“Be strong and of good courage. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”

Joshua 1:9

COURAGEOUS is an adult men’s retreat. With all the distractions and pressures in our everyday lives, we understand it is much easier to simply follow the crowd. So, where is the crowd headed?

  • In a recent study: lack of commitment, extra-marital affairs, and abuse are the leading causes of divorces.

  • It has also been discovered that pornography has a greater online audience than TikTok, Netflix, and Amazon.

  • Church attendance across the country has also declined significantly since 2020.

No doubt there are men who have attempted to make positive changes, but victory still seems out of reach for too many. Many then get tired and courage eludes them. Desperation sets in and all men then want is peace and freedom from the guilt.

We must do betterbut we are not our own solution!

Are you looking for solutions to relationship struggles? Are you looking for victory over anger or lust? Are you tired of fighting with yourself and others? Invest a few hours of your time and join us on this COURAGEOUS journey with other men seeking solutions!


COURAGEOUS Men’s Retreat Details:

  • Date: August 23-24, 2024

  • Speaker: Brent Sivnksty

  • Registration cost: $40

  • Location: 11771 Lincoln Avenue, Marshfield, WI

  • Friday’s Schedule:

    • 6:30 PM - Dinner

    • 7:15 PM - 1st Session

  • Saturday’s Schedule:

    • 9 AM - Lite Breakfast & Coffee

    • 9:30 AM - 2nd Session

    • 10 AM - Shooting Clay Pigeons & Fellowship

    • 11:15 AM - 3rd Session

    • Noon - Lunch

    • 1 PM - Final session

Register below. The church will contact you to confirm your registration and answer any further questions.