5 Struggles We Have with Loving God

I believe it would safe to say the large majority of the church realizes that God commands us to love one another. It would probably also be safe to say that many in the church view this command with a lack of intent to obey. However, did you know there are actual negative outcomes to the lack of love? These outcomes include things like: anxiety, doubt, suspicion, lack of trust, fear, withdrawal, self-protection, development of bad habits, and unbalanced future relationships. So, we can actually play a major role in helping prevent others from even walking the path of these struggles with simply showing them genuine biblical love.

We must add to our faith love for the church and those outside the church! This must be an active choice on our part. (II Peter 1:5-7)

  • ...and to godliness brotherly kindness...” — Spiritual Growth ought to exhibit a love for the church, because they are believers (Galatians 6:10). So, literally, this is a love for all believers that overflows from our love for God. Love for God stirs our reverence for God to greater depth. So, it goes like this:

  • My reverence for God (add to your faith...godliness) grows as my love for God deepens... (1:6b)

  • As my love for God deepens, it overflows to other believers (1:7a)

  • As my love for God grows and it overflows to all believers, it must also choose ("add to your faith") to love all mankind (1:7b).

Illustration: Kanye West recently made his profession of faith public and he released new Christian album. He has taken this abundant attention to speak of Jesus. He has had opportunity to point others to the gospel on a world-wide stage. There are believers rejecting Kanye as a believer because of his past and because of his present family connections. Please consider these 3 observations:

1. These nay-saying believers are exercising a lack of faith -- as though it is impossible for someone like Kanye to be saved. Isn't this what we pray for? Don't we long to see "people like Kanye" saved? Why do we then look to discredit the very thing for which we pray?

2. These nay-saying believers look at Kanye as a greater sinner than they are...as though he couldn't get saved. They have lost their way. The truth is, "I am the greatest sinner I know...and I don't deserve to be saved -- but God, by His grace, saved ME!" And, you are the greatest sinner you know.

3. These nay-saying believers are thinking logically, not biblically. What does a real, brand new believer look like? What did you look like? None of us had the spiritual maturity we have today...and we are no where near what we still need to become. There is much yet in which to grow!

  • ...and to brotherly kindness charity...” — Spiritual Growth ought to practice love for all mankind.

    • Growing faith will point all mankind to Jesus with genuine love (tolerance of personality quirks or imperfections, beneficence)

    • Growing faith will have this love overflow from the Holy Spirit’s control. THIS IS SPIRIT-FILLED LOVE. THIS IS FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT!

So, the key is really connected to loving God.

5 Struggles we have with loving God:

My main goal is NOT to know God.

  • My main purpose has more to do with personal peace, joy, and/or blessing. My mind's main meditation is usually stuff other than Jesus. I am moved by an emotional movie or song or book... I am willing to pay more for front section seats at a concert, political event, or sporting event...I make every effort to adjust my schedule so I don't miss family gatherings or special programs... but I don't give God the same higher priority. To be clear, there's nothing wrong with these things as they stand alone; however, they ought not be the believer's main goal. -- Colossians 3:1-2; Romans 12:2

    • Why do I sit at the back of a church service and leave as quickly as possible, but I will sit towards the front of a concert, sporting event, or political rally -- and stay after to try and get a picture with someone in the event or to talk to others who also attended?

    • Why do I get so involved in or excited about a football game, or hunting, or a riveting movie...but I show little interest in church ministries that help see souls saved, that make disciples, that meet the needs of the needy, and that grow me (and others) as believers?

    • Why would I pay a good deal of money for recreation or travel, but I don't think I have enough money to tithe?

    • Is my main goal truly to know God and grow my relationship with Him? "God gives salvation to the needy, but gives the deep things of His heart to the hungry who refuse to live without them." (Source Quote: Unknown)

My love has became dull.

Remember how it feels when you come across a new favorite song? You play it over and over again until it becomes old to you...and then you move to something else. How about when you were first married? The spark in your marriage was exciting and lively...but over time you become too comfortable with each other. You drifted to the point that when you saw each other it was nothing more than, "Oh, its you." Has your love for God become so common in your heart and mind that it is now dull? Has your memory failed to recall your sweet Savior's sacrifice for you? Is your passion for God still growing and thriving? -- Revelation 2:2-5; II Corinthians 5:21

My heart has been given over to the world.

Your love for God has waned to something very small. As a result, your love for lost souls has vanished as well. Something else has replaced this position that belongs only to God! It could be sin. It could also be something that is honestly good and right (family, work, possessions, personal time, etc...) -- but it ceased to be good and right when it replaced God...and perhaps you didn't realize that until this moment. -- Jeremiah 2:32; Proverbs 23:26

My prayer life has suffered a breakdown.

This person may have read their Bible from Genesis to Revelation many times over. This person can know everything about God, but yet know nothing of God. There is a deeper, more intimate relationship with God that comes only through prayer. So few people want to seek out God in prayer anymore. Our prayer meetings (nationally) have become smaller and viewed as unnecessary. We will say:

  • We want to make an impact for God.

  • We want to see souls saved.

  • We want to have greater spiritual victory.

  • We want to see our church grow spiritually and numerically.

  • We want to build a new building on Lincoln Avenue.

  • We want to see more young families added to the church.

...but we do not want to spend the needed time in prayer over these wants -- or should I say, the needed time in prayer over these needs! Are we desperate for the Lord? Are you longing for Him? What evidence does our life give of this longing? -- Genesis 32:26; Jeremiah 29:13; I Chronicles 22:19; James 4:2

My time has been given away...by me.

Time has become a premium in today's society. It is highly treasured and sought after. However, we all have the same amount of time to spend every day. We all spend our time on what matters most to us...on what we value the most. If you are struggling giving God the time due Him, you need to reevaluate your values. What you value most will be seen in where and how you spend your time. Do you have the right values... values that drive you to time with God in prayer? You might say, "I do have the right values. I just don't live by them all the time." Actually, that's not true. Everyone lives according to their values. Everyone spends their time on the things that matter most to them. The ones who say they aren't living according to their values aren't being honest with themselves as to what their values truly are! And at that point, it takes a good deal of humility to honestly see that one has embraced values they don't want to be known by! Do our values include things like: gospel speaking/living/investing, people (loving, helping), excellence, commitment, trust, cooperation, and community? These are values God has for us. --Matthew 6:21; James 4:10; I Peter 5:6

Some time ago there was a wicked man. He had a dominant personality. He was a force to be reckoned with. He tolerated no one that opposed his views. It is proven that he even went to his superiors to find a way to legally lock people up in prison who disagreed with him -- and he succeeded! He caused total panic to those who knew him...or even heard of him. Then one day he got saved and gave his life over to Christ. It would be years before the church would believe he was the real deal. It wasn't until a more mature believer befriended, taught him, and helped him -- showed him true love when no one else would -- that other believers would even meet with him. This man's name was Saul of Tarsus. True love demonstrated by Barnabas made a huge impact on the one who eventually wrote the majority of the NT and traveled on 3 separate missionary journeys -- seeing countless saved and local church after local church established.

We must deal with these struggles in our lives so that we may love God and others. The truth is, we all need to love one another. May we love God and others just as we long to be loved ourselves -- and even better, just as God has already loved and continues to love each of us!