Jesus Prepared the Way (Matthew 21:1-4)

This is now the last week of the Lord’s life on earth.  Matthew 20:29 tells us that they were coming from Jericho as they made their way to Jerusalem.  This would have been a 19-mile journey in an area that was mostly desert, rocks, and caves. It would have been an area that was a common place for robbers.  The mount of Olives is on the east side of Jerusalem.  Between this mount and Jerusalem runs a small stream called Kidron.  On the west side of the mount was the garden of Gethsemane. On the eastern decline of the mount were Bethphage and Bethany (Mark 14:32 and Luke 22:39 say Jesus came near to both cities).  It seems the Lord spent the night in Bethany and most likely spent the Sabbath with friends (Matthew 26:6; John 12:1, 9-11).  Bethany is where Lazarus lived, died, and lived again (John 11).  Mary and Martha also lived in Bethany.  (Source: Barnes Notes Commentary)

The Mount of Olives is about 1 mile in length, 700 feet in height, has 3 peaks with the center peak being the highest.  This would provide an excellent overlook of Jerusalem. Quite the view!

It is from this vantage point that instructions are now given to go get a colt and to be certain the owner has knowledge of the situation.

Jesus Fulfilled His Word (Matthew 21:5)

Zechariah 9:9 prophesied this event of Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a colt.  When Christ appeared in Jerusalem, it was in meekness – not majesty.  It was in mercy to provide salvation.  Jesus did not even use the colt brought for His use without the owner’s consent.

Meekness and mercy marked the way of Zion’s King.  How wrong covetousness, pride, and ambition ought be among Zion’s citizens!

Jesus Led to Obedience (Matthew 21:6-7)

After the triumphant entry into Jerusalem, the chief priests and elders joined the mobs who would crucify Him; however, none of them joined those who honored Jesus.

Those who claim Christ as their King must lay down their all at His altar.

Jesus Inspired Praise (Matthew 21:8-11)

The crowds applaud Jesus. Have you ever noticed how the the cry of the people changes with the cry of the day?  Within one week the cry of people changes from “Hosanna in the highest!” to “Crucify Him!  Crucify Him!”

Many in today’s culture seem to approve the gospel, yet few become consistent out the gospel. Are you living out the gospel day after day?

What a difference a week makes!  The week starts with high praise and ends in death.

Consider the events that followed His entry into Jerusalem:

  • He drives the buyers and sellers out of the temple (Matt. 21:12-14)

  • A woman anoints Jesus

  • The Last Supper with his disciples, final instructions are given, & He predicts His betrayal

  • He tells Peter he will deny Christ 3 times before the cock crows

  • He prays in the garden

  • Judas arrives in the garden to betray Him

  • Peter cuts off the ear of the High Priest’s servant with a sword

  • All the disciples run away…and Jesus is arrested

  • Jesus is mocked, beaten, stripped, and nailed to a cross

  • Jesus says 7 things on the cross – but ends with “It is finished!”

  • A soldier runs a sword through Jesus’ side

  • Jesus is buried…and 3 days later – He is alive!

  • He appears to many --- after His resurrection

  • The disciples have turned from fearful fishermen who ran away at His arrest to bold preachers of – “Jesus is the promised Messiah!” 

Jesus Saves! Jesus Lives!  Jesus is the answer you seek…and He is still the answer today!! Things were great – but then they got really hard…then they stayed hard – but were now amazing!

  1. Jesus was the answer for the nobleman’s son

  2. Jesus was the answer for a dead man named Lazarus

  3. Jesus was the answer for money changers in the temple

  4. Jesus was the answer for Peter at the Lord’s trial

  5. Jesus was the answer for Saul on the road to Damascus

  6. Jesus was the answer for a persecuted church

…but then He died…but THEN He rose from the dead!!

Jesus is still the answer…He still saves!  He lives!

  1. Jesus is still the answer for the one searching for peace

  2. Jesus is still the answer for the one needing provision

  3. Jesus is still the answer for the desperate wanting forgiveness

  4. Jesus is still the answer for the confidence of eternal hope

In the hardest of times…in the most devastating of circumstances…Jesus is still the answer today!  

Rejoice!  Jesus Saves!!

The New Plan- Part 2: 5 Steps Every Believer Should Take

On December 22, 1899, the evangelist D. L. Moody lay dying. His first job had been as a shoe clerk in Boston, gathering eighteen ragged boys off the street to organize a Sunday school class. In two years the class had grown to fifteen hundred. In his lifetime Moody was to take two continents in his hands and shake them for God. As he died, he left this epitaph written on the flyleaf of his Bible, “If God be your partner, make your plans large.”  Source: Peloubet's Select Notes on the International Lessons, Adolphus Frederick Schauffler 

What is your plan to follow God?   

Is it to go to church, read your Bible more than not through the average week and see what happens?   

Is your plan to work your job and come to church to do the right thing?   

Is your plan to fulfill a spiritual “to-do” list?  Or just keep ‘status quo?’ 

Or maybe your plan is to memorize & study scripture, and pray, and surround yourself with God’s people and to hear much preaching of God’s Word and by the grace of God be a bold witness for Him and be found faithful in the daily activities of your life? 

 We must make a plan to follow God!  

“Failing to plan is planning to fail.” 

Planning to do Right (3:2b-4) 

The Reasoning.    

“Is not Boaz of our kindred” – Ruth 2:20 revealed this new information. 

 “with whose maiden thou wast” – why is she still there?   

Ruth 2:8 reminds us that Boaz told her not to go anywhere else for gleaning.   

Ruth 2:23 reminds us that Ruth continued in Boaz’s fields because Naomi told her to do so. Both good counsel based on the Bible!  

The plan had to do with their routine. It is probable that the “winnowing of grain” was effected by taking up a portion of the corn in a sieve, and letting it down slowly in the wind; thus the grain would, by its own weight, fall in one place, while the chaff, etc., would be carried a distance by the wind. It is said here that this was done at night; probably what was threshed out in the day was winnowed in the evening, when the sea breeze set in, which was common in Palestine. 

 The plan wasn’t inappropriate.  Naomi wouldn’t have suggested a wicked or immoral plan.  Instead, this plan had much to do with the customs and laws of the time and culture.

 Here’s the plan. Can you see the comparison to Christ!?

  • Wash Yourself.  We need the washing of regeneration and to be sanctified by the Word 

  • Anoint Yourself (perfume).  We need the anointing of the Holy Spirit to enable us to do His will.  

  • Put on nice clothes.  Get rid of the widow clothes.  The mourning is over.  Christ has a robe of righteousness for those He saves.  He takes our beggar rags and credits His righteousness to our account!  Jesus transforms us from enemies with God (Rom. 8:7to righteous because of Jesus (II Cor. 5:21). 

  • Get down to the floor and let the man know you want him to be your kinsman redeemer.  Have you ever told the Lord Jesus you love Him and want to be His?   

 Hear the gospel clear and plain!  Jesus is waiting for YOU!  His arms are stretched out wide for YOU!  His eyes are fixed on YOU!  He alone has paid your sin debts.  He alone has satisfied God’s judgment for YOUR sin.  He cannot love you anymore than He does right now (Jer. 31:3).   

Come to Jesus and accept His gift of salvation (Rom. 10:13).  

Christian, come to Jesus and know you are still loved by almighty God – even though you struggle with sin (Rom. 5:8).  

Come to Jesus and seek His mercy to pour over you (Psalm 86:5).   

Come to Jesus and find His grace by faith to live the gospel you received from Him years ago (Rom. 5:1-2)! 

