often want the controls and are unwilling to yield to God. Lk. 22:42

o   Jesus endured the pain of the cross…we endure the pains of this sin cursed earth.

o   Jesus gave up His life so that we might all live.  Forgiveness of sin and a home in heaven is possible; however, it came at a great cost -- everything of great value costs something of great value.  Jesus shed His blood to cover our sin!  …like any gift, we must accept it as our own.

GUIDING – Ephesians 2:10

We are the work of God.  Believers are revived to serve God.  This was God’s plan long ago!

God loves you.  God gives to you.  God guides you.  Does this all sound like:

  • God doesn’t care about you?!

  • My life or the life of others doesn’t matter?!

  • My life has no point?!  Of course not!

5 things about life to never forget:

1.      God loves YOU so much that He died for you (John 3:16-18).  That’s how important he considers your life! The all-knowing God sees YOUR life so important that He sacrificed greatly for YOU. 

2.      God knows YOU so intimately that He guides you (Prov. 19:21).  God knew that your life would involve hard things.  He knew it would be a struggle at times.  He knew you would need guidance.  So, the all-knowing God has given us all:

  • The Bible that brings clarity, wisdom, guidance

  • Friends & family that bring encouragement & help

  • Godly counselors that bring further wisdom and discernment

  • Prayer that brings peace, rest, and great power

  • Laughter that heals like medicine

3.      God is so good that He gives you extravagant gifts.  Think about the God’s extravagant gifts for a moment: Salvation (and heaven in the future) (Jn. 5:24), the Holy Spirit dwelling in you (Jn. 14:26), prayer (Jer. 33:3), His presence (Heb. 13:5), His power (Phil.4:13), and so much more!

4. God wants the best for you that He calls you to Himself.  We are created to good works (Eph. 2:10).  We are to be holy (I Pet. 1:15)…follow His example…run to Jesus!  Guarding our thoughts will impact our desires, our choices, and our actions – it will help us honor life.

5.      God not only blesses your life with His love, guidance, and gifts…but He also blesses all humanity in like fashion!  God honors all life that He has given to all humanity. Do we? Do we lift others “not like us” up as ones having been created in the image of God? Do we lift up:

  • The handicapped child with down syndrome

  • The Alzheimer’s patient

  • The baby in a mother’s womb

  • The widows and widowers

  • The foster child

  • The senior citizen who has out-lived expectations

  • The person with a devastating illness

  • The blind, the deaf, the dumb

  • The drunk, the drug addict, the prostitute

  • The poor, the rich, the needy

God wants us to honor life…to honor all humanity made in His image!  God honors the life of all his creation.  We are even instructed in scripture to:

…honor the gray headed man…or not take life from what we consider no longer useful (Prov. 16:31)

…not take life and commit murder (abortion) (Ex. 20:13)

…remember God knows us from the womb to the grave (Ps. 127:3-5; 139:13)

A worried woman sought the help of her gynecologist in securing an abortion. She explained that she was desperate because she already had a child that was not yet one. The doctor thought for a moment and then suggested what he believed to be a better alternative. He noted his plan would be healthier for her body and make her life less stressful. He then blurted out, “If we’re going to kill one child, let’s kill the baby you already have. It will be safer on your body and it will give you several months to get rested up before taking on all of the responsibilities of being a new mother.” She was horrified by the doctor’s recommendation and told him so. She reminded him that it was a crime to kill a child and drew back from the man she thought she could trust. He relaxed his posture and then said he agreed. He had graphically communicated a terrible truth that eludes so many. Though harsh and abrasive, his strategy not only saved the life of an unborn child, but it redeemed the life of a woman who was about to make a tragic mistake, which she would never forget and always regret.  (Source: Unknown)

Honor God and His creation!  YOU and I are lovedYOU and I are blessed with Divine giftsYOU and I are even guided along life’s journey.  Sharpen your view on God’s view.  May we all find great peace and point those around us to great peace – when we embrace God’s view for our lives!

