So, what is meant by the term “thankfulness?” Politeness? Toleration of the undesirable? A forced smile? Satisfying one with gratitude to get what you want? The Bible says that thankfulness is…
4 Things that Following God's Will Reveals About You
Think about it. God can see where I cannot. God knows everything. He has no limit to His power. He is even perfect in wisdom. God has made my life the target of His love. God desires for my joy to be full. So, why not follow God’s will? Do you know what we reveal about ourselves when we follow God’s will?
4 Ways the Bible is Tested
The #1 Key Element of Success
What Everyone Needs Most: 3 Stages to Pursuing God
What matters more to you and I than our relationship with Jesus is what will lead us away from Jesus. If we are not careful, we can embrace the same mindset as the Pharisees and think that others are the ones that sin and that are somehow we have earned/deserved God’s favor and blessing. Even the church still needs to come to and follow Jesus!
Secrets Revealed-Part 5: 4 Truths to Better Understand Loving God
Secrets Revealed-Part 3: 4 Examples of Choosing Abiding in Christ
Secrets Revealed-Part 3: 8 Safeguards for Seasons of Purging
The purging presses me to God the Father, greater relationship with the Father is realized, and greater depth in times of prayer are revealed. The Lord kindly shows us the end of the path to show us the importance of the beginning of the path. That difficult time you face is not necessarily God’s wrath, perhaps it is His love in purging you to bear more fruit!
Secret Revealed: Why We Must Choose Jesus!
Are you merely caught in the trappings of Christianity without genuine relationship “in Christ?” Can I say without question that you have eternal life and forgiveness of sin based on what the Bible says? Or am are you just playing church…fulfilling an obligation…adding more good works to your chart of life? What does the Bible say is the real answer?
Secrets Revealed - Part 1
The Lord does not use secrets about Himself to manipulate the church and gain our attention. The Word was given to the world to reveal Jesus, not hide Him. O church of God, we need to pursue knowing God as God has revealed Himself to be – and not as how man makes Him to be – and not as how man makes Him to be.