Come to Jesus and lay down your life for others (I Jn. 3:16). 

Boaz wasn’t making a move, but he was the Kinsman Redeemer!  Naomi tells Ruth to go claim him as the Kinsman Redeemer.   Christ died for you, but you and I need to claim Him as our own…claim Him in salvation and sanctification. 

“When she had thus made her claim, Boaz, who was more learned in the laws, would tell her what she must do. Thus must we lay ourselves at the feet of our Redeemer, to receive from him our instruction. Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?” (Matthew Henry) 

When we came to the Lord and yielded our way to Him…it was at that time we needed to begin looking to Him for instruction.  Disciples of Jesus – stand up and seek out the Lord’s way! 

  • Instruction from Him for how to grow closer to Him 

  • Instruction from Him for what to say AND what not to say 

  • Instruction from Him for the next person to give the gospel to 

  • Instruction from Him for the order of our priorities 


Ruth 3:5.  Ruth didn’t know how this was going to all turn out.  Naomi understood the law better than Ruth, but even Naomi was depending on Boaz to tell Ruth what to do next!  However, Ruth did have some comfort:  

  • She had comfort in knowing Naomi wanted the best for her 

  • She had comfort in knowing this was the law of God 

  • She had the comfort in knowing Boaz’s kind treatment in the past 

Look how good the Lord is to Ruth.  All she needed was the Mosaic Law to act, but God gave her Naomi and Boaz to encourage the next step of faith.  The Lord continually gives good gifts to those who walk uprightly (Ps. 84:11-12). 

You may say, “this seems too basic – ‘just follow the Word of God and He will bless.’”  Sometimes we need to go back to the basics to become more advanced.  Pro Golfer Jack Nicklaus relates the story of the year his game was way off.  He didn’t win any tournaments or even place in the top positions.  He went back home and looked up his old coach and asked him to take him back to square one.  He asked his coach to teach him how to swing again…how to stand again…and he didn’t want that coach to assume anything just because he was a professional golfer. 

What is the next step God has for you to take you to your next level in a relationship with Jesus?   

5 Steps Every Believer Should Take 

  1. Study the Word.  Am I in the Word daily?  What kind of understanding do I have of Bible doctrine? Am I a “shallow waters” believer?  Do I know the Word well enough that I memorize it?  (Prov. 30:5-6; II Tim. 2:15; 3:16-17

  2. Vibrant Prayer Life.  How can my communication with Jesus improve?  Do I only talk to Jesus when I want something?  Do I look forward to time with Him or is it a chore?  (Matt. 7:7-8; 26:41; Lk. 18:1

  3.  First steps to take.  Have I been baptized since I trusted Jesus as my Savior?  Have a joined a local church family?  What keeps me from taking these first steps?  (Acts 2:41; I Cor. 3:1-4

  4.  Forgiven & Forgive.  Jesus forgave me…do I forgive others?  Is there someone that comes to mind that I need to ask someone for forgiveness?  Am I holding bitterness against another person?  (Matt. 6:14; Lk. 17:3-4; Eph. 4:32

  5.  Growth.  Am I in the same place (spiritually) as I was last year?  Am I making choices this year that lead me to a closer walk with Jesus?  What are those choices?  (Phil. 1:9; I Tim. 4:15; II Pet. 3:18

What is your plan to follow God?  Seeking the Lord and being faithful in the small steps (even what we don’t want to do, but we know we ought to do), is great preparation for the big steps of faith to come.   

Disciples of Jesus – are you learning at His feet?  Are you growing closer to the One you declare you follow?  Are you helping others to do the same? 



The New Plan: 4 Choices for Gospel Living

Rehab therapy is usually VERY challenging.  I have heard many say a person’s relationship with their rehab therapist is a love/hate relationship…because they usually want you to do things you don’t want to do!  However, the therapist knows if you don’t do those things that are hard to do or are painful -- you will not fully recover.  So, the therapy seems hard and full of pressure – but to get where I want to be, I need to do what my therapist has told me to do.

We will experience those kinds of pressure points in daily living all the time!  Our response is often looking for relief from the pressure point – any way possible; however, to get relief from the pressure point we usually need to do what we don’t want to do.  When experiencing pressure points, we must continue walking in the light!

Walking in the Light (3:1-2)

Ruth 3:1 uses the phrase “shall I not.” Naomi tells Ruth that she wants to seek rest for her.  Naomi wants to find Ruth a husband … specifically, their kinsman Boaz – who has shown himself attentive to Ruth and her needs – would make a great hubby!

Naomi’s original wishRuth 1:9 – “The LORD grant you that ye may find rest, each of you in the house of her husband. Then she kissed them; and they lifted up their voice, and wept.”

God’s Specific InstructionI Tim. 5:8 – “But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.”

God’s Stated WillI Tim. 5:14 – “I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully.”

Some have come to me through the years panic stricken because they were not married yet, and the clock was ticking!  They were so burdened and VERY serious.  They had been looking for a mate everywhere they could think of and nothing was working.  Everything was motivated by “I must get married!”

Naomi was not just “wedding crazy.”   Naomi wasn’t just wanting to get rid of Ruth.  Naomi was wanting to do right…her motive was pure! 

We can do spiritual things for the wrong reasons.  We must be certain our motive is right before God – just as much as we must be certain our actions are right before God!

The next phrase that Ruth 3:1 uses is “may be well with thee.” The Bible speaks of this same phrase in application to several things.  Consider these:

Obedience = “well with thee”

Deut. 4:40 – “Thou shalt keep therefore his statutes, and his commandments, which I command thee this day, that it may go well with thee, and with thy children after thee, and that thou mayest prolong thy days upon the earth, which the LORD thy God giveth thee, forever.”

Hard Work = “well with thee”

Psa. 128:2 – “For thou shalt eat the labor of thine hands: happy shalt thou be, and it shall be well with thee.”

Discerning Judgment = “well with thee”

Jer. 22:16 – “He judged the cause of the poor and needy; then it was well with him: was not this to know me? saith the LORD.”

Ruth has shown obedience to God in going to glean in the fields.  Ruth has delivered much hard work.  Ruth has shown good judgment in coming to the fields, good judgment with Boaz in the fields, and good judgment in following her mother-in-law. 

Naomi wants a more permanent “well with thee” for Ruth; however, Ruth couldn’t have come to this time of decision without prior decisions of obedience, hard work, and good judgment! 

The longer lasting “well with thee” solutions that we all want usually come with the smaller “well with thee” choices we make each day!  We often want the more permanent solution; however, the Lord wants faithfulness and trusting Him in the smaller areas before He brings us to the bigger answers of prayer. 

Here is the gospel!  God gave the eternal “well with thee” solution – forgiveness of sin and a home in heaven by Jesus taking the punishment I deserve.  God also gave the temporary “well with thee” solutions all throughout His word: obeying the will of the Father, the incredible labor of earthly ministry, and the good judgment during strong temptation in the wilderness (to name a few).  Have you received the gospel?  Are you living the gospel? Gospel receiving must be followed by gospel living!

4 Daily Choices of Gospel Living

…take a look at these daily choices you are already making.  They are more important than you think!

1.      Treating all humans as God’s creation. 

The Lord created he and she.  He didn’t create a white race first, then other races as inferior.  We are all equal at the cross.  We are all sinners in need of forgiveness.  The reality is – we are all the same race…just different shades of the same color!  For those who are still trying to wrap their minds around this very hot issue…what shade of your color do you think Jesus was when he came to this earth?  Clue: it most likely wasn’t “white,” but more likely a much darker skin tone, given the region He was born (Gen. 1:26-17; Col. 3:10; Jn. 15:12).