5 Things to Remember with God's Power

How powerful is your God?  Some have made their god or gods with their own hands.  Their god is obviously limited.  The God you and I worship is not “a god” – He is “the God!”  There is none other like him!  Yet, we can easily live as though what we say and what we actually believe (evidenced by our current actions) are different.  It is crucial that our meditations keep us ever mindful of whom our God truly is!  – the all-powerful true God! Think on these things….

1.     First Miraculous Catch of fish (Luke 5:1-11)

It wasn’t logical to continue fishing – but He obeyed the command of the Lord anyway. The result? Their nets broke from the weight of the abundance of fish! That is just like the Lord to bring provision in abundance in the midst of a draught!

2.     Cleansing a Leper (Luke 5:12-16)

He was a leper.  The stigma that went along with that disease was truly stifling.  No one escapes this disease; he may have thought.  He sees Jesus.  He has heard of Jesus and all He has done.  So, he cries out to God in desperation, “Heal me, please Lord!”  The Bible very simply says that the Lord said, “I will.”  He was healed!! 

What hope we have in Jesus when we turn to Him too!  

3.     Healing a paralytic (Luke 5:18-26)

I can only imagine the struggle of not being able to walk.  The lack of freedom it would bring.  The dependency on others that would follow.  The exclusion from activities I once enjoyed would now be “different.”  Simple things like exercise or getting in the morning would also be altered.  Things would be harder.

Did this man in Luke 5 convince his friends to go to Jesus?  Did his friends convince him?  Was this a group decision or some good friends helping him out?  The others may have agreed and even been men of faith themselves, however, the Bible says the Lord saw the paralytic’s faith and forgave his sins.  This paralyzed man was convinced he simply needed to get to Jesus – and all would be okay…and it was!

We know in our heart as well, that if we just get to Jesus, His Word, and in prayer – everything will be at peace once again too!  Do whatever it takes to come to Jesus daily!

4.     Stilling a storm (Luke 8:22-25)

Have you ever been in a place where you feel as though the boat you are living in is filling up with water?  In Jesus alone you will find peace in the storm and the one who will calm the storm!

5.     Delivering the Gadarene demoniacs (Luke 8:26-39)

First – the demon possessed man is totally out of control (v. 29)

Second – the demon possessed man identifies Jesus as the Son of God (v. 28)

Third – even the demons recognize the power of God (v. 31)

Fourth – It is only Jesus who can meet our true needs (v. 35)

Fifth – When you see whom Jesus is you will always leave changed (v. 38-39)

It is Jesus who meets the demon possessed man right where he is.  It is Jesus who reaches out to the demon possessed man and inquires of his state.  It is Jesus who meets the demon possessed man’s needs!  Everyone else had given up trying –although some had tried…but to no avail.  It is only Jesus who will meet you right where you are — every time!

6.     Healing a woman with an issue of blood (Luke 8:43-48)

Look at the impossibilities (humanly speaking) this woman faced: 

  • An ailment for 12 twelve years

  • Spent all her money on doctors who had no answers

  • She is incurable!

Look at the faith this woman manifests:

  • All other avenues had been tried

  • All resources had been spent

  • …but if she can just touch his garment—she would be healed!

Look at the response Jesus gives to this woman:

  • “Thy faith hath made thee whole!”

We tend to try everything other than the Lord when it comes to our needs.  However, when was the last time you spent time on your knees looking to touch the hem of His garment, accessing His grace by faith?  (Rm. 5:2; II Cor. 12:9)

Jesus is the one who will meet your need –no one else can like Jesus!

7.     Raising Jairus’s daughter (Luke 8:41-42, 49-56)

Notice the desperation of the ruler of the synagogue (v. 41)

Notice the hopelessness of the message received (v.49)

Notice the only hope is found in faith in Jesus (v. 50)

Sometimes the Lord will bring us to great desperation – perhaps even hopelessness – so we can see very clearly He alone is our only hope.  Is the Lord your only hope?  What a great single hope to possess!!

