3 Powerful Choices to Protect Life

We live in a time where the public is outraged at the news of child abuse or child neglect but will also defend their right to kill babies in the womb.  Many are rightly horrified over the kidnapping of our children, teenagers, and women for the purpose of exploitation.  However, many of the same people openly and happily embrace their perceived “right” to kill a baby in the womb or end the life of the elderly.  Why do so many in society not want to protect life?  Some will make the case that the child in the womb is not a human being until after birth and would describe the child in the womb as a clump of cells that feels no pain.  However, the Lozier Institute reported in 2020 that scientists have shown that a child in the womb can feel pain as early as 12 weeks into the pregnancy.  Did you know that a baby’s heartbeat can be detected as early as 5.5 to 6 weeks into the pregnancy?  Knowing these truths, it is shocking to hear some in our society advocate for late term abortions – literally killing a living, breathing, heart beating, pain feeling, defenseless human being!  What’s the answer?  How do we find our way back to protecting life as disciples of Jesus?  Love must motivate the church to protect life!

Background: Made in God’s Image

Genesis 1:26-27. All of humanity is created in the image of our holy God.  This means we can say without reservation that human life has an inborn element that is sacred.  This element ought always be safeguarded and highly valued (revered, esteemed).  It is also important to recognize that God clearly forbids the murder of human life and even goes as far as to declare death as the penalty for murder (Genesis 9:6). 

With all that said, we have a problem.  Not long after creation, the Bible records for us the fall of man (Gen. 3).  Sin entered the scene.  Sin corrupted the image of God in humanity.  To be even more specific, our own sin corrupts the image of God in us!  At the same time, God still created human life in His image and made humanity unique from all other life forms.  Is humanity imperfect and sin stained?  Yes.  Yet, God’s image is still present in human life, and His image ought to be handled with admiration and reverence.  God is holy.  Mankind is not holy like God, but mankind is holy in the sense that we are set apart from all other life forms.

According to Cornell Law School, there is a law protecting the life of the “unborn child” in the US Code under Title 18, Part 1, Chapter 90A, Section 1841.   The law actually names the fetus in the womb as an “unborn child.”  In 2017, a New Hampshire law was finalized to declare that a woman who is 20 weeks pregnant can be legally declared as “carrying a child in the womb for purposes of criminal prosecution of murder.”  Then in March 2024, NBC news reported that a man in New Hampshire was charged with murder for killing a child in the womb!  This is the first person in New Hampshire ever tried for the murder of a child in the womb. 

There are some who do not want the public to think that the child in the womb is a living human being, but even the law states this is a child!  This sanctity of life can clearly be applied to issues like abortion and euthanasia; however, the application is much broader than these issues.  The sanctity of life in humanity ought to move us to protect life against the trafficking crisis our world is facing.  The sanctity of life ought to move us to protect life against physically beating up a spouse or child.  We are all created in the image of God!  We must stand strong and protect this biblical truth. 

It is with this foundation of being created in God’s image that we build an even stronger case for the sanctity of human life and for protecting life when we study the New Testament.  Please open your Bible to Matthew 22.  Let’s look at 3 powerful reasons to protect life.

Love God.

Matthew 22:34 reveals that the Pharisees were gathered together and a lawyer in their midst chose to ask Jesus a question.  Matthew 22:35 tells us the lawyer’s motivation was to test Jesus.  The lawyer’s question, “what is the greatest commandment,” is a significant question.  The Pharisees would have about 613 laws from which to choose!  Jesus’ answer did not point to ceremonial law.  His answer did not point to traditions, keeping us appearances, or the sacrificial laws.  Simply stated, Jesus declared the greatest commandment is to love God with total abandon (Deut. 6:5)! 

This is a Holy Spirit generated love in the heart of a yielded believer.

—Wuest Word Studies in the Greek New Testament

In verse 37, the Holy Spirit chooses to disclose how to love God.  Let’s slow down for a moment and define the differences between the different “how-tos.”  The Barnes Notes on the Bible Commentary gives these insights:

  • “…with all your heart.”  Fix your affections supremely on God.

  • “…with all your soul.”  Give up your life to God.

  • “…with all your mind.”  Submit your intellect to His will.

    The parallel passage in Mark 12:30 adds:

  • “…with all your strength.”  Labor for God’s glory and make Him the great object of all your efforts.

True love will motivate us to true sacrifice. 

When we love sports, money, success, and even family… we will sacrifice for those things we love.  Those things will become primary.  True love will motivate us to true sacrifice. 

Barnes Notes on the Bible Commentary points out: “All beings are to be loved according to their excellence.  As God is the most excellent and glorious of all beings, he is to be loved supremely.”  Church of God, love God with everything you’ve got!  Love God with your affections, your life, your intellect, and even your works!  The end conclusion can be summarized with “I have done what I have done because I love God.”

Love Others.

The lawyer only asked for Jesus to name the greatest commandment, but the Lord chooses to go on and He names the second greatest commandment: love others.  Look at Matthew 22:39. 

The emphasis in the scriptures for loving God and for loving others is immense! 

  • Deut. 6:5 is the original command to love God with all your heart, soul, and mind.

  • Leviticus 19:18 is the original command to love others as you love yourself.

  • I Corinthians 13:4-8 defines love.

  • I John 4:8 declares God is love.

  • I John 4:10, 19 reveal God loved humanity before humanity loved Him.

  • I John 4:11 points out that if God showered us with His love to the point of such incredible sacrifice to cover our sins… then we ought to love one another.

  • Matthew 5:44 commands all disciples of Christ to love their enemies.

  • John 13:34 changes the Leviticus 19:18 standard for loving others from “love one another as you love yourself” to “love one another as I have loved you.”

  • John 13:35 goes as far as to say that the believer is known as a disciple of Jesus by his love for others.

The scriptures continue on this theme, but I think we get the point.  Out of all the other commands Jesus Christ could have named as the second greatest commandment, He chose name “love others!”  So, it is a big deal when we hurt each other with gossip, slander, anger, physical abuse, sexual abuse, and even murder.  It is a big deal when we laugh at another person’s sin or when sin causes a response of indifference.  Sin should grieve our hearts, not give cause for humor or apathy!

Love is groundbreaking.

Electricity was introduced into home life in 1882 and by 1925 about half of all US homes reported using electricity.  This practical use of electricity for the average home was a groundbreaking change in society!  Electricity would impact just about everything.  Jesus’ reveals that love impacts everything!

Matthew 22:40 ends with a shocking statement!  The Lord Jesus decides to underline and highlight the weight of the greatest and second greatest commands with concluding “on these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”  In other words, everything else is connected to loving God and loving others!  Everything else! 

Final takeaways:

1.      God created us as ones set apart from all other life forms.

2.      Our life choices ought to be motivated by our love for God

3.      Our love for God will lead us to love His creation (Gal. 6:10; Col. 3:12-15).

4.      Loving others must include caring for and protecting the life in the womb, life of the sick, life of the elderly, and life of the abused.

5.      Love must be the rationale to protect life.

So, if you want to impact your relationships, your life choices, and your counsel to others – deepen your love for God. Feast on God’s Word (the Bible) like a person who has not had access to food for weeks.  Pray to God like one who has just gained access to only One who is truly able to help.  Rehearse God’s Words in your mind like one who was just given the combination to a safe full of treasure, but you were unable to write the combination down on paper…so you say it over and over as to not forget it.  Love of God and others must motivate the church to protect life.