2.      Good interpersonal relationships begin at home. 

If you treat family like seconds, and friends or even strangers like kings and queens, you have missed the target.  Study Ephesians 5:18-6:4 to understand the roles God assigned to the family unit.

3.      Hard work applies to spiritual disciplines as well as physical labor. 

The efforts you put in here is spiritual work and has great dividends! Consider these examples:

o   My thought life isn’t an accident (Phil. 4:8)

o   My words are the reality of my thoughts (Prov. 18:21; James 3:5-10)

o   My prayer life is the mirror of my trusting God (Matt. 21:22)

o   My time in the Word of God is an indicator of my true love for the One who wrote it.

4.      Living with good judgment as a reality. 

Good judgment is lived as I understand truth from the Bible; however, good (or right) judgment will be received from the One who is truth.  (Rom. 2:1-5; 14:12; II Cor. 5:10).

Are you waiting for God to bring forward the big solution – the longer lasting “well with thee?”  You see, we want God to change our situations, but God wants to change our heart. 

Gospel receivers must grow up to be gospel living!  Perhaps God is waiting for you to walk with Him in the everyday “well with thee” exhortations… before He reveals the longer lasting “well with thee” solutions. This is what He saved you to do while still on this earth!  He freed you from sin through His shed blood.  He demonstrated real love…sacrificial love…extravagant love – For. You. – For Me.

How do you respond to His love?

Connecting the Dots: 5 Lessons About Following God

Have you ever been in the car with someone else driving?  There are a multitude of illustrations from this statement alone!  However, I want to zero in on the driver taking a route to your destination with which you are not familiar.  The driver keeps saying something like: “I know where I am and where I’m going…so relax and trust me.”  But you’ve never been on that road before….you feel like you are headed in the opposite direction!  You are convinced that your way is better.  However, you eventually arrive at your destination safe and sound.

That is how it often is with the believer following the Lord’s path.  “I’ve never been on this path before Lord!”  “I feel like we are headed in the wrong direction Lord!”  But as we grow, we learn to trust the Lord more…relax a bit more…and rest in the Lord, knowing he will lead us all the way!

The Kinsman (v. 19-20)

Ruth returns home from work, shows Naomi her outcome of her hard work, and Naomi asks, “Where did you work today?!”  Naomi believed Ruth’s harvest to not be a common harvest.  It was very generous!

Where have you been working this week?  What seeds did you plant?  What harvest have you brought home?  What improvements have you chosen that have drawn you closer to your Savior?

The revelation of Boaz led Naomi to make an announcement: “He is our kinsman!”  If the close relative called the kinsman accepted the role of kinsman, he would marry the widow, produce an heir to keep his relative’s family line going…he could also redeem a relative from slavery, redeem his brother’s land, and even exact vengeance for his brother.

One of the things I enjoyed as a child on a rainy or sick day was “Connect the Dots.”  You would look at the picture of dots and some lines here and there – but it only looked like a bunch of dots and lines.  Then I would begin to connect the dots, and as the picture began to fill in, I started to see what I was drawing!  I couldn’t make sense of it all at the beginning, but towards the end everything started making sense to me.

God starts connecting the dots for Ruth in His master plan!

In John 14, the disciples didn’t understand where the Lord was going or what His plans were…they were confused and scared.  They had two choices: trust the Lord and follow Him with what they did know or run away.

Ruth has been laboring in the fields as a Moabite in Bethlehem.  Ruth is poor and trying to provide for her older mother-in-law, so she takes the lead from a page in the Mosaic Law and gleans in the fields.  At this point, she might even be privately longing for home.  Ruth cannot see the end to this struggle.  All she can do is what she knows to do and trust God. 

We often don’t see or understand what God is doing, but we can rest in the Lord, knowing He will lead us all the way!

The Instruction (v. 21-23)

Naomi tells Ruth to continue in Boaz’s fields until the end of the barley harvest.  In other words -- keep on doing what you have been doing.  Follow. God’s. Law.  --  follow the light God has already given you!

Times are hard.  Ruth may have wondered if there was a better way for her to pursue…but Naomi’s revelation of Boaz’s position starts to provide hope…God begins connecting the dots for Ruth and Naomi!!

5 lessons about following God:

  1. God’s path is worth pursuing. 

    Don’t give up -- keep on going!  Ruth doesn’t know how God will meet her needs.  She doesn’t know she will be King David’s grandmother and be a part of the lineage of the Savior.  God is at work even when you can’t see what He is doing.  Don’t stop 2 yards from the finish line!  (Genesis 50:20; Philippians 3:14)

  2. God reveals His work in His time. 

    Ruth is tired.  It’s been hard for a long time now.  Sometimes the Lord doesn’t reveal what He is doing -- until He does it.  So, we must find rest in hard times by trusting Him.  (Isaiah 26:4; Proverbs 29:25)

  3. God is good to affirm the path He has for you. 

The natural human response to trials is discouraged, self-pity, and questioning why.  Although we don’t know if Ruth voiced these things, we do know God knows when we need affirmation.  God uses Naomi to, in essence say, “Keep going…keep doing what you are doing.”  Don’t you love it when God affirms what you are doing is the pathway He wants you to continue pursuing?!  (Psalm 100:5; 145:8-9)

4. God knows when it is time to encourage you.

Can you imagine how encouraging it must have been to be treated so kindly by a stranger in time of such need?  Can you imagine how encouraging it must have been to receive such generosity in a time of having so little?

We think we know when we need encouragement, don’t we?  Encouragement is often long in coming during hardship.  God knows the spiritual muscle we need for what is ahead and He allows resistance to build that spiritual muscle.  God knows what He is doing.  Trust Him.  (Psalm 37:3-5)

5. God is worth the sacrifice and struggle. 

Remember, the struggle for Ruth and Naomi is not over yet. Ruth will still be gleaning in the fields until the end of the barley harvest.  We also know there is an unexpected kinsman in this story that complicates things later (but he has not yet been introduced).  The struggle is not over.  God is still working!  (Proverbs 19:21; 16:9; 21:1)

Ever go to the store to pick up the dishwasher soap you always buy…only to discover that everything looks different?  The color of the packaging has completely changed and it takes you a few minutes to figure out if this is the same thing you got two weeks ago…and then you realize – it is the “New and Improved” model.  Why??  Well, technology advanced and research successfully found a better formula to do the job.

We are often looking for something new or different to solve our problems. The answer is still the same.  Follow. God’s. Word.  – and trust Him! The impossibilities in life can overwhelm us…we must take our focus off the impossibilities, place our focus on the one who can, and then choose to follow God’s Word regardless of what we see.  We can rest in the Lord, knowing He will lead us all the way!

Are you allowing the Lord to lead you all the way?  What have you been doing in the fields this week?  The harvest you are or will reap is always determined by the seeds you are planting!  Where is it you need to get back to following God’s Word?

Have you replaced the Lord with an idol?  Are there many reasons why you don’t have time for God?

Do you honor your parents?  Do you have justification for not honoring them?

Are you known by your love for others or love for yourself?  Are you so consumed with your own to-do list that you run over people in your path…missing the opportunity to impact for Christ?

Go back to the basics!  The Bible tells us this is the “church age” within the varying dispensations of time.  Do you know Christ as your Savior, but have never been baptized?  Have you become a member of a local Bible  preaching church?  What are you waiting for?

Are you looking for ways to disciple others…to be disciple makers…to sharpen other believers in their relationship with Jesus?