8.     Feeding the 5,000 (Luke 9:12-17)

Don’t miss the basic need seen in verse 12 –“victuals”

Don’t miss the location of the need presented in verse 12 – “desert”

Don’t miss the inability to humanly meet this need in verse 13

Don’t miss how only God could meet the need in verse 16

Don’t miss how abundantly God meets the need in verse 17

Do you feel like you are in a desert like place with desperate like needs?  Does it seem impossible to meet this need?  God can and will meet your needs!

…but what about the long delays for answered prayer…what about when things don’t go the way you prayed for…what about when things seem to be out of control?

5 Things to Remember with God’s Power

  1. God’s timing is not our timing.  Don’t get in God’s way because things aren’t happening as fast as you want them to happen.  He might choose to move you out of the way to answer your own prayer!  (Isaiah 55:8)

  2. God knows my need (and knows me) better than I do (Ps. 147:5; Ps. 139:4; I Jn. 3:20)

  3. God is interested in changing me (my heart) while I am often more interested in changing my circumstances (Gen. 50:20; Rm. 8:28)

  4. God is in control.  He is sovereign.  I am the one who doesn’t know what happens next or how to proceed.  Don’t live like God doesn’t know, doesn’t care, or doesn’t have the power.  Rest in Him!  (Prov. 16:9)

  5. Don’t stop praying.  A delayed display of God’s power doesn’t mean He doesn’t care anymore.  He is at work when I can’t see what he is doing.  Trust Him when you can’t see Him work.  (Phil. 4:6-7; I Pet. 5:7)

Our thoughts fuel our desires.  Our desires lead to choices and choices lead to action.  So, choose to rehearse the power of God!

3 Things to Choose in 2020

Matthew 27:55-56; Luke 2:28-35

Have you ever waited a long time for something you really wanted? Grandparents come to visit ...marriage to the love of your life...driver’s license...an incredible job promotion…retirement...second honeymoon? Think about that moment it happened. Think about the power of that moment.

THAT is the moment we find Simeon when reading Luke 2:28-35. However, there is a difference between our “moment” and Simeon’s moment. The difference is stated with two words: the Messiah.

Consider the power of that moment for Simeon... for the world!

  • “I can die in peace”

  • “I have seen thy salvation”

  • “God has prepared THE light “

...Mary and Joseph "marvelled at these statements." (2:33)

There was more -- for Mary (2:34)

  • Your child is destined for the fall and rising again

  • A sword will pass through your soul

Then we come to Matthew 27:55-56 -- Mary, the mother of Jesus, is at the cross. A short 33 years have passed and the reality of Simeon’s prophecy were lived. What a scene at the beginning and the end of the God-man’s journey here on earth! There are many lessons we can glean from these passages; however, let’s consider three today.


  1. Choose to trust what God says.

    Simeon waited until he was an old man before He saw what God promised. Don't give up on God! He is not so weak that He cannot do what he promises. He is not so compromising that He will not be truth itself! Simeon didn't let reasoning, or the oppressive Roman government, or the rebellious Jewish peer groups push him to give up on God...on God's promise!

2. Find comfort in God, the truth.

Simeon is greatly comforted by seeing God's salvation (Jesus). He is comforted in fulfilled Old Testament prophesy. He is comforted in God's saving grace — even though the Roman government was still in power, even though it had been hundreds of years since the prophet Isaiah promised the coming of a Messiah!

Sometimes we will look for comfort in lies, instead of truth. Lies like…

* My past will always haunt me. Will it? Yes...but only if you let it. True confession, repentance & forsaking of sin -- and honesty with yourself and others will help break those chains in your mind that the Lord already broke when you got saved.

* I cannot be seen as a failure -- others would judge me. The truth is others will judge if you are a failure or a success. The truth is everyone fails. Failure is one of life's teachers to growth and maturity.

"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.”

― Thomas A. Edison

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.”

― Winston S. Churchill

"13 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, 14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." -- Philippians 3:13-14

…and one more example of a lie we tend to embrace….

