Russia, China, North Korea, Vietnam…what do these nations have in common? They all have believers who have been arrested for their faith, beaten, and pressed to deny the one true God!
Let me ask you a different question: What do many secular college campuses, some medical facilities, mainstream news media, and some scientists in America have in common? It is the strong will to deny the God of the Bible…to insist God be removed from the public platform…to insist Biblical views not be allowed as viable beliefs.
How about some local churches & individual professing believers in America? Some embrace a practice of insisting on their opinions and calling everyone else wrong or less spiritual than they are when not practicing their opinions/preferences.
It happens today like it happened in Babylon when Daniel was thrown into a den of lions…like it happened when Saul threw Christians into jail in Jerusalem (and some died)…like it happened in Philippi when Paul and Silas were beaten and thrown into the inner prison. What happened? People attempted to stamp out the gospel! What do we do when people try to stamp out gospel living?
We must continue moving forward in Holy Spirit enabled love when opposition stands to stop gospel living! Turn to Acts 23. Let’s take a moment to consider this wild council meeting.
Honesty is Punished (23:1-2)
Honesty is crucial for the believer!
Eph. 4:25 – put away lying…speak the truth in love
Rmns. 12:17 - Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men.
II Cor. 8:21 - Providing for honest things, not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of men.
Paul gives an honest statement, and he is punched in the mouth. Why? Because the Jewish Religious leaders, the High Priest, did not like what he said…to be honest, they simply didn’t like Paul. He was a threat to them! Paul wasn’t punched because he lied. Paul wasn’t punched because he broke the law. Paul was punched because the High Priest wanted to establish dominance, fear (as a motivator), and silent submission (via bullying to intimidate).
These are very effective tactics – that is why so many people, even Christians, use them today! When the truth threatens another person’s comfort zone, reputation, or the way they are used to doing things … sometimes a person’s flesh will kick into overdrive to protect their wants. Loud speech, threats, physical harm all work well at manipulation and intimidation with the ultimate goal of forcing the person into submission.
What do we do in these situations? Well, Paul’s example here is that he points to the law. Look at Acts 23:3.
Challenges are Exchanged (23:3-5)
Paul calls out the council (23:3). Paul points out the High Priest’s hypocrisy in judging him according to the law, but then breaking the law to strike a Roman publicly. Paul uses the laws of the Romans as a solid defense.
Council calls out Paul (23:4-5). A bystander challenges Paul on correcting the High Priest (“revilest” = reproach). Paul says he didn’t know he was the High Priest and then quotes the OT law. Paul uses honest denial and then uses scripture. The scripture usage and Roman law references shows Paul isn’t ignorant of spiritual and civil truth.
Division is Created (23:6-10)
Paul realizes there are Sadducees and Pharisees present. Paul knew these two groups had doctrinal disagreement about “resurrection of the dead.” Since there would be no gospel without the resurrection of Jesus (for if He had not risen, sin and death would have conquered Jesus), Paul points to the resurrection as a division among them. It is this doctrine that divided those accusing Paul (23:6-9). In essence, Paul embraces the “divide and conquer” debate method.
The Pharisees and Sadducees are willing to get aggressive with anyone who disagrees! The dissension grows violent quickly and the soldiers once again remove Paul (23:10).
Hope & Comfort are Assured (23:11)
When things seem impossible…
When everyone seems against you…
When fear starts to overtake you…
When you start to question if “this” is right…
When intimidation and manipulation are used to control you…
God will comfort! God will never leave you or forsake you!
“…the Lord stood by, and said, Be of good cheer, Paul!” Don’t lose hope in living the gospel – you are on the right path! Keep on going!
Among other things, the gospel is love! It is a love that is given freely and to the most undeserving. It is a love that is selfless, sacrificial, and satisfying.
When you live the gospel love in your marriage…you are on the right path! Keep going!
When you live the gospel love with your wayward children…you are on the right path! Keep going!
When you live the gospel love towards unbelievers who hate you and persecute you…you are on the right path! Keep on going!
When you live the gospel love towards your neighbor when their dog does his business on your lawn after you repeatedly asked them not to or you live gospel love towards those who disagree with you politically – and you show them patience, kindness, and genuine love – you are on the right path! Keep on going!
We are helped in seeing how Paul handled opposition to gospel living! Here are 3 lessons learned from this confrontation:
1. KNOW THE TRUTH. Be certain you stand on truth. John 8:32
2. KNOW THE LAW. Be certain you do not exceed the law.
3. KNOW THE SPIRIT. Be certain you are walking with God (in the Spirit) and not in your flesh (fruit of the Spirit will be present when you are in the right). Gal. 5:16, 22-23. Be certain you are led by God and not your flesh. A flesh driven life with little fellowship with God and little to no fruit of the Spirit will have a VERY challenging time being truly led by God. There should be an amazing contrast between the believer and the rest of the world! Look at Ephesians 4:17-20.