We must first go back to what we already know – and follow God’s Word!  It is crucial for greater understanding and greater relationship with Jesus.

3 Targets for Our Generosity & 4 Ways to Rest in Our Powerful God

Lightning is a powerful element of nature.  It is visible and often audible with thunder that accompanies the symphony of the storm.  The electricity in our walls isn’t as visible or audible – but it is still working and full of power (although not always seen).  I remember a young friend who put their finger in an electrical outlet. They discovered the power of the unseen electrical currents! We also had a home in Marshfield that had hot electrical wires in their walls go up in flames and do much damage to their home.

God’s working isn’t always obvious to us as we would like it to be…but His powerful working is always in play!  The church must we rest in the one true powerful God!

The Powerful Unknown (2:15-16)

We truly don’t know all that the Lord is doing behind the scenes…in our lives, for our lives, through our lives!

Amy Carmichael complained of her brown eyes as a little girl.  She longed for blue eyes.  God had plans for Amy to rescue many children in India from human sacrifices, but her blue eyes would have given her away.  God was at work even in the color of the eyes He gave her at birth!

Don’t get discouraged when you can’t see the answer!  Walk through the day trusting the Lord --- resting in the Lord – that He will care for your needs as He promised!

The Powerful Undeserved (2:17-18)

Ruth did nothing for Boaz to deserve this favor…this kindness.  She didn’t pay him money; in fact, she didn’t have money to pay him if she wanted to pay him. 

“JJ’s” last name placed him to always be in line right in front of me for school.  He knew how to push my buttons.  He would poke me in the shoulder incessantly…always ask crazy questions…and was just all-around undesirable to be around.  Now, I fast forward 4 decades, I think about my reactions to “JJ” …and then I think about God’s reaction to me when I am stubborn, rebellious, or irritating!

Consider God’s mercy and grace bestowed upon each of us as His children!  Consider how we couldn’t “return the favor” if we even wanted to do so.  We were…we ARE dependent upon God’s mercy and grace --- and He willingly bestows that mercy and grace on us.  Don’t lose sight of those gifts from God when you are dealing with others that seem undesirable to you!  In fact, thank God for His merciful, loving gifts – and then thank Him for those He has allowed to cross your path.

The Powerful Unveiling (2:19a)

The generosity is obvious to Naomi.  Naomi is greatly encouraged by the generosity and wants to know the details.  “Where were you gleaning today?!”

Is God’s generosity obvious to you?  Are you pausing to try to remember where the term “generous” connects to God in your life?  Please pause here and rehearse with me God’s great generosity. Consider God’s salvation and what it took to make such a gift possible.  Consider His presence…His provision…His love…His patience…and His long-suffering — all directed at You and Me!

How obvious is the generosity of God in you towards others?

We hear much about “self-help” books, but we hear very little about helping others! 


  1. Be generous with your time and LISTEN to understand

  2. Be generous with your treasures and LOOK for where/who to help

  3. Be generous with your talents and CHOOSE to volunteer

    o   …help widows & the fatherless

    o   …help those in lower income

    o   …help your local church

    o   …help your pregnancy center

    o   …help center for abused victims

God’s working isn’t always obvious to us as we would like it to be…but His generous powerful working IS always in play!

  • Think about Joseph as a slave or in prison. God was at work when the he sold as a slave and when he was made second in command of all of Egypt!

  • Think about Moses and the 10 plagues in Egypt. God was at work when the Israelites were freed from Egypt AND when the Egyptians began pursuing the Israelites AND when God divided the Red Sea AND when God allowed the waters to crash down on their enemies!

  • Think about Daniel in the lion’s den. God was at work before the two other Presidents deceived the King and formed a plan to get rid of Daniel.

  • Think about Lazarus’ death and resurrection. God was at work when Jesus delayed in coming to help.

  • Think about Haman wanting to destroy the Jews. God was at work to deliver the Jews when Esther taken to be the queen.

  • Think about the nobleman’s son healed or the woman with an issue of blood healed…Jesus said he was healed or the woman just touched the hem of his garment – and it was done!

Ruth was poor…away from home…away from family…her husband is dead…and she is in Bethlehem!  How can she rest in God? 


  • Do what you know (obey God’s Word)

  • Rehearse God’s Track Record

o   Purposely choose to remember God’s story of power, provision, and love in your life

o   Purposely choose to remember God’s story of power, provision, and love in the Bible

Will I choose to embrace all of the things I cannot control and embrace fear?  Or will I embrace the One who can control all things?

  • Surround Yourself with Truth.

o   Evaluate relationships – you may need to talk to some of your relationships and ask them to help you embrace truth.  You may be surprised how much you can help them while they are also helping you!

o   Evaluate news programs – the truth is, most news programs have an agenda they want you to embrace.  They do not simply report the facts and leave it for you to decide.  Does the news with which you saturate your mind lead you closer to God and His Word?

o   Evaluate time in God’s Word – we know the Bible is THE truth (John 17:17).  How well do we know the truth?

o   Evaluate your heart – The heart is the center of the will.  Are you willing to believe God and His Word?  If you are struggling with trusting/resting in God – then go back to your thoughts.  What are you rehearsing? (Prov. 4:23; Pro. 23:7; Phil. 4:8)

May we all rest in THE one true powerful God!

Protect Your Heart: 5 Ways to Love God More

The word “heart” is used in the Scripture as the most comprehensive term for the authentic person. It is the part of our being where we desire, deliberate, and decide. It has been described as "the place of conscious and decisive spiritual activity," "the comprehensive term for a person as a whole; his feelings, desires, passions, thought, understanding and will," and "the center of a person…the place to which God turns."  (Source: J. Stowell, Fan The Flame, Moody, 1986, p. 13. )

Did you know that Hummingbirds have race car hearts that eat oxygen at an eye-popping rate? Their hearts are built of thinner, leaner fibers than ours. Their arteries are stiffer and more taut. Their hearts are stripped to the skin for the war against gravity and inertia, the mad search for food, the insane idea of flight.

They are tiny little birds and their hearts beat 10 times a second. So even if you put your huge ear to its chest, it would be hard to discern the heartbeat.

The price of their ambition is a life closer to death; they suffer more heart attacks and aneurysms and ruptures than any other living creature. It’s expensive to fly. You burn out. You fry the machine. You melt the engine. (Source: An article by Bryan Doyle)

The largest heart in the world is inside the blue whale. It is about the size of a small car.  It is a room, with four chambers. A child could walk around it, head high, bending only to step through the valves. This house of a heart drives a creature a hundred feet long. (Source: Whale Facts)

It is estimated that EVERY CREATURE on earth has approximately two billion heartbeats to spend in a lifetime. You can spend them slowly, like a tortoise and live to be two hundred years old, or you can spend them fast, like a hummingbird, and live to be two years old. (Source: An article by Jason Kottke)

In what condition is your heart? Is it beating to the rhythm of songs of praise to God…in holy worship to the Savior of the world? Or is your pulse set to the city, the job, the constant striving for possessions and property, the ways of the world, or the wicked  pulse of hell?

The believer must make the condition of the heart primary – because the outward appearance will always follow the condition of the heart!

Rehearsing History (2:11)

Boaz meets her about 10 in the morning – and sees for himself who this “damsel” is! Rehearsing Ruth’s story is his way of giving her a compliment.  Boaz is impressed with Ruth.  She sticks out from the crowd, but his impressions go beyond her appearance.  He speaks of her character!