* If only I had __________ (money, better job, better health, better family, etc...) , I would be happy. Are you satisfied with what God has given you? I'm not saying we should never pursue bigger things, but there is a need to be happy with what God has allowed NOW ... to be able to truly move forward to bigger things in the future. (James 1:2-4).

3. Find true peace at the cross.

This can be hard. Mary didn't love seeing her son being crucified. This scene had to break her heart. Yet, it was the cross that provided salvation for all (then and now). It was the cross that made possible victory (daily and eternal)...and it's still the cross today! So, find forgiveness of your sin at the cross…leave your burdens at the cross…find daily victory at the cross — and FIND TRUE PEACE AT THE CROSS.

In 2020 — choose truth, real comfort, and true peace.

3 Ways to Glorify God All Year Long

In 1932, Robert Macgimsey attended a Christmas Eve service in New York City, and then headed back to his one-room apartment. As he walked the final blocks, he passed by the open doors of private clubs where people were partying with all their might. They didn’t seem to have a clue that it was Christmas Eve, and if they did, they didn’t seem to care. As he stepped over people who had passed out on the sidewalk, he thought to himself, “What a strange way to celebrate the birth of the most perfect Person who ever lived on this earth. These people are missing the whole significance of His life.”

When he finally arrived home, he scribbled some more thoughts on the back of an envelope. His words formed the basis of the popular negro spiritual:

Sweet little Jesus Boy, they made you be born in a manger.
Sweet little holy Child didn’t know who you was.
Didn’t know you’d come to save us, Lord, to take our sins away.
Our eyes was blind, we couldn’t see, we didn’t know who you was

Have we been ignoring Jesus this year? Do we let Christmas pass by without realizing why Jesus came? (Source: Our Daily Bread, December, 24, 2001)

There was little to no fanfare of an earthly sort at the birth of Jesus Christ – the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords!  However, there was much fanfare of a heavenly sort at the birth of Jesus Christ!  When we see or experience the glory and power of God, our response should be much the same – GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST! Take a moment to consider the audience, the angels, and the announcement from Luke 2.

The Audience – Luke 2:8

The Shepherds – they were common folk.  Yet God chose to speak to them!  They were busy about their work, and God used them to declare His message!

You and I today – we are the common folk today.  Yet the God of Heaven has chosen to speak to us through His Word and answered prayer!  Oh may we never be so busy as to shun the calling of God to be used of Him!

  • Too busy to hear the call of God for the souls of men?

  • Too busy to hear the call of God for the building up of believers?

  • Too busy for the call of God to serve Him in & through the local church?

The Angels – Luke 2:9

I love singing in a choir or ensemble. In the late 1980’s and 1990’s I had the opportunity to sing in large choirs and men’s ensembles. One particular Christmas we sang Handel’s Messiah with over 60 voices in the choir.  It was a thrilling experience!

The choir I sang in is no comparison to the choir we read of in Luke 2:13-14

When God manifests Himself it often provokes a desire or longing to sing!

What glorious messengers God chose to deliver the glorious news of the birth of our Messiah!  Today, we are the chosen choir!  Are you singing the praises of your Savior and Lord?!

The Announcement – Luke 2:10-12

This news is fulfillment of prophecy!  The Savior is born.  Isaiah and Micah prophesied exactly what is now taking place!  Our deliverer is here — this was amazing news!!

There have been some pretty incredible news days in the recent history of our nation, but none even compares to the September 11, 2001.  Our nation suffered a devastating attack on our own soil in New York City!  Our enemies were laughing with great joy at our defeat.  When I heard the announcement of the attack on the World Trade Center in NYC, a cold shiver ran up and down my spine!  That shiver was one of uncertainty and anger.  When we hear of the announcement of the birth of Jesus Christ – a shiver should go up and down our spine (but not because of uncertainty and anger – that was for King Herod to experience)—a shiver should go up and down our spine for the realization that the promised Messiah has come!  Salvation was soon to be provided through this babe — for us all!  God did exactly what He said He would!

