Finding Gratitude-Part 1

One of the most destructive weeds that crop farmers must deal with is the Canadian thistle. It has an extensive root system that makes it extremely difficult to eradicate once it is established. The root structure can reach a depth of fifteen feet, and the roots can also spread out the same distance horizontally. These prolific roots crowd out the plants. Just twenty thistles in one square mile of field can reduce barley yield by a third or alfalfa yield by one half! Canadian thistle is also very damaging to feed crops, as livestock will not graze near it.

In the parable of the sower and the seeds, Jesus described people who are not fruitful because the Word of God that is planted in their heart is choked out by thorns. He gave us specific thorns we must guard against such as the cares of the world; when we succumb to this particular thorn, anxiety and fear can fill our minds. We live in an uncertain world, and unless we maintain our faith, it will be easy for anxious care to choke out the Word. Source: unknown author

It is absolutely vital for the believer to get to the root of sin (the thorns) for lasting victory!

The instruction our parents gave us as children needs to be practiced as adults as well! Say “thank you!”  Stop grumbling & complaining!  Even that defiance, anger, and some forms of depression are all symptoms of a much greater problem -- a greater sin problem: thanklessness!  We often excuse a thankless person as rude, ill-mannered, or selfish…but rarely do we see it as it truly is…Ingratitude…and ingratitude is sin!  It is a sin we all struggle with from time to time.

Did you know that INGRATITUDE is a CHARACTERISTIC of those in REBELLION toward God?

  • I Cor. 10:10; Ps. 95:8-11 – Israelites had to lay low in the wilderness because of ingratitude.

  • Romans 1:21, 24 – Ingratitude is part of the root problem!  

At the same time…BELIEVERS ARE:

  • Col. 1:12to give thanks with the view of our inheritance - “Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light:”

  • I Thess. 5:18to give thanks for everything…yes, EVERYTHING! “In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”

So, what we know is that the BELIEVER is to be characterized by a thankful heart for all things, but that we tend to mask the sin of ingratitude with other sin.  Therefore, we will try to deal with some types of anger, depression, self-pity, and complaining spirit, defiance, and grumbling…but continue to return to the same prayer of forgiveness…frustrated with defeat…and moving on, yet never, truly dealing with the real problem!

The Bible tells us that David was a “man after God’s own heart.” Consider the context of II Samuel 7:

  • David has consolidated his kingdom

  • David brought up the ark and placed it in a tent

  • David built a palace for himself

  • God has given David a “breather” from battle with his enemies (7:1)

  • David is convicted he has a house of cedar, but the ark has a tent (7:2)

  • Nathan the prophet’s first response is “Go ahead” (7:3)

  • The LORD then tells Nathan to tell David “No” to David’s plan

  • The LORD has a different plan: build a house for David

  • David’s house and kingdom will be forever (7:16)

  • The Davidic covenant: The Messiah will come through David’s line

David’s response is overwhelming gratitude!  Think about it now…David’s plans…His dreams…had been suddenly cut short with the LORD saying “NO.”  No, to this very tangible plan of building a house for the LORD, and the LORD instead promised David something he would not live to see!  This promise of the Messiah through David’s descendants did not come for another 1,000 years when Jesus was born!!  Complete fulfillment will still not take place until the millennial reign of Christ!!

Disappointment or Anger could have been David’s response – instead, his response is gratitude? Isn’t that interesting? I mean, I know when my expectations are not met, I sometimes struggle with having a civil heart, let alone a thankful heart! Don’t you?

“So much has been given to me that I have no time to ponder that which I don't have.”—Helen Keller

“Giving thanks is not a matter of feeling thankful, it is a matter of obedience.”—Joni Erickson Tada (she is a quadriplegic)

“The pilgrims made seven times more graves than huts—nevertheless, [they] set aside a day of thanksgiving.”—H. W. Westermeyer

“Gratitude is an offering precious in the sight of God, and it is one that the poorest of us can make and be not poorer but richer for having made it.”—Unknown

How do we find true gratitude in crushing moments like these?

1.  True gratitude is focused on the sovereignty of God

Consider David’s position in life at this time.  He is King.  He lives in a beautiful palace.  He is at a time of rest.  He truly could have been overtaken with his own pleasures -- and could have of given little, to no consideration to the things of God – but he doesn’t.  He is taken with God!  He wants the people to worship God.  He wants a house for the ark.

In 2008, 4,000 books were published on happiness which is significantly more than the 50 books which were published in 2000. (Source: Psychology Today, January 1, 2009).  Another source stated that in 2012, Amazon sold over 23,000 books on the subject of happiness. 

As our nation continues this path of walking away from relationship with God, we will only see the search for happiness become even more elusive. 

If people would read the Bible and seek relationship with Jesus, they would find the key to true joy! 

So, even when David’s dream is taken from him…he is overwhelmed by God.  Do you know why we often wrestle with ingratitude?  It is due to our own  self-focused attention!  We are bent on our OWN fulfillment…our OWN comfort…our OWN happiness.

We have somehow come to a point in the USA Bible preaching churches that our happiness is at the center of God and His glory.  In other words, God exists to meet my needs. This could not be further from the truth!  It is not my right that God sent Jesus to die for me.  It is not my right that God gives me air to breathe and strength to walk.  It is not my right, but it is the act of the Holy, Sovereign, Loving God!  This life is not about God meeting my needs…this life is about me worshipping, serving, living for the one true God...this life is about my living for the express purpose of giving glory to our great God!

Many believers are living self-centered lives, not repenting of sinful choices like ingratitude, and then wondering why God is not meeting their needs!  Many have even gone to church today for their problems to be solved.  However, is our  desire for our problems to be solved motivated with a desire to glorify God…or are they motivated by simply being happy once again

o   Where is the burden of David in the church today

o   Where is the longing to worship God for who He is? 

o   Where is the longing to fulfill God’s purpose to glorify God and not our ourselves?!

Listen to the voice of the Lord in Luke 9:23. His call is for surrender and a yielded will.  He does NOT say, “Follow me and I’ll give you everything you want in order to live a happy and comfortable life!”

Do you want true gratitude this thanksgiving?  Choose to shift your focus to giving God the glory!  Aim for His target, His purpose, His will. 

…next week we will consider two more truths to consider when looking for gratitude in crushing times.