Character will go beyond appearance. Character is brighter than appearance. Character lasts longer than appearance. Character truly reveals who you are…appearance promotes who you want to be.

Someone once approached Blaise Pascal, the famous French philosopher and said, "If I had your brains, I would be a better person." Pascal replied, "Be a better person and you will have my brains."

The Bible says in Philippians 2:5, "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.”

Look at the decisions the Lord made in yielding His will to the will of the Father: “…made Himself of no reputation….took upon Him the form of a servant…humbled Himself…obedient unto death….” He yielded His will for me and you! Ruth’s humility is attractive to Boaz.  Why?  Because this reflects God almighty.  Humility will take you much farther than pride promotes itself capable of doing!  Church of God – put more emphasis on godly character than outward appearance!

Rewards from Heaven (2:12)

Recompense means “to make good, to restore.”  Boaz calls for rewards from where she rests!  “…under whose wings thou art come to trust.” Boaz points to Ruth’s relationship with God and His relationship with God — thus clarifying a common bond they already have in the God of Israel.

A man tells the story of riding Shetland ponies. He relates that they were prone to buck you off from time to time, and while riding, one of those occasions occurred. He shared, “Well, as I hit the ground I heard someone call my name, ‘Bruce.’ I rolled over to see who it was and no one did I see. However, when I looked back the pony had just stepped where I rolled from.”  He continued, “In God’s grace, He was teaching me to learn to listen to His voice and to trust Him to protect me. God was teaching me to depend upon Him for the help I would need in living life.” (Source: Unknown)

Boaz directs attention to the source of Ruth’s rewards.  Such attention was only possible if Ruth was trusting in the Lord!  Boaz is drawn to Ruth’s walk with God…her trust in the Lord.  Whether you are seeking a marriage partner or already married or remaining single – the single most appealing, important attribute of a believing man or woman is their walk with God…it is Jesus Christ in me!  He is the attraction!!

Ready to Dine (2:13-14)

Ruth shows humility and thankfulness. (v. 13)  She does not assume or believe Boaz owes her something.  In return, Boaz shows obvious positive attention to Ruth. (v. 14)  Love’s flower has budded!

Praise the Lord for the Love of God for each of us!

Gary Ezzo says that one of the problems with families today is that the husband and wife join hands to form a family circle and then a child comes along and they place the child in the center with the husband and wife still forming the circle. But now everything revolves around the child. Then a 2nd child comes and that child is also placed in the circle. And now everything revolves around two children. And as the family becomes larger the center becomes so big that the hands of the father and mother are pulled apart and the circle is broken. He says that what we must do is form the circle but with Christ in the center. Then as each child is born, they join hands with mom and dad to make the circle bigger. And the result is that the circle is never broken as long as Christ is the center.

So, here’s the deal: we must love God more than we love anyone else. He is first.

A growing love for God is the attraction for Boaz in Ruth…is your love for God the attraction in you?

Consider these 5 Ways to Love God More…

1.     Chase after strong obedience to God.  James 1:22-25

Take a look into the mirror of God’s Word with complete honesty.  Do you like what you see?  Does God like what He sees…what He knows?

2.     Evaluate prayer. 

Don’t neglect it.  Get serious about your prayer life for a moment.  Does your current prayer life demonstrate you believe you need to prayer?  Matthew 26:41. Look over the last week…even the last month.  What does God see in your prayer life?  Does He see consistency, humility, and persistence?  Does God see yieldedness, love for Him…love for others…love for your enemies?  Does God see a deepening relationship with Him in your prayer life? Matthew 6:5-8.

Our prayer life reveals how much we truly trust God and love God.

3.     Forgive everyone – no exceptions. 

You may say, “I can’t,” or “I’m not ready.”  Well…why?  What keeps you from forgiveness?  I realize the hurt is most likely deep, but bitterness does not hurt them back. 

Bitterness only ruins the vessel that holds it.

Consider this stunning warning from Matthew 6:15, “but if you forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your father forgive your trespasses.” 

It is hard to hear…but it is truth – an unwillingness to forgive is rooted in pride. 

The justifications flood to the surface, I know. “The offense is a deep wound and hurts horribly…the offender doesn’t deserve to be forgiven…the offender is wicked…the offender hasn’t suffered anything compared to me…etc.”  Rest assured that God will bring justice in His perfect way – but God will also bring justice on the one who refuses to obey His call to forgive others as they have been forgiven themselves by God. Ephesians 4:32.

4.     Deny Self. 

Jesus is the ultimate example here.  Luke 22:42 reminds us of this with His profound prayer, “…not my will, but thine be done.”  Have you surrendered your ambitions, you will, to God?  We often object and say we can’t.

Ask yourself this, — Jesus yielded His will to dramatically impact my eternity…what I am holding on to that simply impacts me now and for which I will be accountable later?

This is a daily evaluation for us all!

5.     Reject worldly mindsets. 

The ways of the world are directly contrary to the ways of God.  Be so incredibly careful!  The ways of the world can quietly swoop in and infiltrate our heart before we realize what we have allowed to be done.  We are called to be like Jesus (I Peter. 1:15; II Cor. 7:1).  We are warned not to be fashioned according to the world (Romans 12:2).

Loving God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength (Matt. 22:37-39; Mk. 12:29-31) doesn’t happen all by itself.  We must do our part! Are you working on your love relationship with God?

The Times are Changing: 5 Steps to Take in Hard Times

Years ago, my wife and I lived in Colorado…south of Denver.  We needed to drive to her Grandmother’s funeral in Iowa, but we were to pick up her parents in Nebraska on the way.  We were unable to leave until the late evening / early morning hours.  The plan was to drive to Nebraska and then let my Father-in-law drive the rest of the way.  We had a very full day, loaded sleeping children into the car, and began our 4 hour drive.  Before we reached the highway, my sweet tired pregnant wife was fast asleep, and I was already nodding.  I drove for about an hour, reached the north side of Denver, pulled onto highway 76, still 3 hours from our destination, and could not keep my eyes open no matter what I did.  So, I pulled over.  We eventually reached Nebraska and our relief driver, but we realized one thing that night – we would never again attempt to drive through the night!

In our sleep-deprived culture it appears many people question the value of rest. Some even cut back on their sleep to carve out time for exercise. For what it’s worth, you burn around 70 calories per hour simply sleeping. That means a good 8 hour night of sleep approximates a 5 mile jog.—(Source: Saturday Evening Post, September/October 2000)

Our society has a struggle with being able to truly rest!  If it’s not work – then it’s family.  If it’s not family – then it’s projects around the house.  If it’s not projects – then it recreational activities…and the list goes on!  Even more importantly than physical rest, we must practice spiritual rest.  The believer must rest in God’s guidance, wisdom, and perfect way.

If you have your Bible or an online connection, please turn to Ruth 2:4-10.

1.      The Arrival

Boaz wasn’t around when Ruth came to the field…she didn’t know it was his field! 

Dr. William L. Pettingill the well-known Bible teacher and author of many books, at a meeting of the Philadelphia Fundamentalists made a penetrating remark on the subject of God’s will. "Most people," he said, "don't want to know the will of God in order to do it; they want to know it in order to consider it." It often takes time to learn just what God wants us to do in any particular matter, but once we know His purpose we ought not to delay in at least beginning to carry it out by His grace. And when obedience is prompt? Well, the songwriter says it this way, "when we walk with the Lord in the light of His Word, what a glory He sheds on our way!" (Source: Sunday School Times).

Ruth didn’t know what the full outcome of following God’s way (gleaning) would yield. However, although the path would be bumpy and hard, God provided all that was needed. God’s way is perfect…down to the finest detail!