Joseph and Mary were not people of means. Jesus was born in a cave. Mary was pregnant of the Holy Ghost before knowing a man — this is scandalous for this time period! Yet, the angels, the shepherds, and eventually the wise men — all came to give Him glory!!

So, how can we give glory to God today?

3 Ways to Give Glory to God

1.  Choose Him first.

  • Choose God first through prayer. Before running to a friend, spouse, sibling, or stranger — run to Christ!

  • Choose God first through the Word of God. When seeking advice or counsel. (Joshua 1:8; Psalm 1:2)

  • Choose God first in life decisions. Ask yourself: How does this decision affect my relationship with God?

  • Choose God first in relationships. Ask yourself: Am I known for my love of others…a love God shows me and commands me to show others?  Do I reserve this love only for those that are in my comfort zone?

2.  Love His Way. (Col. 3:17, 23)

Our love is seen in our attitude at work, in our marriage, in relating to our kids, in our activity at church, and in public.

Our love is seen in our obedience. Jesus came from heaven to this sin cursed earth. Jesus experienced the challenges we do (but didn’t sin). Jesus had people who wanted to kill him (and he knew it). Jesus was mocked. Jesus was crucified, but on the cross he said, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.”

Our love is seen in our response to trials. Kyle Carpenter is a  Marine who jumped on a grenade in 2014 to save his friend while at a lookout post in Afghanistan.  He has had over 40 surgeries, lost one eye, and spent 3 years in the hospital.  He doesn’t speak of bitterness today.  He speaks of lessons learned,…he speaks of thankfulness…he speaks of living in the present (not the past).  We can give glory to God with a thankful heart, a heart to learn, and a heart that chooses not to dwell on disappointments of the past – when walking the path of trials.

3.  Pursue Him, His way.

BE HIS AMBASSADOR.  Represent God well as His child. Love like He loves. Show mercy like He has shown to you.  II Corinthians 5:20; Luke 6:36.

BE HIS RECONCILER.  That’s right.  We can glorify God in being a reconciler.  It is the job He gave us!  (II Corinthians 5:19).  So – resist grudges, turn from bitterness, forgive quickly and leave it with Jesus...and help others to do the same.  Help others reconcile to God!  Pursue peace & righteousness (Romans 14:19; Matthew 5:6; II Corinthians 5:21).

Sometimes, our ministry of reconciliation is hindered because we (the ones who are to be the reconcilers) are too stubborn and opinionated. We can sometimes confuse our opinions as gospel truth.  This dramatically affects reconciliation.  There.  I said it.  We cannot be reconciling people to God when we are confusing our word with the Word of God!  Maturity is often recognized when one realizes everything does not demand your stated opinion.

BE HUMBLE. Phil. 2:5; James 4:6; Prov. 16:18-19. “Me first” is an attitude of the past for the one who gives glory to God. A pastor delayed his trip a week to take passage on the Titanic with his daughter.  He had attended morning worship on the ship on that fateful day.  When the ship began to sink, he kissed his daughter and placed her on one of the lifeboats.  He gave his life preserver away and was heard saying, “women, children, and the unsaved first!” He had the ship’s band start playing “Nearer, My God to Thee.” When the ship went down, he dove in the water and swam to driftwood where people were clinging and urged them to believe in Jesus. The last person he witnessed to got saved and gave testimony later that they watched the Pastor succumb to hypothermia and slip under the water for the last time.

This life is NOT about us.  This life is about the One who came to give us life.  May we choose to give glory to God – the Savior of the world…my personal Savior.

Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!  Luke 2:1-14

It is Finished: 3 Lies to Stop Believing

Have you ever had someone tell you something that you did not expect to hear, and it totally shocked you?  We all have some of these in common: the assassination attempt on President Reagan, the explosion of the Space Shuttle Challenger, or 9/11 are all moments in history that shocked us so much that most of us remember what we were doing when we heard the news.  But then there are times that are not so common to the general populous.

 o   I remember when my brother called me to tell me he had aggressive colon cancer.  I sat outside of a church member’s home.  I had just arrived to start a family fun night and my brother called my cell phone to give me the news.  Stunned in silence and then overcome with emotion as I briefly considered the unknown.

 o   I remember when Charis (my wife) announced to me she was pregnant with our fourth child.  You see, two things would usually happen every time she was pregnant.  First, she would start dropping things – a lot.  Second, she would love cutting open a lemon and sucking it dry.  So, to tell me she was pregnant with our fourth child, she came downstairs to my office…waited for me to look up from my sermon preparation…and proceeded to suck a lemon dry to the rind.  With no other words, I looked at her and said, “You’re kidding!”

Shocking statements or announcements have a way of getting our attention, don’t they?  John the Baptist makes a shocking statement in John 1:29 that certainly gained the attention of the Jews of the day.

 “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” 

  •  Perfection - “lamb of God.”

This phrase indicates something the Jews of the day would understand. The Jews were in the practice of making sacrifices to God to atone for their sin.  The blood of a PERFECT lamb would need to be shed to atone for their sin. 

To declare Jesus as the lamb of God would declare perfection.  No blemish.  No sin.  This lamb didn’t require judgment, so He would be free to take other’s judgment in their stead.


  • Sacrifice – “lamb of God.” 

The Jews of the day would also understand that this phrase referred to Jesus as a sacrifice.  A fatal sacrifice would be the thinking as they compared this declaration to their practice of sacrificing a lamb for their sins. 

This would be a jarring declaration, but it probably presented some confusion as well.  We know the disciples didn’t fully understand His purpose from the beginning AND the Jewish people largely looked at Jesus as the earthly king to save them from Roman oppression.


  • Payment – “which taketh away the sin of the world.”

This would apply to everyone.  World-wide. Complete removal of judgment available to all who accept this sacrifice (this payment) as their own.

 We all want the truth.  Right?  Well,  maybe not.  Have you ever had someone ask you if this outfit made them look fat?  Or they got a new haircut and they ask if you like it?  They usually want you to flatter them no matter what you really think.  Right?  I mean, who wants to tell someone they look fat or their haircut is a devastating mistake?!

 Sometimes, our human reasoning leads us to want to believe a lie instead of the truth. These three truths (perfection, sacrifice, and payment) lead us to reckon three beliefs as lies.


3 Lies to Stop Believing

 1.      Seeking additional ways to guarantee heaven as my eternal destination. 

Jesus was the PERFECT LAMB.  If additional means are needed, then Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross wasn’t enough…then that would mean, Jesus is not enough…He isn’t the PERFECT sacrifice…He isn’t able to take away the sins of the world.  Good news!  Jesus is MORE than enough!  Jesus is the perfect lamb. 

Stop trying to add to His sacrifice to make it enough (baby baptism, church attendance, confirmation, 10 commandments. being a good person, etc…).  Nothing needs to be added to Jesus’ sacrifice.  It is complete.  We are complete in Him!   (John 3:16-18; I John 4:10) (sing Complete in Thee)


2.      Ways to earn my forgiveness or to earn the favor of God. 

The first lie affects the unregenerate (ones who have not personally accepted God’s gift of salvation).  The second lie affects the child of God.  The perfect sacrifice has already been made for me.  The ransom has been paid in full. The work of salvation “was finished” on the cross.  God cannot love me anymore than He does right now (I John 4:19; Jeremiah 31:3).  God’s grace for the believer is accessible by faith (Romans 5:2).  We must aim to present good works to God as an outcome of my faith in Him…as a demonstration of my love for Him (John 14:15) --- NOT as a means to earn His favor or grace.


3.      Living as though victory over sinful words, actions, and thoughts is hopeless. 

We believers were placed into a position of victory at the moment of salvation.  The perfect lamb of God took away the sins of the world with His gift of salvation – by grace through faith (Ephesians 1:7, 11-12)!

What is often the problem then?  A wrong view of sin’s nature  (at least in part).  When we consider choosing sinful choices, we usually consider the pleasure of sin…not the horror, wicked, evil nature and outcomes of sin!

