Strongholds Conference

Are you looking for practical help over the wrong kind of habits? Have you fallen into a pattern of anger, relational conflict, lust, or bitterness? Morris Gleiser will share pointed truth from the Bible and point you to the pathway of overcoming strongholds! This FREE conference is open to the public. A love offering will be received at each session.


Saturday, September 21

We will begin the conference with a family hayride at an area farm on September 21 at 1 PM. Please contact the church for location information. Each family is asked to bring items for cooking s’mores around a bonfire after the hayride. Families with a last name ending in A-M are asked to bring chocolate bars and marshmallows. Families with a last name ending in N-Z are asked to bring a box of graham crackers and a small container of hot chocolate packets. Leftover supplies will be used at our annual bonfire event on November 8. The Marshfield communities are happily invited to both events!

Sunday, September 22

The first session of this conference will begin with a worship service on September 22 at 10 AM. Uplifting music with a congregational emphasis will start the service. Our guest preacher, Morris Gleiser, will open the conference during the worship service with session one of the Strongholds Conference. Morris is well known for pointed and practical teaching of the Bible that is helpfully illustrated. You will find clear application to your everyday living as he teaches Bible truths.

THE GREAT CHILI COOKOFF will immediately follow the first session. Each family is encouraged to bring a small crockpot of their best chili for this fun competition event. Everyone must RSVP the church office in order to reserve your seats for this fun family meal! Everyone is not required to enter their chili in the “best chili” competition — but you should still come! Where else would you find such a spread of the best chili in the region — and who doesn’t love some chili on a cool autumn day?! Families with a last name ending in A-M are also asked to bring their best cornbread and families with a last name ending in N-Z are asked to bring a large serving of their best dessert for the buffet tables. The second session of the Strongholds Conference will take place after the GREAT CHILI COOKOFF.

Monday-Wednesday, September 23-25

The third, fourth, and fifth sessions of the conference will take place on September 23-25. Each of these sessions will begin at 6:30 PM. The sessions will begin with a brief time of worship music with a congregational focus and then Morris will take the bulk of the session time teaching Bible truths that will help us practically battle the strongholds we face in daily living.