Also, don’t miss this…Boaz greets his laborers – “the Lord be with you.” Boaz has good management / labor skills. This is consistent with how we know Boaz in the rest of the book of Ruth. Boaz is a kindhearted and generous man to his hired help, as well as a complete stranger (Ruth). Much to learn from here, but simply said, kindheartedness and generosity are character traits the Lord has for us all (part of His way for us). How well are we following His way when it comes to these kinds of character traits?

2.      The Approach

Whose damsel is this?  Boaz notices Ruth.  Basically, it is similar to, “Wow. Who is this woman?!!”  Boaz is drawn to Ruth at the very beginning

A park ranger at Yellowstone National Park was leading a group of hikers to a fire lookout. The ranger was so intent on telling the hikers about the flowers and animals that he considered the messages on his two-way radio distracting, so he switched it off. As the group neared the tower, the ranger was met by a nearly breathless lookout, who asked why he hadn’t responded to the messages on his radio. A grizzly bear had been seen stalking the group, and the authorities were trying to warn them of the danger.

Any time we tune out the Holy Spirit or ignore the warnings of the Bible we put ourselves and those around us in danger.  (Source: 750 Engaging Illustrations for Preachers, Teachers, and Writers, Craig Brian Larson)

Ruth was in danger.  She needed protection.  The servant says it is the Moabite woman that came back with Naomi.  Boaz has been away…he now sees her and wants to know who she is.  Perhaps the servant thought Boaz may not have approved of Ruth being there -- so the servant says she “asked this way” (v. 7).  Boaz makes his thoughts clear in 2:8-9.  Boaz basically says, “Ruth, don’t go anywhere else…stay right here to glean. I have even told the young men to not touch you!”  Boaz fully extends his protection to Ruth.

God watches over Ruth and protects her and meets her financial, physical, and relational needs generously.

3.      The Acclaim

Ruth (v. 10) falls on her face and bows herself down to the ground.  She asks Boaz why she has found grace in his eyes.  This is a sincere question. Ruth was prepared for ridicule from the Israelites – not grace!  She is overwhelmed by this grace (receiving something you don’t deserve). When was the last time your took the opportunity to overwhelm another with grace…just a small glimpse of the massive grace you received from Jesus? 

Lenny Skutnik had no intention of being a hero. The staffer at the Congressional Budget Office in Washington was having an ordinary winter day when Air Florida Flight 90 crashed into the 14th Street Bridge over the Potomac River shortly after takeoff. Those who survived the crash faced death as the plane sank in the icy waters.

A helicopter dropped a rescue line to one of the survivors, but she was too weak to hold on. Lenny Skutnik saw what was happening and dove into the water. He swam out to her and pulled her back to shore, saving her life. Two weeks later, President Ronald Reagan invited Skutnik to attend the State of the Union address, and in describing the accident said: “We saw the heroism of one of our young government employees, Lenny Skutnik, who, when he saw a woman lose her grip on the helicopter line, dove into the water and dragged her to safety.” (Source: Presidential Voices, Allan Metcalf)

Why did Lenny show that lady such favor?  Simply because he saw she needed help.  Why did Boaz show such grace to Ruth? Because Ruth was beautiful? Because she had strong character and was now following the one true God? Because Boaz was taken with her?  Perhaps all or some of these; however, one thing is clear when it comes to Boaz: he was a good, godly man who wanted to do right.  How so? 

  • We see later he never thought Ruth would desire him as a husband because he was much older than her.

  • We also see that Boaz didn’t have the judgmental, negative spirit toward a Moabite woman.  Instead, he chose to protect her and honor her.

Why have I found grace in God’s eyes?  It is not because I am attractive or incredibly holy.  I cannot merit the grace of God!  I receive the grace of God because He loves me and has chosen me!!

5 Steps to Take When Following God in Hard Times

in addition to prayer and Bible reading:

1.      Take one step at a time (Psalm 137:23; 119:105)

2.      Saturate your heart with truth (John 17:17)

  • It is easy to become confused when you embrace “fake news” (anything that doesn’t line up with the truth of the Bible), popular opinion, and fear.

  • Truth clarifies and affirms the next steps you need to take.

3.      Don’t doubt in the darkness what you came to believe in the light.

  • Remember Jesus is the light and Satan is the liar. (John 8:12, 44)

  • Remember, we need to walk by faith and not by sight. (II Cor. 5:7)

4.      Remember, God is in control.  He has His goodness in mind for you! (Gen. 50:20; Prov. 19:21; Prov. 21:1)

  • Sometimes, what is good for me, is hard for me.

  • Access God’s grace by faith. (Rom. 5:2)

5.      Live like your “hard time” is temporary, but that heaven is eternal. (II Cor. 4:18)

Believer … child of God … rest in God’s guidance, wisdom, and perfect way.

Hard Times: 7 Keys to Trusting God with Everything You've Got

There have been a couple times in my life (that I can recall at this time) that I didn’t know what to do at first.  The first time was when my brother called me to tell me he had cancer, and the second time was when I got the call that my mom had a major heart attack.  Both calls were serious, humbling, and surprising.  Both my brother’s cancer and my mom’s heart attack were life threatening. There was nothing I could do to adjust something, or work harder…longer, or make something happen that would make everything better.  It was out of my hands.  Those kinds of times eventually help you find clearer perspective in your relationships (familial and Divine).

Do you remember a time when you just didn’t know what to do?  Perhaps that’s how you feel right now, or maybe that’s how you have felt recently.  You ask friends for direction…you come up with your own ideas and a plan of action – but you seem to still lack peace.  What do you do?  Naomi and Ruth are in one of those places of life – and they turn to the law of God for their next step!  Praise God!  We see the evidence of renewed faith in God and a willingness to follow His plan.  What happens? Everything isn’t perfectly smooth on this path, but in the end God’s plan works just as He set it up to work.  Poverty will turn to provision.  Weakness will turn to strength.  Discouragement will turn to encouragement…all because they return to the Lord’s way for their life!

The believer must depend on God’s leading…God’s Word… in the midst of good and hard times.

The Mighty Man

Ruth 2:1-2. Kinsman means relative. Boaz is related to Elimelech (Ruth 2:1, 3)…and not just relative, Boaz is wealthy and Naomi’s Kinsman Redeemer (Ruth 2:1). According to several laws in the Pentateuch, a male relative would fulfill the role of kinsman redeemer. This relative had the honor or responsibility to intervene on behalf of their relative who was in trouble, danger, or need.  The Hebrew word for kinsman-redeemer clarifies as one who delivers or rescues (Genesis 48:16Exodus 6:6) or redeems property or person (Leviticus 27:9–2525:47–55). 

The Gleaner

Charles Spurgeon told this story of his grandfather James and his faith in God. “He had a large family and a very small income, but he loved his Lord, and he would not have given up his preaching of the gospel for anything.” One day the cow on which the family relied for milk for the children suddenly died. James Spurgeon’s wife was greatly concerned, but he said, “God said He would provide, and I believe He could send us fifty cows if He pleased.”

On that same day, a group met in London—a group James Spurgeon did not know—that wanted to help meet the needs of poor pastors. They raised a large sum of money, and began sending it to different pastors in need to help their families. When they reached the end of the list, there were still five pounds left. One man suggested sending it to James Spurgeon. Another said, “No, let’s not send just five pounds. Let me add five more to go with it.” Others joined in, and the day after his cow died, James Spurgeon received twenty pounds in the mail!

