4 Joy Connections

“He’s got connections.”  Have you ever heard that? They move to the front of the line…they get the best seats in the house…they get hired for an amazing job…or they hunt on prime hunting land. How did they get that?”  The answer?  “I’ve got connections.”

What about people who always are joyful?  They are smiling and they often look like the cat that swallowed the canary.  But when you take a look at their life, you are puzzled. They work long hours…their home needs repairs…they or their spouse may even have some health problems. What’s their secret? Their life is harder than mine!

So, you ask them, “Why are you so joyful most of the time?  What’s your secret?” 

They say, “I’m connected!” 

But this time, that phrase means something more than, “the VP of the company is my neighbor” or “my brother went to college with the owner.”  This time, “I’m connected,” is a reference to someone who is available to anyone on earth.  Every human being who wants to experience real joy must be connected to God with genuine relationship!  The good news is – God wants a relationship with you.  In fact, God loves you!  Believe it or not…it is true.  The all-knowing God saw you – and me – with all our “mess ups” and declared He loves us!  Look at I John 4:7-11, 19.  Incredible, right?

So, what are the right connections for lasting joy?

1. RelationshipJohn 15:11

We choose to develop the relationships we pursue because we believe it will be pleasing, satisfying, and desirable.  We do not pursue primary relationships thinking, “I cannot stand them.”  John 15:11 is shouting this truth to everyone that will listen – MORE JOY…REAL JOY…COMES FROM THE GIVER OF JOY! 

When our chief relationship is not with God…we are not connected, like we need to be.  So, what kind of relationship do you have with God?  This is vital! This relationship affects every other relationship you will ever have!

2. Hope (in God…from God) – Romans 15:13

The Greek lexicon also uses the word faith to translate this Greek word into English.  Our hope comes from God…after all, God is described here as the “God of hope.”  So, when our hope is rooted in something or someone else, we are disconnected – for hope is truly only found in God!

3. FaithfulnessActs 20:24

When there is a correct understanding of finding true joy in genuine relationship with God, and that joy is built further with stronger hope (faith) in God, then I will find great joy in faithfully following God’s mission for me. Paul does not even consider self-preservation higher than finishing his mission!

Make no mistake, God’s mission for you always involves the gospel!  The gospel is God’s saving grace. Maybe for you, you need to begin by receiving the gospel.  For others you need to continue your journey with pointing others to the gospel, and yet for others, you may need to continue with investing in the lives of others with the gospel.  We are saved from destruction because of the gospel.  We must also live the gospel message.  We must live the message of ultimate love.

4. FriendshipII Corinthians 1:24

Paul calls himself the “helper of their joy.”  This phrase is connected to the phrase in 1:23 (“not as yet unto Corinth”) and 2:1 (“not come to you in heaviness”).  Paul didn’t want to come for another visit to chide the church.

Paul didn’t want to be seen as a master over them (“Not for that we have dominion over your faith”).  This is a discipleship relationshipThe motive in this correction is for their joy!

The right kind of friends will help you improve your relationship with God…but you have to heed what you hear when you know it is in line with the Bible. 

One more thing – we all need to be the right kind of friend for others.  We cannot simply take from others…and we cannot simply live life resisting right thinking because we are too angry or too hurt… and then still be able to claim the spiritual higher ground!  If we insist on living life in a position of taking or resisting…or both…we will effectively rob ourselves of joy and we will only have ourselves to blame for this life altering theft.

March madness just ended.  Some with a natural athletic abilities and skill may have watched the games thinking, I wish I could play basketball like that!  Well, we all know that even the NBA greats spent most of their free time with basketball drills, conditioning, and study of the game.  They changed everything in their life to pursue that goal.

You may say, “I want to be joyful!”  Then we must understand that changes are needed! Then you need to get connected with genuine relationship with God.  It all begins there.  As the relationship deepens, so will your faith in God (but be careful you do not substitute faith in God for faith in men).  Then faithfulness to God will begin to grow joy within you (and good friendships will encourage each step along the way)!