What is often the problem then?  A wrong view of sin’s future.  The pleasure lasts for a brief time.  The baggage of our choices can last a lifetime or even for an eternity.

 o Gossip or slander – lifts you up because it presses others down, but it demeans the view others have of you and breaks down trust in you with those to whom you are speaking.  If you are willing to talk about others to them, then you are willing to talk about them to others (James 3:8-10). 

 o Lying – saves you from “getting caught now,” but it always catches up to you (Proverbs 12:22; Ephesians 4:25).  This breaks down trust in relationships.  Trust is a crucial factor for relationships and takes long periods of time to rebuild.

 o Illicit online activities – releases endorphins (pleasure seeking hormones) into the blood stream.  It is usually very private – so no one else knows.  You fool yourself into thinking it is no big deal…you aren’t harming anyone (you reason in your mind).  Here’s the problem: it’s a huge deal! 

 1.      These websites are fueled by human trafficking…this makes you a supporter of human trafficking.

 2.      These online activities affect how you view the opposite gender…a view that changes faster than you will want to admit.

 3.      These online activities are addictive.

 4.      These online activities WILL affect your real relationships (i.e. – spouse, co-workers, younger extended family members, and even strangers).

 5.      These online activities are clearly outside the best view of – the correct view of – relationships…the biblical view of relationships.  These illicit online activities are sin!  Case closed.

Imagine if a man came to your door and said, “You have won a prize!  All your debt is now paid off in full!  You mortgage, your credit card, your car loan, your medical bills – everything is paid in full!”  Many, if not most would reply, “Are you kidding me?!”  We would say that because it had been what we longed for, but it seemed too good to be true.  Is this how we handle our relationship with Jesus?


Here’s the truth…

1.      Jesus is the only way to heaven…I cannot add anything to make heaven a reality for me or anyone else.

 2.      Jesus cannot love me any more than He does right now.  He wants to pour his favor on me.

 3.      Jesus’ gift of salvation puts me in the position of victorious Christian living.

 Stop believing the lies of Satan and live in the power of the cross!

3 Character Traits to Develop for a Thankful Heart - Part 2

What does our society praise?  In recent weeks, the news has reported:

  • Hollywood celebrities praise Nancy Pelosi for denouncing President Trump. (due to foul language in the article, a link is not included in this post).

  •  A little league pitcher was praised for congratulating his opponent for scoring a home run off his pitch. (Click here for news article)

  •  A restaurant in Pennsylvania was praised for its extravagant Halloween decorations on the theme of the Ghostbusters movie. (Click here for news article)

  • President Trump was praised by some for calling out the United Nations on its religious hypocrisy and for calling on the USA to do more to help persecuted Christians around the globe. (Click here for news article)

These are just samples of the news from our society and what it is praising. The good. The bad.  The ugly.  We also have a different example of praise and thanksgiving --

 Charles Wesley wrote his first hymn just three days after his salvation conversion. That hymn was “O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing.” What a testimony of his salvation and His great Savior! As the years passed, he is said to have written 6,500 hymns and gospel songs on every conceivable subject. (Source: Encyclopedia of Illustrations #9532).

What do we need to further develop to become a person with greater gratitude and thankfulness?

 3 Character Traits to Develop for a Thankful Heart:

HONESTY (v. 14-15)

This man with leprosy saw he was healed; that he was hopeless without Jesus.  He could not have healed himself! It has been said, “tell the truth…it is easier to remember!”  This statement applies to what we say about others AND ALSO about what we say about ourselves.

  •  The healed leper didn’t deny his past and simply forget what Jesus had done for him.

  •  He didn’t take credit for his healing. You know the drill — “it was the herbs I ate,” or,  “it was the exercise routine that healed me!” 

  •  He allowed a true view of his past & present to shape a proper response: “I was without hope and now I am healed.  Praise be to God!”  His reasoning was all about who he was/is before meeting Jesus and after meeting Jesus.