You can trust God to keep His promises and provide for your needs. “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”—Philippians 4:19  (Source: The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit, Volume 21, Charles Spurgeon)

  • Look at Ruth 2:3.  “To glean” meant they were poor (Lev. 19:9-10; 23:22)

  • The Modern  Day Reaper: cuts the grain, threshes the grain, and puts it in a sack – you get it all today.  But back in the Bible times – you didn’t get it all, and so they could come through and pick up what was dropped or missed.

  • According to OT Law, God required his people to be generous to the stranger and to the poor…the stranger and the poor had to work, but they were given the opportunity to have their needs met. We could learn much in today’s society from this simple law of God for the strangers and poor – generosity and work ethic went together!!

  • Ruth is a Moabite stranger and poor…Naomi is poor…Ruth is following the Mosaic Law for help!  Ruth is beginning to reveal a deeper relationship with the God of Israel.  What kind of relationship with God are you revealing in the midst of your day to day life?

The Happenstance

…and her hap was to light on a part of the field belonging unto Boaz:” (Ruth 2:3)

This word “hap” means “happened to.” There was no arrow pointing to the field of Boaz.  God hadn’t revealed it to her in a dream.  Ruth didn’t do genealogy research and then sought out the one called Boaz.  God used the circumstances to lead her. God leads people today through His Word, circumstances, and prayer. 

We often want to see the “how-to” and the “why,” but God  just wants us to trust Him and remain dependent on Him.

Ira Sankey was traveling on a steamer down the Delaware river when he was asked to sing. He led the group in singing “Saviour Like a Shepherd Lead Us.” When he finished, a man stepped from the shadows and asked, “Did you ever serve in the Union Army?” “Yes,” Sankey replied, “in the spring of 1860.”

“Can you remember if you were doing picket duty on a bright, moonlit night in 1862?”

“Yes,” Sankey replied.

“So did I, but I was serving in the Confederate army. When I saw you standing at your post, I thought to myself, ‘That fellow will never get away alive.’ I raised my musket and took aim. I was standing in the shadow, completely concealed, while the full light of the moon was falling upon you. At that instant, just as a moment ago, you raised your eyes to Heaven and began to sing. ‘Let him sing his song to the end,’ I said to myself, ‘I can shoot him afterwards. He’s my victim at all events, and my bullet cannot miss him.’

But the song you sang then was the song you sang just now. I heard the words perfectly: ‘We are Thine; do Thou befriend us. Be the Guardian of our way.’ Those words stirred up many memories. I began to think of my childhood and my God-fearing mother. She had many times sung that song to me. When you had finished your song, it was impossible for me to take aim again. I thought, ‘The Lord who is able to save that man from certain death must surely be great and mighty.’ And my arm of its own accord dropped limp at my side.”

God had protected Sankey in a great way just like He protects and leads all of His children. (Source: Liberating Ministry form the Success Syndrome, Kent and Barbara Hughes)

We cannot put our trust in special how-to books or human reasoning – we must squarely place our dependence in the Lord and allow Him to lead us.

7 Keys to Trusting God with Everything You’ve Got:

1.      Proverbs 3:1 – Choose to Remember God’s Law

2.      Proverbs 3:1, 3-4 – Choose to Obey God’s Law

3.      Proverbs 3:5 – Don’t Trust Yourself

4.      Proverbs 3:6 – Lift God Above All

5.      Proverbs 3:7 – Find Wisdom in God

6.      Proverbs 3:7 – Run from Sin

7.      Proverbs 3:9-10 – Honor God With What You Have

Coming Home: 4 Choices to Avoid Wandering from the Lord

"Marathoner Loses by a Mustache." So read the headline of a recent (1992) Associated Press story. It appeared that Abbes Tehami of Algeria was an easy winner of the Brussels Marathon--until someone wondered where his mustache had gone! Checking eyewitness accounts, it quickly became evident that the mustache belonged to Tehami's coach, Bensalem Hamiani. Hamiani had run the first seven-and-a-half miles of the race for Tehami, then dropped out of the pack and disappeared into the woods to pass race number 62 on to his pupil. "They looked about the same," race organizers said. "Only one had a mustache." It's expected that the two will never again be allowed to run in Belgium.  (Source: Today in the Word, Moody Bible Institute, Jan, 1992.)

We know the old adage, “cheaters never prosper.”  Right?  Well, this true story reminds us that the disobedient wandering path will prove undesirable, miserable, and full of regret.  This also should remind us that returning to the Lord is full of compassion, mercy, and forgiveness!  Come!  Let us return to the Lord.

1.      A Strong Stirring (v. 19)

“Is this Naomi?”  This is the question Naomi hears as she returns home. She has been gone for over 10 years.  She left with her husband and two sons.  They left seeking better times and better provision, and now she returns not having found what they sought after.

Isn’t that so often the case when wandering away from the Lord?  We leave God’s path believing it is a better, more pleasing path.  We ignore the warnings in scripture.  We choose to disagree with the sermons we have heard in church…and we rebel against our parent’s rules that are meant to point us to the Lord.  However long we walk our wayward path, we eventually come to the same conclusion: God’s way is better. 

Mankind will never find anything better outside of the Lord!  “Yes, I know” – but is that what we are living when we say no:

  • …to God’s call to missions or preaching ministry

  • …to tithing or getting baptized

  • …to church membership

  • …to witnessing

  • …to coming to church

  • …to our role in the family unit

  • …to prayer

Let this stir our sleeping hearts to awaken and seek God’s path!

2.      A Strong Response (v. 20-21)

Call me Mara.  Naomi’s response was pointed. There was a great emphasis placed on the meaning of names during this time in history.  The Israelites would name their offspring because of the meaning of the name.  Naomi means “my joy, my delight.”  Mara means “bitterness.” 

Naomi is making her first appearance in Bethlehem…her poverty is obvious…no husband…no sons…and a Moabite daughter-in-law.

…the Almighty hath dealt very bitterly with me.”  Naomi continues her response with heart breaking clarification. This is because of disobedience!  Naomi has been left alone to feel the full effect of their disobedience…but also note that her husband and sons are no longer here to receive blessings from the Lord.  Only Naomi is here for such blessings after 10 years of struggle.

…left full…returning empty….”  The sad realty of Naomi’s last 10 years is summed up with a review of the day they left Bethlehem and the day she returns home. So, no longer call me joyful & happy, but call me bitter.

In the West Indies there grows a beautiful and attractive flower, but on being plucked it ceases to be beautiful, and emits a most unpleasant odor. It is called by the natives 'the dead horse'—about the best name that could be given it.—J. T. Mawson

It was helpfully stated in Hebrews 11:25 when Moses chose “rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season.”  Sin is full of pleasure…but only for a short time!  But in the midst of sin, the believer isn’t thinking about the long term affects.  Naomi has lived and is still living through the long term affects.  What about us?

  • When lying to a boss or spouse for the third time — then dealing with broken relationships without trust

  • When cutting down leadership behind the leader’s back — then dealing with our own destroyed leadership

  • When trying out gambling, drunkenness, or drugs — then dealing with no money, no family, & no job

  • When choosing “innocent things” (sports, family, work) over God — then dealing with the guilt of sin and the misery of little relationship with God…and dealing with decisions made because idolatry led our way instead the Lord leading our way.

Don’t lose sight of the long term affects of sinful choices.

3.      A Strong Contrast (v. 22)

Ruth is a Moabite…shut out by the Mosaic Law…she doesn’t seem to have a chance.  All odds seem against Ruth and Naomi.

