6 Keys to Increase Your Faith in God

“Researchers have found almost no correlation between income levels and happiness. Between 1957- and 1990-income levels in the U.S. doubled. Yet at the same period, people’s levels of happiness did not increase. In fact, reports of depression actually increased tenfold. Incidence of divorce, suicide, alcoholism and drug abuse also rose dramatically.” (Source: The Power of Full Engagement, Jim Loehr)

So, the increase of money is clearly not the answer.  Money clearly does not solve or slow down the impact of such devastating problems.  The American dream is financial independence, large bank accounts, big houses, beautiful cars, and more.  Yet, this “dream” is crushing our peace, love, and joy!  What ought be our aim?  What do we need to increase, much more than money, to turn around these negative impacts on our homes and on society in general?  I believe Acts 11 directs our attention to a transformational choice: we must actively increase our faith in God!

Take a look at Acts 11:22-25.

Barnabas makes a profound impact for the gospel throughout the accounts recorded in the book of Acts. So, how is Barnabas described? Acts 11:24 tell us that Barnabas is a “good man” in a moral sense (per Vine’s Expository Dictionary).  He is also described with two other distinctions: the Holy Ghost and faith.  These are crucial to every walk of life.  One must be filled with the Holy Ghost in order to exhibit the fruits of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, etc.…Gal. 5:22-23) – and such fruit is crucial to any relationship.  The last description of Barnabas is as one full of faith. Hebrews 11:6 reminds us that it is impossible to please God without faith.

To be filled with the Holy Ghost requires a yielded heart to the Lord.  This is a choice (Eph. 5:18).  Yet, how does one become full of faith?

6 Keys to Increasing Our Faith in God

1.     Saturate your mind with God’s Word (Rom. 10:17; I Pet. 2:2).

This will develop genuine relationship with God.  This will be the school of learning God’s justness, love, mercy, and overall map for His dealings with humanity. 

The world understands the importance of saturation of our minds!  24/7 news channels, blogs, emails, and YouTube videos all look to saturate our minds with a specific value system stripped of the One who is truth.  Saturate your mind with the One who is truth – Jesus (Jn. 14:6; 17:17)!

Consider examples of truth in the Bible. When the Serpent in Genesis 3 suggested God was not telling Adam and Eve the whole truth, who was found to be the liar. It was Satan. Right? When Mary was told she would do the impossible and bare the Messiah as a virgin, who was found to be telling the truth? It was God. When Jesus told the disciples who had been fishing all night (and caught nothing) to cast their nets on the other side, who was found to be leading them to truth? Jesus! O church of God, saturate your minds with the very words of truth, the Bible!

2.     Embrace relationship with God Himself (Jn. 17:3).

We all have acquaintances and friends. One knows about or has heard of an acquaintance, but we all know well a friend.  It is not enough to just know there is a God (Jas. 2:19).  We must choose the offer of a personal relationship with the One true God. This begins with accepting His gift of saving grace (find out more here). This continues with nurturing and pursuing relationship with Jesus through Bible study, prayer, corporate worship, and more!

3.     Ask God to reveal Himself to you (Matt. 7:7).

I met my wife on the first day of our college career. We sat next to each other in Freshman Speech. Within a few weeks, I was carrying her books and walking her to classes. She actually asked my out first. It was to her campus society dating outing. I then asked her out to an Artist Series and continued dating all throughout college. Towards the end of our undergraduate degrees, I got down on one knee and asked Charis to marry me.  I could not imagine living life just hearing about her from others or at reunions. I wanted a personal relationship with her for the rest of my life!

God wants a relationship with us.  He loves you so much that the unlimited perfect God could not love you more than He does right now!  He wants you to be with Him, to know Him, to follow Him, to depend on Him, and to love Him.  He is ready to forgive you and pour His mercy in abundance over you (Ps. 86:5).

4.     Surrender your will and accept His will (Rom. 12:1-2).

When “no one is going to tell me what to do” is our battle cry, we will find devastation and struggle flooding our journey of life (Prov. 14:12).  Let’s be honest for a moment.  How is stubbornness and pride working out for us?  Pride and selfishness keeps us from God and greater faith in God. God is eternal love, perfect justice, strong joy, and peace that passes all understanding.  Why would we run from that?  We need God!

5.     The more we allow God control of our lives, the more we begin to trust God with our lives (Col. 2:6-7).

Faith increases through genuine relationship with God.  Faith is not grown in the lion’s den, but rather practiced in the lion’s den.  Faith increases in the small daily choices of Bible reading, prayer, church attendance, Bible study, teachableness, and a surrendered heart.  Yet we sometimes only give thought for greater faith in the midst of crisis and are okay with little relationship with God during times of comfort. 

Faith is increased during times of comfort and is practiced during times of crisis. Little relationship with God equals shallow faith in God.

6.     Step out of our comfort zones and trust God will do what He promises (II Cor. 1:20; Jas. 1:22). 

As we continue to practice the first 5 keys to increasing faith in God, we will become more convinced than ever that God’s way is best.  We will become convinced to walk by faith and not by sight and:

Love our wife with sacrifice (Eph. 5:25)

Follow our husband willing (Eph. 5:22)

Obey our parents (Eph. 6:1)

Tell others about the saving grace of Jesus (Mk. 16:15)

Give our tithes to God (Mal. 3:8-10)

Get baptized (Matt. 28:19-20; Acts 2:42)

Get more serious about prayer (Lk. 18:1; Jn. 14:14)

Be known for our love for others (Jn. 13:35)

How has your faith grown in 2022?  Is your faith only strong when faced with kind loyal friends, good health, and political freedom?  Or do you continue to trust God when friends betray you, your body fails you, your circumstances depress you, and your God seems silent to you? 

We must be busy increasing our faith when things are comfortable, and God’s blessings are visible!

You may have athletic skills, great personality, popularity, a terrific job, and even a great home life – but are you known as a man/woman of faith and full of the Holy Ghost?!

The Muslim puts faith in the Koran and Mohammed.

The Buddhist puts faith in graven images.

The Humanist puts faith in himself.

The Religious man puts faith in his works.

The Materialist puts faith in his wealth.

A Christian, one with genuine relationship with Jesus Christ, puts faith in Jesus.

Faith is only as good as its object. Mohammed is dead, graven images are created by humans and cannot move or speak, humanity is fallible, and our works are as filthy rags (Is. 64:6).  Jesus is the only one among these objects of faith that is alive!  He is alive and actively involved in your life – but you must choose Him.  Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved (Rom. 10:9-10, 13)!  Confess your sin and Jesus is faithful and just to forgive you your sin (I Jn. 1:9)!

"The most significant contribution we make in life, is the passing of our faith to the next generation."—Unknown

Deeper relationship with God – increases our faith in God – and enables us to greater impact on the world about us for Jesus!  May we choose today to purposely increase our faith in God.