Our culture posts pics of ourselves (selfies) on Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, and other various websites.  We can tend to look at these posts of others and think, “I wish my life was like theirs!” After all, they have:

More comments…

More likes…

More shares…

Their pictures are amazing…

They look amazing…

Be honest with yourself!  The average person only posts that perfect picture of themselves, only talks about the exciting things they know will get responses, likes, and shares – what will give them the most affirmation and positive ATTENTION!  Don’t look for self-worth in how many likes you received on social media!  This focus is selfish and proud. 

Your worth is so great in the eyes of Jesus that He knew all your faults perfectly — and yet, He still died to pay the ransom for your sin knowing what He knew!



This newly healed leper gave glory to God with a loud voice!

“Becky” prepared a pasta dish for a dinner party she was giving. In her haste, however, she forgot to refrigerate the spaghetti sauce, and it sat on the counter all day. She was worried about spoilage, but it was too late to cook up another batch. She called the local Poison Control Center and voiced her concern. They advised Becky to boil the sauce again. That night, the phone rang during dinner, and a guest volunteered to answer it. Her face dropped as she called out, "It's the Poison Control Center. They want to know how the spaghetti sauce turned out."  (Source: Gene Solomon)

There are things we often get embarrassed about and don’t want to mention at all…this man (who had leprosy — a disease the general populous would run from in horror) speaks loudly with praise to God!  Think of it this way: someone saying with a loud voice — I don’t have the black plague anymore! Praise be to God!! One would wonder if there would be some wanting verification of this healing before having close contact. A thankful person is unashamed of giving praise to God…regardless of others’ acceptance (or lack thereof)!


HUMILITY (v. 16)

 This Samaritan feel down at the feet of Jesus. A Jew. Jews & Samaritans did not associate with one another.  Apparently, the other 9 lepers were Jews. There would be no other time that these hostiles would dwell together, but among lepers.  As lepers, all distinction of race was removed!  Jesus was a Jew as well.  Yet, only the Samaritan stayed to give Jesus praise.  Perhaps this man had a greater sense of the mercy he received from Jesus? Nonetheless, it is interesting to note that the only person expressing thanks to Jesus for this saving act from a slow death…was a Samaritan. Can you imagine the humility this Samaritan had to bow before a Jew to give praise…with his face down at the dirty feet of Jesus? Proverbs 16:18-19; James 4:10; I Peter 5:6


 A thankful person stands out (v. 17-19)

 Read these popular advertising slogans:

 “You deserve a break today” (McDonalds)

 “Have it your way” (Burger King)

“Be All You Can Be” (US Army)

“Double Your Pleasure, Double Your Fun” (DoubleMint Gum)

The slogans all point to what I want, who I am, and my own pleasure or enjoyment.  A thankful person is not known for selfishness, pride, or lying…a thankful person stands out in the crowd. Remember, only 1 of 10 men healed of leprosy returned to Jesus to thank Him! A thankful heart stands out in a crowd!! 

  • This person will be inconvenienced to express thanks. Don’t you think this Samaritan had family or friends he wanted to see? …but he chose to go to Jesus first.

  • This person will swallow personal pride to express thanks. A Samaritan at the feet of Jesus giving thanks!

  • A truly thankful person will be swift to acknowledge the work of another person and praise it – instead of taking credit for it themselves!

“So much has been given to me that I have no time to ponder that which I don't have.”—Helen Keller

“Giving thanks is not a matter of feeling thankful, it is a matter of obedience.”—Joni Erickson Tada (she is quadriplegic)

“The pilgrims made seven times more graves than huts—nevertheless, [they] set aside a day of thanksgiving.”—H. W. Westermeyer

“Gratitude is an offering precious in the sight of God, and it is one that the poorest of us can make and be not poorer but richer for having made it.”—Unknown

A thankful heart will have honesty, will be unashamed of Jesus, and will have humility as its companions.

We must honestly evaluate the reality of thankfulness in our own heart. Are you actively developing these character traits in your own life? If not…what is stopping you?