Isn’t that just like the Lord?!  As far as the eye can see – everything seems to be against Ruth & Naomi, BUT GOD!  His plan is to bless them!

Ephesians 2:2-4 – “Wherein time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience: Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desire of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others.  But God, who is rich in mercy, for His great love wherewith He loved us.”

I am told that one of the largest freshwater turtles is the alligator snapping turtle. Found primarily in the southeastern United States, these massive turtles have been known to weigh close to 250 pounds. They are carnivorous, and while their diet is primarily fish, they have been known to eat almost anything else they can find in the water—even in a few cases small alligators! The alligator snapping turtle relies on an uniquely deceitful method of foraging for fish.

The turtle will lie completely still on the floor of a lake or river with its mouth wide open. At the end of the turtle’s tongue is a small, pink, worm-shaped appendage. The turtle wiggles the end of its tongue so that it looks like a worm moving through the water. When a fish comes to eat the worm, the turtle’s jaws rapidly close, trapping the fish so that it cannot escape.

In similar fashion to the snapping turtle’s lure, temptation comes in the guise of something desirable, but it always carries destruction with it in the end. If we could see the end result rather than the tempting part, it would be far easier to resist. But Satan knows this, so he cleverly disguises what is deadly in the guise of something pleasurable.

4 Choices to Avoid Wandering from the Lord:

While we desperately need to depend on the Holy Spirit to enable us by His grace to do His will – (FAITH!  Rms. 5:2) – we must also make godly choices, yield our will, and act on our faith in God.  Consider these essential choices:

1.      Feed Yourself.  

Daily Bible reading, prayer, and regular church attendance are not optional choices for the humble disciple of Jesus Christ.  (Psalm 1:2; Joshua 1:8; Luke 18:1; I Thessalonians 5:17; Hebrews 10:24-25)

2.      Lead Yourself.  

Don’t rehearse your feelings.  Rehearse truth. (Psalm 42; Philippians 4:8)

 3.      Protect Yourself.  

First, take care what you allow in your mind.  The battle begins in the mind – the mind is where the roots for the battle are planted!  Your mind impacts desires…the desire will lead to choices…and the choices will form habits.

Second, “Birds of a feather folk together.”  We have heard this familiar phrase many times – and it is true!  Your closest friendships will reveal the condition of your heart and will impact your relationship with God.  You have those close friendships because there is something in your heart that is like them and drawn to them (Proverbs 27:17; I Corinthians 15:33).

4.      Renew Your “Self.”  

Have you wandered?  Have you chosen what you thought was a more pleasing path?  Then turn your eyes once again on Jesus!  When you turn to Jesus you will find:

love replacing bitterness & resentment

…mercy replacing condemnation

compassion replacing disapproval

…and forgiveness replacing guilt

Psalm 86:5, 15; Ephesians 2:2-4The disobedient wandering path will prove undesirable, miserable, and full of regret…BUT, returning to the Lord is full of compassion, mercy, love, and forgiveness!  Come, return to the Lord.

Forcing a Choice: 4 Lessons to Learn for Decision Making

In the 1950s a psychologist, Stanton Samenow, and a psychiatrist, Samuel Yochelson, sharing the conventional wisdom that crime is caused by environment, set out to prove their point. They began a 17-year study involving thousands of hours of clinical testing of 250 inmates here in the District of Columbia. To their astonishment, they discovered that the cause of crime cannot be traced to environment, poverty, or oppression. Instead, crime is the result of individuals making, as they put it, wrong moral choices. In their 1977 work The Criminal Personality, they concluded that the answer to crime is a, “Conversion of the wrong-doer to a more responsible lifestyle.”

In 1987, Harvard professors James Q. Wilson and Richard J. Herrnstein came to similar conclusions in their book Crime and Human Nature. They determined that the cause of crime is a lack of proper moral training among young people during the morally formative years, particularly ages one to six.  (Source: Christianity Today, August 16, 1993)

We must choose to own our own choices.

The press to go back is made (v. 7-9).

  • …to your Moabite homes (v. 8)

  • …in genuine love (v. 8 – “deal kindly”)

  • …for a better future…marriage (v. 9 – “find rest”)

The connections between these women are strong and very real (v. 9-13).

  • There was crying among all three ladies. Emotions have a tendency to confuse right thinking.

  • Naomi presses Orpah and Ruth to return home (v. 10)

  • Naomi provides important reasoning in the middle of a very emotional time (v. 11-13)

    “it grieveth me much” – Naomi is telling them that this is harder on her than it was on them.

Ruth and Orpah made their own decisions, and they took chose different directions (1:14-18).


1.      Remove manipulation and intimidation from the decision-making process. 

If they were going to come with her, they needed to make it their choice…not a deceived choice with manipulation  – and not because they were intimidated to do go with her. 

Have you ever made a choice because of manipulation or intimidation?  We probably all have at some point in our lives.  However, such a choice surrounded with such impure motives, will only lead to more struggle in the future.  It will always take more what got you “there” to keep you “there.”

2.      Remove “feelings based” choices from the decision-making process. 

Emotions were heavy in this scene; however, Naomi insists on helping these young women listen to the facts.  We must take great care not to make decisions based only on feelings.  Feelings will often be involved, but it is important we do not make “feelings” the foundation of our decision making. Whether it is an altar call after a particularly moving sermon, or it is financial decision being made, we cannot make our decisions based purely on feelings.  Feelings change…daily!  Truth remains steady.  Truth strengthens long term decisions.

3.      The reality of what is best for me, may not be best for you. 

Naomi has known these ladies for 10 years.  This passage speaks of genuine love for one another.  Naomi doesn’t stress a direction that would best benefit herself.  Think about it.  Sending them away would remove:

  • …travel companions

  • …help in settling back in at Bethlehem-Judah

  • …friends at a time she is returning to the place she left for Moab (Israel’s enemy)

  • …companionship.  Without companionship, the loss of her husband and two sons would seem even heavier during this move to return home. Naomi is about to face a lot of “firsts” in returning home…first experiences without her husband and sons at home. The last time she was in Bethlehem-Judah her husband and sons were alive.

So, Naomi allows Ruth and Orpah to choose their path without asking them to consider her needs.   What happens?  God takes care of Naomi’s needs.

4.      Never forget the reality of accountability for our own choices.

Even though Naomi is struggling with bitter disappointments, she is giving wise counsel to Orpah and Ruth.  When things get harder…and they will…these ladies don’t want to be feeling like they had no choice in coming with Naomi.  They made different choices…but, they made their own choice.

Romans 14:8, 12

“For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord's.

So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.”

So, when we make choices in life, we cannot blame anyone else FOR WHAT WE CHOOSE TO DO! 

  • Your temper is not your boss’ or your kid’s fault…

  • Your gossip or slander is not your friend’s fault…

  • Your ill-treatment of another human being is not the fault of their skin color…

  • Your killing of an unwanted pregnancy is not the doctor’s fault…

  • Your yelling at your family is not your family’s fault…

We must also remember that the devil didn’t necessarily “make you do it.”  In fact, it is very likely the wickedness of our own heart led us to a sinful choice!  Jeremiah 17:9

We must take ownership of our own choices (without justification for what makes us look bad!).  Confess and repent where sin has been chosen…and rest in the One who able to do all.

Are you are walking a life journey that is simply hard, lonely, and too long?  Remember, Naomi has been on this path for 10 years!  As you take your own steps in life’s journey, remember 3 things:

  1.      You cannot blame others for your own choices. 

  2.      You will give an account to God for your choices.

  3.      God alone will give you rest and provide your need.