3 Truths about God When Life is Hard

Both the hummingbird and the vulture fly over our nation’s deserts. All vultures see is rotting meat, because that is what they look for. They thrive on that diet. But hummingbirds ignore the smelly flesh of dead animals. Instead, they look for the colorful blossoms of desert plants. Vultures live on what was. They live on the past. They fill themselves with what is dead and gone. But hummingbirds live on what is. They seek new life. They fill themselves with freshness and life. Each bird finds what it is looking for. The truth is, we all find what we look for. Source: Quote Magazine, Steve Goodier)

So, the question is, what are you looking for?  Specifically, what do you look for when you are struggling or when you are encouraged? 

We must look for God no matter the circumstance.  In Acts 9, the Lord declared He had called Paul to suffer many things for His name.  Paul has been tracked down like an animal hunting its prey.  Paul has been arrested, put into an ‘inner prison,’ stoned, falsely accused,  almost beaten to death…and this is not a complete list!  He now faces a plot to murder him while in prison.   

23:12-22 – The Players in the Plot

Have you ever watched a reality police show when they pull someone over and they are about to search the car and the people?  The police officer will ask something like, “Do you have any firearms or drugs that I might find in my search?”  The answer is usually, “No.”  Then when the officer find drugs under the back seat or in the shoe or pants they are wearing, they say, “That’s not mine!  I have no idea where that came from!”  Unfortunately for them, the evidence speaks to the contrary.  Here in Acts 23, the Lord gives us clear indication who the guilty persons are in the plot to kill Paul.

vv. 12-13 – 40 male Jews who are bound together in an oath (no food or drink until they kill Paul)

vv. 14-15 – It is revealed that the chief priests and elders had a part to play in this murder plot as well! Their part was to lie to the chief captain to get him to bring Paul to them…the 40 Jews mentioned in Acts 23:12-13 would do the rest.

vv. 16 – Paul’s nephew (overheard the conspiracy)

vv. 17-22 – Paul asks a centurion to bring his nephew to the chief captain.  The nephew reveals the conspiracy to the chief captain.  The chief captain then instructs this young man to tell no one else.  This secrecy would be for the young man’s safety and for the purpose of keeping Paul’s transfer unsuspected.

23:23-24 – The Protection in the Plot

Orders are given for 470 men to protect Paul! Look at this breakdown of Roman protection for a preacher of the gospel:

                                    200 Soldiers (heavily armed infantry)

                                    70 Horsemen (heavily armed cavalry)

                                    200 Spearmen (lightly armed soldiers)

                                    To deploy at 3rd hour of the night: 9 PM

The scene is simple and clear.  Little Susie comes into the living room, climbs up on her Daddy’s lap, and gives him and big hug and kiss.  She tells him how handsome is and that his muscles are big.  Daddy’s wife (mommy) told him Susie suddenly cleaned up her room after two days of bickering over it.  Both parents’ meters were reading “something’s up.”  Daddy asks Susie, “What do you want?”

Protection Motivation.  We are all motivated in different ways.  What motivates the Roman guard to provide such protection?

  • Citizenship. The Chief Captain decided to get Paul beyond the power of the Jews.  Afterall, Paul was a Roman citizen.

  • Pride. Romans also considered their protection a matter of pride.  It would be shameful for the Romans if a murder plot against one in their care was successful.

23:24-35 - The Twist in the Plot

The murder plot is thwarted with an unexpected trip under the cover of darkness. Paul will now have an audience with a higher-level Roman leader to hear his case — who will also hear the gospel! Paul’s audience has now undergone a dramatic change from hostile to willing.

So, what do we learn about God in this conspiracy to commit murder plot?!  3 TRUTHS ABOUT GOD.

1.      God will not be mocked! 

40 Jews conspiring with the Chief Priests and Elders will not be able to rise victorious over God’s plan.  The situation was stacked against Paul in Acts 23, but God was victorious.  God will not be mocked in your life circumstances as well! 

2.      God is sovereign! 

He will bring who is needed into our lives to help preserve and protect against those who oppose God’s perfect plan. 

  • Only God could have Paul’s nephew in that place, at that time. 

  • Only God could have given Paul such favor that the centurion would listen to him and take the nephew to the chief captain. 

  • Only God could move a Roman Centurion to order 470 men to protect His own. 

  • Only God could use such a life-threatening plot to bring Paul to the next level of leadership in the land to speak of His saving grace.

What are your “Only God” meditations this week?  Only God knows my need…Only God truly listens when I call…Only God can comfort me as I desperately need…Only God has the power to keep the promises He has made!

3.      God cares! 

…that Paul is being beaten by a mob

…that the Romans planned to whip Paul

…that the religious leaders conspired against Paul

…that the 40 Jews vowed to kill Paul

His care is seen in saving Paul from these. His care is seen in Paul being born a Roman…a citizenship he would use for his safety. His care is seen in using Paul, in the midst of these beatings, to point others to Jesus. His care is to protect Paul even while in prison!

God’s care for you and me does not guarantee the removal of hard things

Sometimes it is the hard things that shows God cares for us.  Consider these hard things:

Jonah in the belly of a great fish for 3 days drove him to preach in Nineveh

Daniel’s night with the lions drove a King to believe

Jospeh’s time as a slave and prisoner brought him to a place of great power.  God used him to save His people from famine.

Jesus’ crucifixion provided the means for the forgiveness of sin. 

Church, look for God in your hard life circumstances…rehearse who He is…thank Him for who He is, thank Him for what he has done, and thank Him for what He is doing that you cannot see.  Our feelings change swiftly, and our reasoning does not always track with scripture.  However, God and His Word remains the same for you and me – no matter our situation.  So, look for God, the One who never changes, in your life circumstances today!

Does Jesus care when my heart is pained
Too deeply for mirth or song,
As the burdens press,
And the cares distress,
And the way grows weary and long?

O yes, He cares, I know, He cares. His heart is touched with my grief. When the days are weary, the long night dreary, I know my Savior cares!